02-04-2009, 08:27 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Thank you for all playing - we are two closer, compared to this morning's update. Hope you are all enjoying this list of ten !
8 Down - 2 to go now !
All songs can be found in Lightfoot.ca under Lyrics/Chords.
All songs are in the 'main 20 albums'
================================================== ========
Q326 .... 'round.... - X oTJ gets it with 'Cotton Jenney'
Q327 .... at dawn - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q328 ... number - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q329 .... air - X formerlyLavender gets it with 'That Same Old Obsession'
Q330 Reminds .... - - X Lynn gets it with 'Bells of the Evening'
Q331 Sometimes .... - X joveski gets it with ''Sometimes I Don't Mind''
Q332 .... the moon, .... - X oTJ gets it with 'The Last Time I Saw Her Face'
Q333 Nothing .... - X Ron gets it with 'Too Late for Prayin''
Q334 Remember .... - X Char gets it with 'Remember Me'
Q335 ....woodland,water.... - X Lynn gets it with 'Pussy-Willows, Cat-Tails'
================================================== ========
All songs written by: Gordon Lightfoot .
8 DOWN 2 TO GO !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-04-2009, 07:18 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
2nd Clue for Q327 : a dwelling, a man , a gun
2nd clue for Q328 little town, smell of food
Additional note: the above words or phrases are not necessarily at all lyrics verbatim in the songs; they are meant to help you think of the song.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-04-2009, 07:57 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
could #327 be "Is there anyone home?"
02-04-2009, 08:47 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q328 ... number
"I'm a name with no number"
It's a "pretty little town" with "the sound of the beans boiling".
That was a tough "number" to find!
~~ Lynn
"Travel with me if you choose, into a land of notions"
02-05-2009, 01:20 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by joveski
could #327 be "Is there anyone home?"
You betcha Mende, if you want it to be... do you want it to be ?
I think you want it to be. So I say, it is so. lol You got it ! Its right..lol...
ok - Q327....at dawn = 'Is There Anyone Home' ? YES ! You Got It !
Thanks Mende for nailing one of the last two. That leaves only Q328.
That means I gotta have ten new ones ready ! I'll post yours in the final board after I look at the next one: Q328,.... looks like we may be done !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-05-2009 at 06:17 AM.
02-05-2009, 06:10 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by 4LaneStudios
Q328 ... number
"I'm a name with no number"
It's a "pretty little town" with "the sound of the beans boiling".
That was a tough "number" to find!
Thanks Lynn ! You got it ! Was it the 2nd clue - the other 2nd clue, not the one in my long-winded reply to your recent shot at, uhn, which one I forget ! It was 327 ....at dawn I think. I wrote the long diatribe - then did a large font notification to all to make it fair of the '2nd clue' to 327. lol...
Anyhoo - you nailed 328 ! Q328 ... number = Borderstone correct ! Thanks for playing Lynn, and wrapping up the last of the ten ! Now we get ten new clues.... I'll shoot for your 50/50 idea again, which I tried to do here. Did it seem so ? I think it was more 70hard/30 easy myself, but what do I know. I just work here. Thats one of the dummest things I have ever heard an employee say in a store. Of course you work here, so go find my answer, or find someone who does know, and memorize it ! Then you'll get promoted if you do that a lot ! LOL..... But waddoo I know, I just work in this thread.... lol
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-05-2009, 06:55 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
OK HERE ARE TEN NEW CLUES, POSTED @ 3:55am.,Thurs.,FEB 5th, 2009 !
Round one - oTJ turns in one of the weidest words in Lightfoot's work - when taken out of context - .... insane .... from Stay Loose !
And speaking of out of context, extracting a 'left side word' with the 'right side word' if you know what I mean - clue .... man child song 'Mama Said'! - formerlyLavender nails this one I never would gotten myself.
And Jenney nails another , well, not so ODD a word as the ones above, but unusual word in a love song. I'd say 'Anything for Love' is a love song, wouldn't you ? Its more a song about love, than a love ballad ostensibly sung to a woman in the song, does that make sense ? Hard one, and Jenney nails it again. She's in the habit of doing 4 out of 10 !
