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Go Back   Gordon Lightfoot Forums > Peewee Charles

Conversation Between Peewee Charles and johnfowles
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. johnfowles
    06-17-2008 08:44 AM
    so Ed I see that you took my advice and joined corfid. Now hows about posting or even replying to my last email in which I repeated a number of questions. I shall email again on Thursday and give you a draft of a proposed posting that I could make to either my own original Peewee thread or the one Valerie Magee started because you gave her the correct working myspace link instead of the spurious one you had emailed to me, but never corrected despite my asking.Oh well.
    Valerie said when I asked her in an Instant Messenger chat that perhaps you did not want to post on corfid yourself.
    I'd be happy to post whatever you like. my draft will be basically what you told me in your second email including the project to do a Gord tribute.

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