03-07-2009, 09:29 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by Patti
He was sure into a lot of things, that guy.
3billion?? How'd he get away with that?
its amperage that kills, it is said. But that does not precluded there beingany damage from three million volts. Volts is equated 'quaintly' by water in a garden hose, with a valve on the house. The voltage is analagous to pressure just at the valve , where water 'across' the width of the garden hose is like voltage is neasured across in electricity. Amperage is measured 'though' the pipe. muc as water through the hose, once turned on.
And it is only 'potential' energy. until the water is turned on,and then the power of the water is determined by a few factors that are much like electricity.
Once the electricity is flowing (amperage), the final measurement of tghe powere is volts x amps = watts, a translatable unit of power convertible to other types, such as horsepower. But poer in these instances also involves time - i.e. how much waterat what pressure waiting at the valve - similar to voltage measured across, and then the valve is turned on (analogous to closing an electrical circuit, and it then 'flows' (equiv. to amps) over how much time = work. and work - force x distance. And force = mass (like water) times accelleration (so work = mass x accelleration x distance) all combined , over time, less loss of power in transmission. Best I stop there or
will bore the living 'mass' over time (yawn) out of you ! lol..... I hope that made sense. Waiter - get me a diet lime pepsi !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
03-07-2009, 09:39 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
And I'd to order a large Guiness for Mr. Ohms.
03-07-2009, 09:39 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Wasn't he holding some key? Think he was able to let go right away when he got struck or ... I don't know, must have been a quick flash. What a nut.
03-07-2009, 09:41 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Sorry , I hope I did not give you indigestion from that poorly worded minor 'vignette' on water and electricity. I've enjoyed the first (as close to as possible) real-time dialogue in cafe ! Thank Patti !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 03-07-2009 at 09:42 PM.
Reason: shpellink
03-07-2009, 09:49 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Thanks Steve!
03-07-2009, 09:59 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by Patti
Wasn't he holding some key? Think he was able to let go right away when he got struck or ... I don't know, must have been a quick flash. What a nut.
well, I'lll have to refresh my memory by reading a 'cliff notes' out of Wokipedia on the whole story, but as I recall, he ws trying to ultimately STORE !!!! the electricity in a jar (duhhhh) and the key as I recall was supposed to be the conductive metal "attraction" (hoo boy) to the jar. As I recall from the 6th grade re-written and sanitized version of the stary, for young minds' safe consumption, I thnk there was a boooy helping, too. Thats great - try to attract a lightning bolt , with a key, a kite string, and an unsuspecting boy, and see what happens. i've read adult-material (ahem - adult-level) material on Franklin, and he was chock full of nuts in eccentricities, predilictions, idiosyncrasies, and maybe thats where the adjective 'nuts' came from, as in 'he is nuts' lol.
However, many of his innumerable inventions have neem industry movers, but one I recall I used every day for about 25 years was a "Franklin-Covey' day minder. Refills with 1/4 of a year about $30. Beautiful leather cover, size of a thick novell., and he had very unorthodox views of time management, where he included personal needs, self-improvement, and etc,. And he prioritized the subjects for you, as I recall.
The special 'Monticello' pages were an extra $5 more too, and they simply had a small picture of Jefferson's hallmark Home 'Monticello', and a quote from Jefferson's venerable wisdom per day. Jefferson was one sharp cookie.
And Jefferson WAS a president. A lot of people think Franklin was a president, but he was not. lol.... better go now and post the new lyrics in quizzers. Awful nice talkin with you Patti, thank you !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
03-07-2009, 10:03 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Sorry RM - didn;t see you were in the cafe cause i was writing one of my in-famous tomes to Patti on the nutcase Ben Franklin. Hope you are doing well, and I am going over to lyrics to post the new 10 ! C U there later.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
03-07-2009, 10:11 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
RM - - i'LL PICK UP THE TAB FOR POOR MISTER OHMS !. Isn't his full name Ohm S. Impedance ? lol cu later sorry i missed u real time Ron
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
03-13-2009, 01:29 AM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
lets let this valiant effort sink into the murky depths where the sea runs green.... nice idea, thank you all for trying to work with me on it, but its whole concept was predicated on a near real-time posting, which is not feasible, as even the limited numbers back when Friday nite 'chat' took place, and hinted at the dwindling numbers that were totally quashed in my iea here... it was fun while it lasted, but sort of clying in a fake donut way
thanks 2 everyone who participated. I'm going down with the ship. I'll just let the program run in lyrics quizzers...... j/k GOOOOOD BBYYyyyyyy .....