All songs are in the 'main 20 albums'
================================================== ======== - THE ...THAT'S IN A LIGHTFOOT SONG ? - LIST
Q336 .... wild waves .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q338 ... shadows lick .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q339 Batterred .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q340 .... man child - X formerlyLavender gets it with 'Mama Said'
Q341 .... desperately - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q343 Passion .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q344 .... alibi .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Anything for Love'
Q345 .... insane .... - X oTJ gets it with 'Stay Loose'
================================================== ========
All songs written by: Gordon Lightfoot .
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-05-2009 at 01:02 PM.
02-05-2009, 07:27 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Stay Loose
To be insane beyond belief
02-05-2009, 08:30 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Indeed, in fact, it was the memory of the Stay Loose vistory that helped me with this one because I remember looking for a picture of a girl/woman/female that appeared to be "insane beyond belief".
I'll be starting on the Broken Dreams vistory in the next day or two...so, in the near future, don't choose any lyrics from that tune or I'll clear the board real quick :-)
Last edited by TomCat Productions; 02-05-2009 at 08:39 AM.
02-05-2009, 08:58 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by TomCat Productions
Stay Loose
To be insane beyond belief
Hi everyone - as usual on a blabberty-rich page, if you wish to view only game-consequential info, jump on down to the ole' 'BAK TO BIZ'
Howdy oTJ - are you up late like me or early to rise ? = Lessee here - you're in Eastern Std. - so its 7:45 am out there right ? You're no where near Easterly enough to be in the primarily Maritime Province-dominated Atlantic time Zone as I recall the "Time Zone Map" - while jagged for various reasons, hmm it essentially runs at change zone every 15 degrees of Longitude/Hour - and you are you are very roughly 30 degrees Easterly of me (I'm in Mtn. Std. Time Zone), and hence you should be in Eastern.
Then again there's common sense, which arrives at the same conclusion. But its more fun when I am bored to make it more complicated. Thats why when I consult I like to charge hourly ! j/k..!
I could pull up the map, but people would think I am obsessive about maps....well I am ( looking furtively in all directions to make sure no one hears) - not obsessive in the clinical sense, but 'enamoured of' in the most, er.....admirable way.
Here's the worst it gets. I deliberately open a 75 Year old Nat Geo atlas, or RandyMac gilt-edged pages, gold-stamped Title on the cover and binder edge, and when it opens, with low-wattage oblique lighting, the dust rises just so...and then (this is the worst part)... you know how love the aroma of your father's pipe-tobaco, or good new harness leather ? - And BTW - its best to read a good Atlas in a full-grain leather club chair, that adds the good leather aroma !
Well, in that healthy frame of mind, since I love maps, and my father taught me the love of maps, enough that I chose it as a career, and I love maps, and atlases... so I open the atlas, and, well, inhale the aroma of old linen-based, high-quality bond; high-poundage-guilt-edged paper....lol.... it smells like....once-in-a-lifetime-trips, open it to the center page - and Western Europe at the stitched center. And I flip through the pages, look at the map without reading the legend, and guess the projection based on techy-stuff I won't bore you with, er... I'm probably boring you now !
okkk guessing what the gatefold map will be - usually a 2-page Robinson Projection of the World, unless its made before about 1944 or so, have to double check but he was a Professor of Geodesy and Cartography at Univ. of Wisc., Madison. He was a WWII Bomber Navigator because of his background, and the Robinson Projection he derived to portray a more equitable map for geo-political reasons, as the grossly-over-used and ill-used Transverse Mercator Projection (its meant ONLY for navigation, as great-circle arcs are straight lines on it, but it comically and grotesquely distorts and enlarges land mass size, and consequentially makes the extreme Latitudes i.e. > 65 degrees N or S look like stretched out laundry hanging outside frozen stiff in its distortion so bad its funny.
It also for "political" reasons (Trans Mercator) had its std. parallels set at 40 N and 40 South, so scale would be exact running right through around Germany by memory, Gerardus Mercator's home country in any event.
Handy scale exact for them in central Europe, (and Boulder Colorado!), but
its so bad even ole Gerardus stopped at 85 degrees N and S, and thought - "hmm thats too bad up there and down there... and who cares about Siberia and Alaska in the arctic Circle, and that it makes Greenland look almost as big as Australia he he we'll make 'em create a polar map projection for 85 - 90 N and S - and ...er...about 200 years later we did...the Polar Stereographic Projection.
