08-25-2008, 09:23 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
formerlyLavendar, you got it on Q70 - ....sighs..... - - from "Softly". Congratulations !
That leaves onlty Q71 ....clowned.....
~geo steve
08-25-2008, 02:40 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
My trigger finger was itching, so I decided to take out........
Q71 - Cherokee Bend
08-25-2008, 06:39 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
RM's trigger-finger was a 'itchin....and he pulls the gun out and Cherokee Bend he shot out like it was the end......his eyes squinting in the noonday sun... er sundown... but Geo steve was facin' away from the sun, and little did RM know, there was a stunt tech behind steve with a bungee-chord on the gun...and he pulled it -snap- like lightnin...and both...lay silent...the crowd was afraid the thread was done but, what could it be, but Joveski..., who said politely to the crowd...,.. "folks"........pssst, Joveski, say somethin, save ...the threads......life.. ..umph...steve drops, in exhaustion..afraid the thread... is dead...."Jov.es"... he managed to cough out . ??
NEWS BUMMETIN....ER BULLLETIN: we interrupt this thread with breaking news, "geo steve" and "RM" have apparenty engaged in a life-or-stuntman-faked death verbal exchange of wits and ... sophomoric genre-correct humourous cliches... and await a hero to appear in the setting sun....the fate of the thread appears to be hanging in the balance..Mr. Joveski has saved this town before...but will he do it..again..Back to your regularly-sceduled thread" 'sirreebob that reminds me of the crepuscular, clouded day when I said with aplombe and excess adjectives in redundancy, to that ne'er do well,Sir... "shut-up steve" the post is over.... "oh...sorry guys I'm sorry... lol
will Joveski.... or another hero de jour save the day ?
thanks RM, CORRECT !
~geo steve
08-25-2008, 06:43 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q's 73 - 78 await your expression of interest...
Is the thread wanted.. dead or alive..?.. lol
08-25-2008, 10:34 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
folks will answer..many are getting kids ready for school, on holiday, busy with yardwork, outside enjoying the last of summer..be patient..
08-26-2008, 09:18 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
I enjoy the thread...I say keep it going.
08-26-2008, 10:54 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
OK formerlyLavendar  , Will do. Thanks !
Q76....each day....
Q77....rules on....
Have fun !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 08-26-2008 at 11:03 AM.
Reason: removed ambiguous case
08-26-2008, 02:11 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q73 - Much To My Surprise
Q78 - Bend In the Water
08-26-2008, 03:18 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q74= Shadows
Q75= Can't Depend on Love.
Last edited by JohninCt.; 08-26-2008 at 03:48 PM.
08-26-2008, 07:10 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
You replied:
Q73 - Much To My Surprise
Q78 - Bend In the Water
Well, I know Q73 is not the one I had in mind, but I went and checked it out at Wayne's (World) (Francis) site, and all I could find was " you", vs. ya, so check me out, but I gotta say, so far..sorry ma'am. There's one that'll come to ya that " ya" is real clearly heard.... BUT....
Q78 - Bend In the Water is CORRECT ! CONGRATULATIONS!.
you replied :
Q74= Shadows
Q75= Can't Depend on Love.
That leaves..
Q73.... ya.... clue: this one may be ambiguous, so another clue is .... know ya
Q76.... each day....
Q77.... rules on.....
Have fun !  when 'yer done in the sun  !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
08-26-2008, 07:25 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q77 - Dreamland
This is one of my favorite 'lesser known' Lightfoot tunes.
"Then you run the rules on me"
08-26-2008, 10:08 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
73: Wreck of the edmund fitzgerald
76: That same old obsession
08-27-2008, 12:58 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
RM - its one of my favorites, too - steve
Q77 - Dreamland
This is one of my favorite 'lesser known' Lightfoot tunes.
"Then you run the rules on me"
And Joveski - - did you see the song-fight at the GL corral ? - 7 posts above with RM and me ? lol
73: Wreck of the edmund fitzgerald
76: That same old obsession
more ?
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 08-27-2008 at 01:28 AM.
Reason: add comment
08-27-2008, 01:25 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
interest is up, RM, formerlyLavendar, and Joveski are all in town... the piano plays down at the saloon....... geo steve says "I'm gonna have me a rootin-tootin good time, and see if yuz can annsser theez ! pfft !!
Q's 79 - 84:
Q83....can't see....
