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Old 08-28-2008, 09:47 AM   #151
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

NEXT, Joveski posts Q95 to try "Broken Dreams"

Q95 CLUE WAS: ....spring....

Not my song of choice, BRB while I look in Wayne's world....for an ambiguous case..... YUP Joveski is right with an ambiguous case on ....spring.... with:

How wild they seem
In sounds of spring, in winter storms
In autumn gales, on summer morns lie broken dreams - "Broken Dreams" ~ gl

Congratulations Joveski: you bagged Q95 !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 08-28-2008, 09:54 AM   #152
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I gotta go, will pick up on jj's tries on Q's 92 & 93 when I'm back.
Q92 - "Baby Step Back"
Q93 - "My Pony Won't Go"

gonna have to make some haaaard decisions here now that we're playin stricter...hmm but...If I do that.....I know one fella who'll get busted a ways back.... and it isn;t jj or Joveski ! lol hav'n fun guys ..later

~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 08-28-2008, 08:13 PM   #153
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jj - re:

I've now resorted to reference material, (ie. cheated!) to obtain:

92 - baby step back
93 - my pony won't go
those are right ! were forthright enough to say you were reduced to cheatin' lol.....well.....seein's how the good smoker, joker, and a midnight poster, who was only "meassin" with me ( AS I THOUGHT all along.. then YOU guys got me worried lol.... seein's he did (sorta cheat..looking it up..) once on "Cherokee Bend", and this is all friendly-like and FAIR....I 'spect we ought to give ya ONE looker-upper reply-post jj lol CONGRATULATIONS ! JJ TAKES Q'S 92 AND 93 ]BY THE SKIN OF HIS teeth- lol good one jj

Ron, I better not hear from you'se on this-a-one, 'cause I'll haul ya in the town callaboose for "Cherokee Bend" lol....

PS 'tseeer...I think , in next post you guys waxed 'em all ,but I'll seperate em.... my replies, that is, what with all the party decorations I've consulted formerlyLavendar about, only in so far as color on her name and the connotation it implies - feminine.... so I'm trying to use the color and bells and whistles from a cartographer's no art talent - point of view, saved by programming as usual... lol - formerlyLavendar is also a good player....I hope she keeps playing, and our rowdy saloon antics have not "sceered" the woman-folk somehow I doubt it in today's world

so... next reply - next window

All in good fun guys....thanks for playin' along...
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 08-28-2008, 10:43 PM   #154
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I'm still in, geo steve. That is if I can answer any - the last two rounds were more challenging.
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Old 08-29-2008, 12:47 AM   #155
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Excellent. Thought the boys in the bar mighta' scared the women folk away ! Glad to hear it. Strange, I posted 6 new ones around 7 pm, and they are not here. That means I probably hit "preview message" versus "submit return" . Will investigate, but the outcome is academic. I will post the new 6, that break Q #100!! in a few minutes, as of 9:45 mtn std time. Hang tight, ever'buddy. Thanks Lavender !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 08-29-2008, 01:15 AM   #156
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FOUND 'EM - Q's 97 - 102, that is... !!

JJ - Q94 - "They treated him so badly - you guessed it ! Congratulations - "Sit Down Young Stranger ! ~gl

That does all 6 of Q's 91 -96! Onward to - Holy lyricism, Batman ! 97 - 102 ! We are breaking the century mark !

Just like I thought, Lavender, I had hit "preview post instead of Submit reply ! duhhh! But, I page-arrowed back to my c 7 pm screen, about 20 screens back....and fortunately the pseudo-code was still in the reply white box, despite the screen refresh I had done before I reviewed pg7 here for the time I'd been gone. Phew.... thats a time saver... and some good ( I hope) clues...

BTW, - is anybody else having trouble with having to log back in seemingly at random, at short intervals ? Evidence being: upon hitting submit reply, or edit, it tells you to screen refresh, and then log back in. I ruled out systematic problems out of corfid, as this is not happening in other web sites with log-in requirements, and timed auto-log-outs, etc., so its something in corfid, or something "I" am doing while in corfid....Anyone else ? No matter... Well, here's what we're here for, not my dumb system problems lol.... Q's 97 - 102 !