A good compromise on a equal-area map projection for general display of the world is either Robinson's, or Goode's Interrupted Homolisine Equal Area Conformal... - the one that looks like someone cut an orange peel running up and down on lines of longitude, but stopped cutting at the equivalent of 85 degrees...surprise.. and then flattened-out the whole thing to dry (a 'developed' map projection) ....but we don't get to cut em and smoosh them, we have to use pages and pages of math..... you gotta love it ! Well now surely I have bored you... if you were up late versus up early, this ought to have helped you get asleep lol......
================================================== =====
Q345 .... insane .... = Stay Loose ? It sure does ! Did a memory of a Vistory help you on this odd little one ? lol... Well Done I'll post it...'BIG BAD 'X'
Thanks for playing oTJ
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-05-2009 at 12:11 PM.
02-05-2009, 09:43 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q344 .... alibi ....
you had no alibi because We'd do anything for love.
Anything For Love
02-05-2009, 12:22 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q340 - ...man child
Mama Said
"Mama said son you're my one man child"
02-05-2009, 12:31 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by Jenney
Q344 .... alibi ....
you had no alibi because We'd do anything for love.
Anything For Love
Hi Jenney - You had time for this and a cup of coffee this morning before heading to work ? lol... I'm glad you could join the early risers club this am, with a new list of ten - a special edition titled ' THE ...THAT'S IN A LIGHTFOOT SONG ? - LIST' ..lol
OK 'tseeer:
Q344 .... alibi .... = 'Anything For Love' ? - you got it Jenney, Congrats. I'll post your big- 'X'
Have a great day !
ps afunny note you might not have seen if you were in a hurry on
Q345 .... insane .... : oTJ responded with initially:
Stay Loose
To be insane beyond belief
To which I asked him:
Q345 .... insane .... = Stay Loose ? It sure does ! Did a memory of a Vistory help you on this odd little one ? lol... Well Done I'll post it...'BIG BAD 'X'
To which he responded:
Indeed, in fact, it was the memory of the Stay Loose vistory that helped me with this one because I remember looking for a picture of a girl/woman/female that appeared to be "insane beyond belief".
I'll be starting on the Broken Dreams vistory in the next day or two...so, in the near future, don't choose any lyrics from that tune or I'll clear the board real quick :-)
Absolutely hilarious, but unusual task to complete a vistory !
Well, regarding your morning's input
Thanks for playing Jenney !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-05-2009, 12:48 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by formerlylavender
Q340 - ...man child
Mama Said
"Mama said son you're my one man child"
formerlyLavender: I can't believe someone found this, the two words I cut out, out of context with 'man child' , like a man who never matured emotionally from boyhood - which its not about -its all in the journalist's trick in taking things out of context. But, I've learned to NEVER underestimate corfidites in the tiniest details we remember about the music we love, and of course the performer OK lets put it in ink:
Q340 ...man child = Mama Said ? - yep, it does... I still can't believe someone found this one...wow...lol
I'll post your BIG - 'X'
I think I am amazed frequently of the UA period stuff you guys nail so quick in my estimation, seems that way to me because I could not answer them that quick myself, because, I think, I am not as found of the UA period, actually no where near as fond as the Warner years notably '70 - '82, and then once again starting with Painter and Harmony. I sure wish he could do just ONE more....
Thanks for playing formeryLavender
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-05-2009, 12:50 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q342 Hidden.....
Song : Knotty Pine
Lyric : Hidden deep within
I will be her slave eternally
02-05-2009, 12:55 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q338 .... shadows lick ...
Song: Rosanna
Lyric: A fire softly glows and the shadows lick the walls
Portland OR USA
- if you meet him you will be/ the victim of his minstrelsy/ he'll sing for you a song
"You could wrap me around your finger"
02-05-2009, 01:09 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
OK HERE IS A FIRST-ROUND UPDATE, POSTED @ 10:05am.,Thurs.,FEB 5th, 2009 !
Round one - oTJ turns in one of the weirdest words in Lightfoot's work - when taken out of context -
.... insane .... from Stay Loose !
his comments are even funnier, check 'em out !
And speaking of out of context, extracting a 'left side word' with the 'right side word' if you know what I mean - clue .... man child ,from: 'Mama Said'! - formerlyLavender nails this one I never would gotten myself. Never. But I am not as versed on the UA period.
