Originally posted by tinacee1:
Do you know if Gordon will be coming to the UK in the future by any chance?
General response for tinacee1 re her UK concerts and Two Tones questions and also Chris
Parsons to his other topic
Firstly welcome to the forum Tinacee
and congratulations on your first two postings (according to your profile you had registered as long ago as January 2004 what took you so long??
Regarding the Two Tones this is the cover of their only album from 1962

Two Tones at the Village Corner Toronto
as you can see both Gord and Terry are playing guitars
the vinyl album was digitised as a CD and ebay auctioned frequently by a succession of British sellers one of whom also created jewel case insert artwork

A larger rear insert view showing track list
(there is also a "plus" version which includes the two sides of the Two Tones single
"Pretty Polly" plus a cover of Cliff Richards' Summer Holiday song "Lessons In Love"
As for the question posed by both of you asking "if Gordon will be coming to the UK in the future"
please pay $64,000 or at least a transatlantic airfare!!!
An increasing number of Brits have resorted to just that possibly starting with myself in November 1999. and including Bruna Zanelli from Shirley, Dan O'Malley from London and several others.
Backstage at Massey Hall im 1999 I actually videotaped Gord saying "We gotta get back to Britain" the same words he had used just before that in the BBC Radio Merseyside interview with Spenser Leigh (unfortunately I inadvertently recorded over that vital piece of videotape).I believe Gord is not happy flying such a long distance nowadays and especially since his 2002 aneurism I doubt if he would be inclined to come over and be far from known medical experts.
Very wise as I guess you appreciate Tina being as how you are in the trade so to speak.
So you two start the piggy bank now and join the gang for the anticipated November 2006 Toronto season. Meanwhile I strongly suggest making email contact with Bruna at
BrunaZanelli@aol.com (get the upper case pair right) as she may not yet have given up hope of setting up a gathering of UK fans there

See the topics at:-
John Fowles
I’m gonna let it ride
Here’s to the girls of
London And the ones from Montreal
We never will forget them
We still fantasize them all