Have fun cowpokes !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
08-27-2008, 04:01 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
79: That same old obsession
80: East of midnight? - an(other) in rangoon 
81: Shadows
82: Cant depend on love
83: Circle is small?? ('cannot see' is in that one)
84: Hey you
Last edited by joveski; 08-27-2008 at 04:25 AM.
08-27-2008, 06:51 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Clean-sweeps the lyrics Olympics by picking-up all 6 in a shut-out.! The "cannot" versus can't is a win not by K.O. but by decision, as that's close enough. Congratulations to the man from down under. Singlehandedly, he has saved the GL Corral again !
Meanwhile, Steve is back at the mountaintop retreat, and has beern furiously scribbling songs, lyrics, wadding up paper, throwing it out, starting over.... he wants to give the intrepid, the cognescente, and illuminati of the Lightfoot lyric, that these cunning....Feats of Leger Demaine...reap the reward of the valiant as once did the Knights of the Round Table. Even moreso, he wishes to further enLighthead them; as a dedicated public servant, he succesfully brings 6 more sets of encrypted word, phrase, idiome, or portion removed from great prose; that even the Socratic Philopher and the great Da Vinci himself would find a rewarding challenge to discerne the works of the great Troubadour by isolated word or phrase alone; written in song for the weary, the morose, the one who needeth hope, by the minstrele who is light of foot, pure and noble of heart, wise and learned of vast experience and countless readings of great works indeed !
....a runner takes the completed set of 6 new arcane clues down the trail from the remote and isolated outpost , where steve, triumphant but humbled by the magnificence of the prose he has been enLighthean'd by himself and given cause to contemplate; is in repose while simultaneously humming a single D-minor 7th over and over repeatedly, rocking back and forth, while perched in the 'Yurasses Dragon' position for meditation, which takes years of practice. He is held-up, cross-legged, "Indian-style" by just his thumbtips on the floor, having achieved Nirvana by being honoured to bring 6 more entries for the faithful, and the intelligentsia.
Will his diet-pepsi and power bars hold out ? Behold; let us witness great cogitations of lucid minds, that of the likes of Joveski, RM, formerlyLavender, Char, Jesse Joe, and JohninCt., and others of equal and Noble Soul have recently been engaged in races of wit, endurance, and razor-sharp thinking.
Of what type of song will the clues reveal ? From what apparent walk of life ?
Arts, Sciences, Mechanick Trades, notionall faculties ?, and whatever is excogitable by man, having Lightfoot's own Method ; by vertue whereof, the Learned of these latter times have orderly digested them : Yet hath none hitherto considered of a mark, whereby words of the same Faculty, Art, Trade, or Science should be dignosced from those of another by the very sound of the word at the first hearing. A Tree; a song, will be known by its leaves and hence its lyrics; a stone by its grit, a Flower by the fragrance, Meats by the taste, Musick by the ear, Colours by the eye, the severall Natures of things, with their properties and essentiall qualities, by the Intellect : and accordingly as the things are in themselves diversified, the Iudicious and Learned man after he hath conceived them aright, sequestreth them in the Severall cels of their understanding each in their definite and respective places. Prepare thyself for Questions 85 - 90, oh ye of faithful Light feet and spirit ! May song and word bring your hearts peace and contemplative restfullness upon completion in part or in whole, of...the Solutions.
Q88....blue light....
rejoice ! may you find myrth and merriment from this virtuous pasttime...
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
08-27-2008, 07:40 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by formerlylavender
I enjoy the thread...I say keep it going.
I find them difficult, but I am enjoying the thread as well... Just like formelylavender, I say "keep it going."
Joveski is very good at this... The Champ!!!
08-27-2008, 07:50 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
86: Protocol
08-27-2008, 08:44 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
89: Make Way For The Lady
08-27-2008, 09:05 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Jesse Joe says" keep 'em coming; they're hard, but he too wants to do more ! OK !
he ventures:
86: Protocol
89: Make Way For The Lady
Correct Jesse Joe ! CONGRATULATIONS !
4 MORE TO GO: Q's 85,87,88, & 90
Have fun ! and.. good to see you in the game Jesse Joe
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
08-27-2008, 09:20 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
I've love Gord's 'Can't Depend on Love' from 'Old Dan's Records' . Probably my favourite track of all time. Until I saw the lyrics, I always thought the 2nd line of the first verse ended with 'I was only trying to get by with some of life's "many tears" ', not "ameneties". Also, the last line of verse one, ' I can't depend on love to be "fair to me" ', not "defend me". If you put those changes in it sort of makes sense. It gives the song a different meaning, and one I can identify with. As I've sung it to myself like that for about 30 years it appears right. Martyn Miles .