And Jenney nails another , well, not so ODD a word as the ones above, but unusual word in a love song. I'd say 'Anything for Love' is a love song, wouldn't you ? Its more a song about love, than a love ballad ostensibly sung to a woman in the song, does that make sense ? Hard one, and Jenney nails it again. She's in the habit of doing 4 out of 10 !
All songs are in the 'main 20 albums'
================================================== ========
Q336 .... wild waves .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q338 ... shadows lick .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q339 Batterred .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q340 .... man child - X formerlyLavender gets it with 'Mama Said'
Q341 .... desperately - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q343 Passion .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q344 .... alibi .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Anything for Love'
Q345 .... insane .... - X oTJ gets it with 'Stay Loose'
================================================== ========
All songs written by: Gordon Lightfoot .
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-05-2009, 01:23 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by RM
Q342 Hidden.....
Song : Knotty Pine
Lyric : Hidden deep within
I will be her slave eternally
Hey Ronster , how are ya this morning ?
Q342 Hidden..... = Knotty Pine ? Yep ! You got 'er Ron.
I gotta admit - this one seems tough to me. But, I've been saying that about all of em ' 3 is all before this one. Maybe the other 6 will turn in fast, ?
Could you hear this one in your head ? Or did you use resources Ron ? I'm just curious cause I don't think I would have gotten it. Its cool if you did, you know we did dump the rule that looking up was cheating, so its even more casual to tell all - Enquiring minds want to know ! I like the vistory for this song - having sold that knotty pine panelling that house had inside -
8" On Center, shiplap, and in Colorado we were selling a LOT of Beetle-kill spruce, Aspen, and pine. And it went for top dollar ! Go figure.... worm eaten wood getting more than clear select ! Such a deal. Thanks for playing Ron.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-05-2009, 01:33 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by mandoann
Q338 .... shadows lick ...
Song: Rosanna
Lyric: A fire softly glows and the shadows lick the walls
Howdy MandoAnn ! Q338 .... shadows lick ... = Rosanna ?
Yes it does ! You got it ! Nicely done Mando - I'll post it & BIG X !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-05-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by geodeticman.5
Could you hear this one in your head ? Or did you use resources Ron ? I'm just curious cause I don't think I would have gotten it. Its cool if you did, you know we did dump the rule that looking up was cheating, so its even more casual to tell all - Enquiring minds want to know !
I played it the way I do all the quizzers (unless I confess to cheating). I might have 4 or 5 song possibilities in mind, and then I go to Wayne Francis' site to confirm or reject. I certainly can't remember, or read through, all the lyrics to all the songs. In this case, it was the fourth attempt.
Last edited by RM; 02-05-2009 at 01:45 PM.
02-05-2009, 01:45 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
2nd-ROUND UPDATE, POSTED @ 10:45am.,Thurs.,FEB 5th, 2009 !
All songs are in the 'main 20 albums'
================================================== ========
Q336 .... wild waves .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q338 ... shadows lick .... - X mandoann gets it with 'Rosanna'
Q339 Batterred .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q340 .... man child - X formerlyLavender gets it with 'Mama Said'
Q341 .... desperately - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q342 Hidden .... - X Ron gets it with 'Knotty Pine'
Q343 Passion .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Q344 .... alibi .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Anything for Love'
Q345 .... insane .... - X oTJ gets it with 'Stay Loose'
================================================== ========
All songs written by: Gordon Lightfoot .
5 TO GO !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-05-2009, 02:39 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q336 .... wild waves ....
In the sunset the wild waves are calling, my shadow is following you
Go My Way
Q339 Batterred
Battered and bruised I have pulled myself through
Welcome to try
Q343 Passion .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Passion burning bright
Right at the end of Only Love Would Know
Q341 .... desperately
The dead leaves of autumn that cling so desperately
Peaceful Waters
I've been listening to a lot of GL lately!
Last edited by Jenney; 02-05-2009 at 02:49 PM.
02-06-2009, 10:50 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by RM
I played it the way I do all the quizzers (unless I confess to cheating). I might have 4 or 5 song possibilities in mind, and then I go to Wayne Francis' site to confirm or reject. I certainly can't remember, or read through, all the lyrics to all the songs. In this case, it was the fourth attempt.