OK new Q's 97-102::



Q100 There...(despite the common word, note the capital "T", no.....'s to left)



~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 08-29-2008 at 01:23 AM. Reason: added cut-n-paste preface to new clues lost at 7pm
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Old 08-29-2008, 01:28 AM   #157
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q97 - Summertime Dream
Q99 - Ordinary Man

I'm behaving myself. The threat of a time out scared the livin' day lights out of me.
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Old 08-29-2008, 01:58 AM   #158
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98: 10 degrees and getting colder
101: Drifters
102: Wild strawberries
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Old 08-29-2008, 04:09 AM   #159
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RM, lol I hear ya buddy, I was shiverin and a' quiverin in my snakeboots.... lol...(note: see 8/28 c 11pm post on "Pussywillows and Cat-tails" Q's of shivering and quivering... the cold breath of spring...wheat thins...and denuded trees... lol.. in the booted-back up old "mis-heard lyrics thread" I think Joveski revived

OK RM you wrote:

Q97 - Summertime Dream
Q99 - Ordinary Man

I'm behaving myself. The threat of a time out scared the livin' day lights out of me.
She can be a formidable woman when she wants to be lol...

'tseeer: Q97 - clue was CONGRATULATIONS RM - you got it ! The song is indeed "Summertime Dream" ~gl

And, on Q99, clue was....understand.... again RM, you got it Congratulations ! The song is "Ordinary Man" , Roger that, Houston !

That leaves, for a few minutes anyway, Q's 98, 100,101,& 102.....'tseeer now, next..
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 08-29-2008 at 05:02 AM. Reason: inserted wrong word on quote
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Old 08-29-2008, 04:16 AM   #160
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neXT ! Joveski ! you wrote:

98: 10 degrees and getting colder
101: Drifters
102: Wild strawberries
Holy cr** I'm makin these too easy dang it goll dern it gots to figger out sompin hard to cipher !

Q98 clue was is "10 Degrees and Getting Colder" - you got it Joveski CONGRATULATIONS ! ok next song you guessed:
Q101 ...clue was...miracles..., you guessed "Drifters" ... 'tseeer - HONK-HONK Ambiguous Case Alert! But you get it by Jove!. The original song I picked in my head was "Romance" - but I don't need to look up Drifters" to know you are correct on that, too ! Making unique clues is hard without looking at the lyrics in Wayne's World, etc.... thought I had one ! OK Third one for you this post you guessed was:

Q102...clue was.. steamboat, thats gotta be unique, hmm you got it Joveski !

The song IS in fact 'Wild Strawberries' - thought I threw you guys a curve on that one..... waagh... CONGRATULATIONS A THIRD TIME !
Joveski hits a triple-play, only one song to bring home left... Q100 !There was.......
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 08-29-2008 at 05:37 AM. Reason: bumped return tooo quick by accident duhhh
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Old 08-29-2008, 05:15 AM   #161
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Seems we're getting this down to a science. Is it getting to easy ? We've had some varying input in regards to that. Maybe..some too easy.. maybe some too hard. Any input is welcome... All I figure we want is just to have fun...a low-stress thread, as it were that's AOK by me.

I know you guys are going to get Q100 WITH THAT ONE ADDITIONAL WORD I added as a second clue at the end of the post above. So, I'm going to post the next set of 6. Q's 103 - 108 !, in the next post of mine. Let's nuke Q100, as its a common word, but check-out that second word clue...I'll bet you get it off the top of your toot-toot!
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 08-29-2008 at 05:32 AM. Reason: excess verbage removed
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Old 08-29-2008, 05:45 AM   #162
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is it Triangle? (#100)
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Old 08-29-2008, 09:29 AM   #163
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Joveski,jj, RM, formerlyLavender, and others, regarding Q100. I gave you an unprecedented clue for a couple of qualities about it, and new forms of clues as addendums, however cryptic. What will be maddening to you when you see the answer, is how easy it is; whats hard is interpreting my evidently poorly-stated clues ! And thats not fun. If you want; I'll nuke it. But for one last shot, I'll line-up the original clues plus subsequent clues for it, see if it comes to mind for you all, if not; I'll nuke it and go to the next 6, so we're having fun !