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
03-21-2009, 09:38 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
All this talk about doughnuts is giving me a MAJOR case of the munchies  . And wouldn't ya know it? There's not a doughnut shop around.
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03-23-2009, 11:26 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
 Yeah, doughnuts...that's what we need around this place...lol
"Tiime has been wastin' away...You know time doesn't wait for nobody to find what they're after
It just keeps on rolling down the deep canyons
And through the green meadows
into the broad ocean..."
G. Lightfoot "Tattoo"
03-27-2009, 03:10 AM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Everyone's had a crispy creme - but wanna know who I think I beat them to the punch ? In Cleveland, and some portion of the East-coast I'm sure. Just about every workin stiff sat at the "Mr. Donut", who's coffee was highly-lauded there, and their entrant to the pre-Crispy Creme: a chocolate-covered fried donut filled with 'secret' vanilla creme ohhhhhh man I can taste 'em now.
Sounds like Crispy-creme re-entered the coffee and donut hallmark via yhe donunt, whereas Tim Horton's eneted primarily on coffee, am I right ? Any Ohio or East Coast residents remember Mr. Donut ? Dead or alive ? I'd shell out $5 for 2 of their donuts and a large diet soda. Maybe $6 lol
You know this thread was declared dead and slowly sinking to the bottom of the Great-Slave Lake, but it keeps COMING BACK...lol... and coming back.. only time will tell. A few loyals seem to want to have 'er raised back to the surface about every other day
Thanks to Patti, Nightingale, and a few others for not letting it sink, despite my officially declaring it scuttled and/or decomissioned. Thanks guys
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
03-28-2009, 10:55 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
That's hilarious, Steve, two fried chocolate covered vanilla creamy donuts and a diet soda. I used to make donuts. ...poof, you're a donut.
04-06-2009, 09:39 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
I've had a little something on my mind of late. I keep thinking about Gord's way of playing his guitar, and one thing I noticed is how he seems to tease the music out of it. His hands just seem to float so softly over the instrument, not pick, pluck or what have you. He just seems to coax the beautiful tunes out &project them out into the crowds to hear him play the poems that he's written & then set to music.
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04-11-2009, 10:05 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
i just had another random thought running through my head lately, and it came around on Thursday, of all things it happened to be Passover. See, we had a terrible tornado rip up the small town of Mena, and later, after it was all over, I saw the signifigance, It was comparable to what it was like, to a point, for the people of Israel when Moses was waiting to lead them out of Egypt. Heavy thought there. And then this afternoon, while listening to a song by ELO, called Tightrope, somehow I found some spiritual importance in the words of the last line of the song...
"When I closed my eyes/
I was so surprised/
Somebody had thrown me down a line/
(To stop me drowning)
Somebody had thrown me down a line"
What do you think?
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04-12-2009, 08:30 AM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
tt, i hope all works out for those folks and they resist any golden calf
...i understand there are 50000 left homeless in Italy following a quake
i remember first hearing the opening strings on New World Record (Tightrope) and later on 'the streets are full of people going nowhere making time' it took me a few more years of working (it's a living thing) to realize what that implied
your post sometime ago re ELO got me into reminscing and i've been listening to some great old recordings since and some mind numbing production (over production, lol!) from Out of the Blue
aside, when i first went into an arts college studio to play/record (just some cover tracks for an artist), the first one selected was Telephone Line...such a hopeless theme yet universal..those first few notes must be one of the most globally recognizable intros..."when i look into the sky, the love you need aint gonna see me through"
i think this minimally produced live version of his vocal is the best
YouTube - Telephone Line - live 1986 (btw, Kelly had left by this point)
i too was only in grade school when i first saw them and was getting more hooked, i should have been in bed but instead was surrounded by 60,000 fans and getting a lot of second hand reefer wind, lol
as i finish my coffee, i wonder how and where is Steve, our beloved host?
