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Old 04-01-2006, 05:49 AM   #7
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When I was "shave-high-to-a-knee'er" err.. sumpin' like that near edge-o-Lake Erie in Cleveland Ohio, I heard a song I distinctly recall containing the stick-in-your-head phraseology of (phonetically):

North on-TAre-I-oh

"Ontario" was deliberately mispronounced , with the emPHASis on the wrong syLLABle at the "I" of Ontar"i"o, and the TA as well . A local folk song ?

Does this sound like the song you downloaded ? I remember nothing else of the song, but I DISTINCTLY remember that riff.

Bearing in mind in the land of cleves I was not listening to (not real) "erudite music daily" . or (this was real high-brow, with the venerable Case Western Reserve University downtown, quite... I should say) , (real station)-"from the lands of the Western reserve,.... the Quiet Island".... hmmm

I was just listening to "WIXY TOP FOOOOOURTY".

A painful childhood memory also recalls this North onTArIo in the middle of an aproximately 6th grade music/choir class from a pseudo folk-song of the area of the Great Lakes.

Painful cause most of the guys had the NEW cool wire-rim glasses and I was stuck with the band-aid- in-the-middle-of-the-nose-bridge black plastic glasses. They were definately getting the chicks, too. I KNEW it was the glasses, or maybe the generic band-aids versus brand-name.
LOL j/k -
do the above two possibilities help any ? or sound like the one you've got ? not likely I reckon' , as u likely would not download such geekoid stuff as I just waxed on about : )
- Steve
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