============================== DETOUR TO NEXT POST
Yes, just blindly looking say in Lightfoot.ca would be a very large undertaking.. . But the method you speak of -the 4 or so guesses as candidates, then validating one of the 4 in lightfoot.ca - very smart. Even at that, I say there's a reason the regular and sporadic player's list in total is a short one. I think when all this started out - I was giving 4 -6 increasingly shorter clues - but they were 6 words , 5 words, etc., on down to the ultimate ...lol hard clue -two words or so !
Or one, if definative..... and more people played. But when, as explained in the next paragraph, the player count went down, what in fact preceeded that er...factoid by timing alone w/o yet inferring any corrolation, was that clue length grew shorter, and the player's roster grew..shorter. It might have been only a spurious corrolation, or, as I postulate below (sounds like something a man doesn't want to have done at the doctor...lol) - there could have been a few reasons I think interesting myself to overthink and overanalyze.....but who cares ? lol.... its only cyber-space - in theory, infinite.
In practice, while memory and disk are now cheap in relative terms, but remain the only limitation to ..infinite. (?). Even I would object to post lengths that long ;~) . And.... just because I logistically can cheaply (relative term only) do long threads til 'late, or turn in early and start very early, either way, my point is while I can write long thinking-out-loud posts, doesn't make them polite to do too much. As long as I can get my point out, I still need to work on more on shorter, more concise posts. Hence below a "4th option" in keeping with that concept lol..
I'd guess for 4 reasons the player count decreased over time. When the game was new, players in comparitive droves came in and gave 'er a try with a polite word and either liked it and stayed, or came back later when the page was not a maze of head-ache-inducing colours (actually Char they have allways been white, you are suffering flashbacks; from the late 60's lol...) or were a peek in, and saw it was not their cuppa, and said or inferred politely a 'no-thanks' because - big theorist here lol NOT:
1st -to simply check it out -the thread- with a polite try shot at it, and then a polite 'sorry no thanks', or ...we just never saw them again..lol..
2nd: the game got increasingly harder, due to: as the play started going so fast in keeping with those who were excelling in it, or -enjoying it- more, it was very hard for me to keep up with, and stay ahead of the curve, and so it seemed warranted by virtue of player's speed to cut down clue length, & the clues shortened to 1-2words, and that further either cut down on those who were able to play that fast, or just enjoyed it still and would answer when one or two struck their fancy, or no longer enjoyed it at that rate maybe ? - I dunno
3rd. perhaps was the initial novelty alone of a new thread of the type with an intrinsically high 'check it out' nature - not from any of my doings - the quiz formats, while different over time had a long history, and people remembered older ones, and naturally poked in I guess, and after checking it out, the majority, in fact, IMO simply chose that that type of game was not of interest, however well-adapted to it they may have been, by virtue of how the valleys and hills in their grey matter was arranged, not how much brain power they posessed. Rather, what 'type' of leisure thinking did they prefer I guess. OK.... their may have been a couple of people "not up to the task" early-on, to be kind, but danged if I know who !..lol....j/k, its been my experience that Lightfoot fans inherantly tend to be ..well, smart !
So, what I'm saying is, nowadays, you and other regulars plus the shortlist of faces we have periodically pop in and out ( & much welcomed I might add), are the only people that ( can and want to, or can but do not enjoy) mentally process(ing) info in this fashion for entertainment purposes - they do complex things at work - and want to come home, relax, and watch Benny Hill and Red Green !
...lol., in so far as those who have tried -I think you guys are some of the the most adaptive minded, or posessed of thinking patterns that happen to be suited to this, and want to, cause there are plenty just as sharp minded that have played, and politely peeled out, never to be seen again in this thread. I'm surely not saying other corfidites are not as smart; not at all.
Rather, I am talking about regardless of intellect level, its I think a particular mode of thought that some posess and or simply enjoy, while other people posess other strengths and varying modes of thought. Not better or worse - just.different. If the game matches the favoured or strongest thought patterns in the non-player-the shoe may fit, but they don't care for the style. I think thats the brilliant metaphor, I was searching for. Hah-says the little Machiavellian cynic on my shoulder. They probably just thought the game sucked ! lol
Thanks for the input Ron- I was only curious. Veddy schhmart, Hogan.
PS - a 4th possible reason: who knows; who cares; lets play....lol I figure that'd be your likely choice, oh man of few but well-reasoned words !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-06-2009 at 12:53 PM.