04-12-2009, 11:54 AM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Massey Hall 1975 - E.L.O. from front row.. they blew the roof off the place.
04-14-2009, 11:59 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Yes, where and how is Steve????
ELO is such a great band. I love "Time" the most and listen to it at least once a week. "Telephone Line" is easily one of their best and most well know songs...that beginning is one of a kind  Reefer wind...lol...came as part of the total experience, jj
Timetraveler, I can see the spiritual aspect of the lyrics from "Tightrope".
To me, it is the act of letting go, very much like drowning must be. You go down for the third time and have no hope or expectation of being saved but suddenly, there it is and you get pulled up from the muck just in time. It's such a surprise...such a moment of understanding that you are loved and valued.
The most wonderful thing about this, to me anyway, is that it really does very often seem to work this way in every day reality.
It doesn't seem to matter if the line is thrown to you from another person or by a divine hand, it's all very much a moment of grace.
Just my thoughts on it  Hope your little corner of the world comes together and gets back to normal soon.
"Tiime has been wastin' away...You know time doesn't wait for nobody to find what they're after
It just keeps on rolling down the deep canyons
And through the green meadows
into the broad ocean..."
G. Lightfoot "Tattoo"
Last edited by Nightingale; 04-15-2009 at 12:01 AM.
04-17-2009, 05:22 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
It's so nice out here today. I took the dog down to a canoe landing and she walked around in the river. We walked along a deer trail in the woods there for a while. Nice - no mosquitos yet. Wish I could have gone canoeing too...
04-18-2009, 09:09 AM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by podunklander
Sounds nice!!!! Here too was great weather  . oh -I was out running errands all day and on my way to take a walk along the dam. It's 2 miles and very beautiful because one side of the dam overlooks the hollow and the other, a small airport. It's just a wonderful thing to walk along and look over to one side and watch the water fowl ...and then the other side...planes taking off and landing.
Was looking forward to my walk but had to stop in a Ocean State Job lot to buy a shower curtain liner. When I got to the checkout, I was unloading things like packages of Newman's Own goodies, bottles of salad dressing, hair conditioner, lotion, a toothbrush, packets of flower seeds, 2 bags of potting soil, etc. I told the clerk that I had just gone in there to buy a shower curtain liner (which is outside now, offgassing  ) and he said he didn't see a shower curtain liner. I told him that I did, indeed get one....it's coming.
Then I put a mattress pad on the counter (the same one's that were selling at Macy's last week for $24...got it for $16 :D), followed by an adjustable lawn rake (it's kewl!), a package of cups and then FINALLY...the shower curtain  .
When he gave me the total for the 28 items (including the now offgassing shower curtain liner), I asked him for my employee discount. He looked a little surprised..."oh, you work here"? No, I don't but thought it wouldn't hurt to ask  . He gave me a look and I said, "I know, I know shut up already lady, and get out of the store". And he said that's what the name of the store should be  .
I was kinda pooped after buying 28 items so instead of the walk, I came home and played with the adjustable rake...it's cool!!!
We just got the one day of great weather. I actually put up a little pup tent and put my sleeping bag in it yesterday. But then I ended up staying up too late and got too tired to go out there last night. Now I have to go out there and take it down...before it rains or snows. lol
That sounds like a nice place to take a walk along the dam. Is your new adjustable rake still fun? I never heard of an adjustable one. Silly store guy. He's got quite a sense of humor-don't ya love that? Getting ready to plant flowers? Cool. You starting some indoors? I just used up my potting soil when someone gave me a little plant that needed to be repotted two weeks ago. I just don't have much room for indoor plants. I should move. ...Everything is always up in the air.