08-27-2008, 09:36 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by geodeticman.5
Jesse Joe says" keep 'em coming; they're hard, but he too wants to do more ! OK !
he ventures:
Correct Jesse Joe ! CONGRATULATIONS !
4 MORE TO GO: Q's 85,87,88, & 90
Have fun ! and.. good to see you in the game Jesse Joe
Thanks Geo Steve,
I had gone downstairs but had the word 'gravy' in my mind, I knew I had heard it in a Gord song... And then like magic or something... lol, it came to me, "Making hay with no gravy, brings the good folk down."
Very good thread Geodeticman ! I also like what you do with your colors, in your posts...
RM was very good in getting the one with the word "clowned." I thought about that one for quite a while, even Monday when I was on the mower,  but just couldn't get it. Good job RM !
Last edited by Jesse Joe; 08-27-2008 at 01:48 PM.
08-27-2008, 09:45 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Ah - from Q 82 -"Can't Depend On Love" . I agree - those words work, like you say. I've always loved that song, and it has one uniqueness that stands out to me instrumentally. I don't think - off of the top of my head, that any other song has what I assume to be a HARP.It rips just a few times, but ads a light-hearted ..thing... to the song, making it unique in that regard to me.
The orchestration is beautiful, too, one of my hallmark reasons for liking the 70 - 78 period, and most specifically the 72 - 75 period. I'm glad this thread has had some general comments on the songs, too, as you chose;  just as I have tried to inject some humour, some western matinee, and this last piece of hooey I did announcing Q's 85 -90, I found bits and pieces of that on the thread from some really weird and pretentious grad student in literature stuff that was hilarious.... and strange. Not that I am that way, lol. This guy that did most of that actually created a new universal language, but all he did in his long paper was talk about it, not reveal it. haha .
I pulled lines here and there, changed the wording, and added the Lightoot'isms in order that I not plagiarize. It might be wise of me anyway to cite it. But this isn't an academic site... ya know ?...  I mean... we pull stuff off of the thread all the time, and the only citing we do is to hyperlink for people, I think. Still..... I'd hate to see my work - shudder if that was mine -that he wrote, if it were mine, torn-up, rewritten, and have humour and Lightfoot words replacing his " a little to serious stuff..." lol... Thanks for the input Martyn, and I hope to see you playing the quiz game herein.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
08-27-2008, 09:59 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Thanks, Jesse Joe ! Thinking of colours, I actually tried (harh) to do some of the colours in your thread on favourite album photo; for COTS, I used some Beige - the matting colour; and turquiose and denim blue - need no explanation. Part of why I like the cover painting/photo.
A subtle thing I would not have mentioned, unless someone brought it up, as you are here, is my signature, as a cartographer, I am steeped over the years in std. Federal Mapping colours. i.e. brown for contours on topos; cyan for deep water bodies, and light blue for shallow water bodies (medium blue for ocean), and make use of that only in my name geo steve.... helps me think of my work I love.... I otherwise am an idiote with color and art.... I'd be lost without programming and telling the computer to do it for me with algorithms !
p.s. notice how the color red appears to float off and up on the screen when it is on a blue background - they do not know why it does that, an optical illusion, but cartographers make use of it for on-screen presentations at times, deliberately - see your name above , the red is lifting off, and shifting up; all illusion. bbrewhahahaha  I guess it goes without saying, a bit obvious, but one theory is its whats called red-shift, a principle of parallax used in determining how distant starts are in huge telescopes by stereo parallax involving especially red wavelengths. Makes sense sorta. Isn't it weird - like on your name ? Not everybody can see it, my eyes see double a lot, from injury and surgery subsequently, so my strabismus is half a bubble off, but you guys allready knew that lol.
Thanks Jesse Joe,
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 08-27-2008 at 10:12 AM.
08-27-2008, 11:16 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
I wish to file a formal complaint.
On Q80, you ruled that 'another' was acceptable for 'other'. That's just not right. A correct response would have been "Tattoo" : "So OTHER than nothin' what's new".
I hope this issue is addressed in a timely fashion.
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