Q100 clues thus far:

clue 1.... ("dots" before the clue means it is NOT the start of a "sentence". That's been the norm so far, until this one, where:

clue 2 "There"...... - I pointed out not only the novelty of no dots before the clue word, and the capitalization of the the clue word's fist letter, indicating its the start of a sentence, not just a proper noun, as there are no dots before the clue.

clue 3 "There".... a normal type of clue thus far in this regard- dots after the clue word(s), indicating the clue words) is/are NOT the end of the sentence, which would be indicated by one dot only ( has not happened yet. Like regular sentence structure.

clue 4 "There" being a common word, by no means unique, a characteristic of clues intended to be the case so far, makes the need for additional clues a minimum gesture. The word, capitalized, no dots to the left of it, we know by virtue of those facts that is the start of a sentence, and I'll add now maybe even the start of the song.

clue 5 I added a second word (or, phrase) for you quietly at the end of my evaluation of Joveski's 3-word triple-play, at the bottom of my post congratulating him, and referred to that second word in the "what is now a clue phrase" in the following post by me, to draw attention again. And that second word, in proper position, as given before, is Q100: There was.... (again we know this is the start of the sentence); self evident by capitalization of a non-proper noun - "There". Knowing as well in this post for the first time that it not only is the first part of a sentence in the song, the unprecedented clue of it "maybe the start of the song". So, if the song starts with: "There was..." - ? ! You know it well, very well.

clue 6 - The clincher. thus far we know "There was...." probably starts the song, and I gave the words describing a sound pertinent to the song's subject matter, which could only be inferred to be the case... by the otherwise meaningless statement I'd hope would stand out where I said in reference to the song "toot-toot ! - the toot-toot! being a new and unprecedented form of clue so far the game that falls in the category of, well here is the reduced , relevant webster's definition"
bottom line of the definition:

"onomatopoeia" - the noun form ; rarely used that I have heard
"on·o·mato·poe·ic" the adjective - common form - the quality of a word simply
when the word "sounds" like the noise that the word is to describe, such
as the word "hiss". The sound a snake makes sounds like the word "hiss", so the word is therefor on·o·mato·poe·ic

Relevance to clue in Q100 - 'toot-toot"! is on·o·mato·poe·ic; eg what makes the sound "toot-toot ?" - and apply that to the likely song name subject, not the starting words necessarily at all. This a BIG clue.,plus the likely start of the song "There was..... ( starting a song about something that goes toot-toot!" (and the song is about something that makes the sound 'toot-toot'. Its far simpler than you're imagining..... and [the song] is very defining for Lightfoot. If you don't get it from that. s'OK, we'll nuke it and go to Q's 103 -108

OK guys...what goes "toot-toot!" - Q100 Nuke that mother. Last hint:
(read this only if you are totally lost) - This song is almost always blown in concert by some newbie, with good intentions, that does not know to NOT clap at the great "pause" before the "last sentence". It seperates those who know his music from those who don't. Its THAT big of a song. BIG.
If you don't get it by now, I will go outside and , well, mutter something self-deprecating, and then likely apologize to you and ceremoniously hand-over the symbolic "deal" and let someone better-spoken than myself give clues ! lol

more blah-blah from the dictionary

Main Entry: on·o·mato·poe·ia
Pronunciation: \ˌä-nə-ˌmä-tə-ˈpē-ə, -ˌma-\
Function: noun

1 : the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it [steve's note: "it" is the word that has on·o·mato·poe·ic qualities, as show in the adjective usage in 2:, next, such as words such as: (as buzz, hiss)] [steve's note2 - words that sound like the noise that what they describe makes, such as the word "splat" which sounds like something making the noise "splat", or "umph" when someone is hit]
2 : the use of words whose sound suggests the sense
— on·o·mato·poe·ic \-ˈpē-ik\ or on·o·mato·po·et·ic \-pō-ˈe-tik\ adjective [ as steve described above in yellow in 1 :]
— on·o·mato·poe·i·cal·ly \-ˈpē-ə-k(ə-)lē\ or on·o·mato·po·et·i·cal·ly \-pō-ˈe-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