28 items - oh-no. lol
04-18-2009, 09:00 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
We had a great day here. Unfortunately I had to hang around for the guy to work on our furnace which kindly decided to stop working when it wasn't much needed. It may eyt be dead but right now it's still kind of working.
Waiting for that guy gave me the chance to watch the Mets win. Always nice.
The I got to go out win the car with the top down. One of life's finest pleasures - I'm amazed I didn't have a convertible all my years. This is onlt my second going on its second summer. Anyway, took that to go to the second of two birthday parties the younguns were going to. Nice time.
Spending a bunch of time banging on my guitar. Good old time. MAybe I should go hang out and pick up the road - there's a place taht's good every Saturday night.
04-18-2009, 09:57 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by charlene
Massey Hall 1975 - E.L.O. from front row.. they blew the roof off the place.
I'll bet they did! Too bad they didn't come close enough for me to have seen them then.
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04-18-2009, 10:00 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by Nightingale
Yes, where and how is Steve????
ELO is such a great band. I love "Time" the most and listen to it at least once a week. "Telephone Line" is easily one of their best and most well know songs...that beginning is one of a kind  Reefer wind...lol...came as part of the total experience, jj
Timetraveler, I can see the spiritual aspect of the lyrics from "Tightrope".
To me, it is the act of letting go, very much like drowning must be. You go down for the third time and have no hope or expectation of being saved but suddenly, there it is and you get pulled up from the muck just in time. It's such a surprise...such a moment of understanding that you are loved and valued.
The most wonderful thing about this, to me anyway, is that it really does very often seem to work this way in every day reality.
It doesn't seem to matter if the line is thrown to you from another person or by a divine hand, it's all very much a moment of grace.
Just my thoughts on it  Hope your little corner of the world comes together and gets back to normal soon.
You make a very excellent point there. One of the other things that also get me through rough emotional times lately is my dog Charlie.
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04-18-2009, 10:07 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Originally Posted by jj
tt, i hope all works out for those folks and they resist any golden calf
...i understand there are 50000 left homeless in Italy following a quake
i remember first hearing the opening strings on New World Record (Tightrope) and later on 'the streets are full of people going nowhere making time' it took me a few more years of working (it's a living thing) to realize what that implied
your post sometime ago re ELO got me into reminscing and i've been listening to some great old recordings since and some mind numbing production (over production, lol!) from Out of the Blue
aside, when i first went into an arts college studio to play/record (just some cover tracks for an artist), the first one selected was Telephone Line...such a hopeless theme yet universal..those first few notes must be one of the most globally recognizable intros..."when i look into the sky, the love you need aint gonna see me through"
i think this minimally produced live version of his vocal is the best
YouTube - Telephone Line - live 1986 (btw, Kelly had left by this point)
i too was only in grade school when i first saw them and was getting more hooked, i should have been in bed but instead was surrounded by 60,000 fans and getting a lot of second hand reefer wind, lol
as i finish my coffee, i wonder how and where is Steve, our beloved host?
Yeah, I know what you mean about the Out Of The Blue album. I have it on disc, and one of the most fun, rip roaring tunes on it is Across The Border. Next best one is The Jungle. The one that I like best of all, though, is Wild West Hero. For me, it has a lot to do with wishing that one was anywhere but where they are, as well as just being someone else all together, at least wanting to be their own selves & being tired of the rest of the world trying to make them fit into the mold that society tries to impose on us all.
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04-19-2009, 07:06 PM
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Re: Corfid.cafe - enjoyable talk via friendly posts
Well, it sure got a whole lot colder today. Forget that top down....
I really need to get something going on teh yard. Not easy because with all the blood issues if I bend down a little I get dizzy as all get out. Has kept lots of things form getting done.
Ah, well. Had a good week off. We'd planned to go places but that didn't happen so we did stuff around here. Mostly we unwound.
BAck to the real world....
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