02-06-2009, 12:20 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Eastern Slope urban corridor, Colo. USA
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by Jenney
Q336 .... wild waves ....
In the sunset the wild waves are calling, my shadow is following you
Go My Way
Q339 Batterred
Battered and bruised I have pulled myself through
Welcome to try
Q343 Passion .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
Passion burning bright
Right at the end of Only Love Would Know
Q341 .... desperately
The dead leaves of autumn that cling so desperately
Peaceful Waters
I've been listening to a lot of GL lately!
Holy Crap Jenney, please excuse my language - you have outdone your self !
You're known 'round these here parts as being the fastest 4-song gun in the West lately, but you just aced a grand total in this list including the above -
5 songs in one list ! I'd say you've been listening to a lot of Lightfoot lately !
To avoid the following largely meaningless crap, simply go directly down to: OK BACK TO BIZ The rest is making fun of my mother-in-law , some of you may enjoy reading out of sheer principal.....lol.. 'cause, you see, I ain't been feeling quite right - had the shootin' pains - since Reagan took office and was puttin' that shoe polish in his hair !
Well if I die tomorrow, and I am not feelin' quite well you know....sniff.
I'll die happy - knowing that I just might have contributed to some corfidites listening to more of what they love - Lightfoot..... . When maybe...just maybe.. other-wise they might notta listened quite as much ! Yes ma'am I'll die a happy man - see'in's how I do have the shootin pains....and that catch in my side I been worryin' about... I just know its somethin' deadly....my days are numbered - and I'm PROUD to have know you all... my priv- OH SHUT UP STEVE AND JUST PLAY, WILL YA ? -
YEA WELL YOUR MOTHER WEARS.. oh ok sorry 'bout that... the peanut gallery - I let 'em get to me cause of the Roomatiz and the Lumbardo, or Lumbago, whatever it is thats takin me for sure... - Special announcement - the preceeding histrionic over-acting and psychogenic-origin medical complaints are actually based on geo steve's mother-in law, who has been swearing she's been dying for 25 years now - mind you the doctor has not said so, nor has he said openly he's concerned about anything, but she is 98% Pure Prime Grade AAA Hypochondriac, lately renamed psychogenic-based illness to fool patients and not let 'em know the doctor's on to 'em, but they can 'validate treating them' for nothing now that the new name for Hypochindriasis has been issued, and also cleverly been assigned a diagnosis code, which means - thats right folks - they can 'treat' psycho-genesis and bill for it, but the patients don't like the way the diagnosis sounds, so they either lie like hell to family, or they suddenly 'get better' - and don't need that damn Doctor, anyway ! Didn't know diddly ! Every 25 years I get my Mother-in-Law a sympathy card, she just loves 'em ! But even so maintains I'm a stupid a88 !
The following songs and respective clue numbers Jenny has gotten correctly and the intended songs as well ! :
Q336 Go My Way
Q339 Welcome to try
Q341 Peaceful Waters
Q343 Only Love Would Know
I have not done this in awhile, and I think today it is well warranted :
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-06-2009, 12:39 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Eastern Slope urban corridor, Colo. USA
Posts: 1,007
Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
3rd-ROUND UPDATE, POSTED @ 9:40am.,Fri.,FEB 6th, 2009 !
Jenney Lights Up The Saturn 5 Rocket
-Thats '5' for Her Nailing 5 of the 10 in this list ! A New Record ! WOW !
- How 'Bout A Big Congrats to Jenney !
Just...One....To....GO !
All songs are in the 'main 20 albums'
================================================== ========
Q336 .... wild waves .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Go My Way'
Q337 .... dig - X Jenney gets it with 'HnagDog Hotel Room'
Q338 ... shadows lick .... - X mandoann gets it with 'Rosanna'
Q339 Batterred .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Welcome to Try'
Q340 .... man child - X formerlyLavender gets it with 'Mama Said'
Q341 .... desperately - X Jenney gets it with 'Peaceful Waters'
Q342 Hidden .... - X Ron gets it with 'Knotty Pine'
Q343 Passion .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Only Love Would Know'
Q344 .... alibi .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Anything for Love'
Q345 .... insane .... - X oTJ gets it with 'Stay Loose'
================================================== ========
All songs written by: Gordon Lightfoot .
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-07-2009 at 11:25 PM.
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