OK ok lol thats all anyone including me would ever want to digest for one song, including me. I hope you still like the song after this !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 08-29-2008, 09:39 AM   #164
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Q100 - Canadian Railroad Trilogy
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Old 08-29-2008, 10:04 AM   #165
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Joveski - Q100 you guessed:

is it Triangle? (#100)
well -sigh- after all those clues I just gave AFTER, admittedly, you made this shot at Q100 "There was....., IT IS ANAMBIGUOUS CASE. eg:

When she took her last tumble the sea bottom rumbled
There was no confusion or blame
The captain said "Men we must answer again - excerpt from "Triangle" ~gl

OK Joveski - good work !.... but I'll make you a deal... see if you or anypne else can identify the song originally intended by me, using the veritable plethora of clues in the post over this one. Why are plethoras always 'veritable' ? lol - those 5 guys in California must know, or the sinister three guys in Chicago have always KNOWN. lol

This one now is defining a life moment for me. It shouldn;t but it is. Humour me please, my Rainy-Day friends, and guess the "toot-toot!" clue for the song I originally intended...a BIG song of Gordon's. It would make me...happy... => &if "song" = "toot-toot!, &then &goto Steve's now happy, &else &goto &routine PASS_THE_DEAL LOL. J/K FOR THE structured programming nerds out there like me who don't mind the high-level syntax world of non-arcane plain english & CLI's of 4GL languages I just did a pig-latin version

work with me here Joveski, please ? Should we throw the towel in , you definately got a valid ambiguous case ! - so, back to "toot-toot" my Lightfoot Troubled-doors, er Troubadors.... I'm gettin' tired lol.... giver 'er a shot for the Gipper....


I am doing a quick, informal, non-longitudinal study of selective cases of global-warmingin a limited sampling; one of which is in fact Melbourbne, Australia. Could you verify the veracity of my Microsoft weather-source that says as of last sampling ( not specified, so we assume to be presently) it is partly-cloudy there and 56 degrees Farenheit . How accurate is Microsoft on that as of 1 am 8/29 GMT -Zulu - not normalized for local DST, which would thius make it 2am GMT w/o daykight saving locally. Thank you !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 08-29-2008, 10:23 AM   #166
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RM !


You said:

Q100 - Canadian Railroad Trilogy
Which absolutamento IS the song I had in mind from the start. Congratulations !

I bow to you, Sir. A man of sound reasoning, good humour, and keen of mind and wit.

To be fair, as aforementioned regarding Joveski's ambiguous case; yes he did in fact get a valid answer first, in so far as we are accepting ambiguous cases that are substantiated. But after proper accolades to Joveski, I made the distinct request to further the quest for CRT -that vast, Big Country, career-defining song for Lightfoot, despite his apparently stating that he would maintain that TWOTEF is his best work. BOTH, INDUBITOUBLY, very career great moments in his professional history. Thank you RM, for coming to the rescue here. And again Joveski, thank you for the hard work,coming up with a verifiable ambiguous case that is acceptable. You're both winner's on this one.Let's go in the Bucket 'o Lyrics Saloon, and this round'll be on me, for the house ! Bravo to both of you !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 08-29-2008, 10:43 AM   #167
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Q100 There...(despite the common word, note the capital "T", no.....'s to left)
__________________________________________________ _

steve...what did this part of the clue mean? (no....'s to left)

btw, these clues, They're making me crazy...and these other competitors are really on Their There
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Old 08-29-2008, 11:33 AM   #168
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jj, Im sorry, I was just trying to be helpful. The gang was moving so fast the difficulty of the questions have progressed correspondingly, but I still want it to be fun for the person just popping in or out. In specific, you wrote:

Q100 There...(despite the common word, note the capital "T", no.....'s to left)
__________________________________________________ _

steve...what did this part of the clue mean? (no....'s to left)

btw, these clues, They're making me crazy...and these other competitors are really on Their There
OK, now that it is solved, it is easier to explain the nature of the clues, which worked. But, I gotta say, I think I will avoid starts of songs, starts of sentences, or ends of songs and ends of sentences, for this

What that meant was:normally the clues all along have been words taken mid-sentence from sentences in lyrics, in songs. I don;t know the musician lingo, so please bare with me. To indicate the fact that the clue is mid-sentence, I would preceed the clue with dots i.e.: ......(clue) AND follow the clue with dots afterwards to indicate there are more words in the sentence, again that the clue simply is mid-sentence: .i.e.: ......(clue)...... - thats been the norm for well over 90 clues. I had one that cane up - Q100, for CRT, where the clue was: Q100 "There"....... - where by virtue of the word "There' having no dots (periods) to the left of the clue, ws the first case where I needed to communicate that the clue was the first word in the sentence, not a word mid-sentence. Further evidence I tried to properly show of this was capitalizing the "T" in "There", indicating in proper sentence convention that, unless a proper noun was used eg a name, the word was the beginning of the sentence- making 2 clues to that effect.

Conversely, and this has not come up, if there were no dots to the right of the clue, and there were to the left, it would indicate that the clue was the last word in the sentence of that line of lyrics, eg, Q100 could have ben given as: Q100 , indicating the word run was the last word in the sentence ( I am going by memory) . This has not come up yet. The challenge for me making clues that make it fun, are to try to pick wors that are unique to one song, and are substantial enough to idewntifythe song from . We have gravitated from 3 -4 words per clue at the start of the game, to commonly one or two words for a while now.

What part of the clues os drivingyou crazy. beyond this context ? I would be happy to explain it, or change how we do it with consensus, as I have offerred all along. We did do a mid-course correction so far with your guys input of two things - no contractions changed to two words, conversely no two words made into a contraction to fit a clue. Thats one change. The other was we would not accept any variatins on the clue word, such as tense, (past, present, or future) in any event differing from the clue tense, andmoreover, we would not accept a word that contained the clue, i.e "another" as a offering for the clue "other" . This was a point RM rasied in humour, but in fact was valid, and previously too lax, making it unfair to more strict observers of verbatim clues and guesses that corresponded verbatim.

If you have any siuggestions to help make you not crazy lol I understand....
Just mention them, we'll run it up the flagpole and see who salutes it, and if
all fails or I grow burnt out on fair , good clues.... I have offerred to "pass the deal" as in poker, should anyone want to give clues a spin... That kind of covers all points raised thus far; I hope it does yours. If not, please let me now. We all just want to have fun. And are ! If not so for you...lets fix it !

~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 08-29-2008, 12:03 PM   #169
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thanks for putting all that effort into clarifying this for me, while I sincerely didn't understand the "no...'s", my comment about the clues making me crazy was're clues are not to blame

speaking of ambiguity/common GL phrases/words...what would you think his most used 1)noun, 2)verb and 3)adjective is?
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Old 08-29-2008, 12:24 PM   #170
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Holy cow, jj - lol....uhm,... I would need to set-up a spreadsheet, or do a relational info database dump and index, and a series of prgrammatic queries.... which I do not have ths software for on this P.C. for the latter. That would leave just a general gut feel, or more precisly - a S.W.A.G. - I could pravly do that.... if you wanted to and we compard notes.....that;d be fun sorta cause its Lightfoot, otherwise, lol.English bore the lvin cr** out of me in school at all levels.But if you're serious - I'd venture into it if we both did it -and compared afterwards. Might be interesting. hmmmcool...'tseeer lol
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 08-29-2008, 09:29 PM   #171
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Q's 103-108:


Q104....tunnel so....

Q105....lovely river...



~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 08-29-2008, 09:57 PM   #172
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hmm, not sure if i understand the weather part of your post, but if you're saying it was partly cloudy and 56'F when you sent that post down here (comes as 12:04am on my computer), according to our weather site, it was 10'C (which is 50'F).

as for the songs,

106: If you need me
108: Don quixote
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Old 08-29-2008, 10:17 PM   #173
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q103 - Now and Then
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Old 08-29-2008, 10:29 PM   #174
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

105 - ahh, cool... a Boathouse lyric.....(can’t sleep, I can’t sleep)

gotta hunch on 104 but let's see if lurkers are join in the fun

ps) i believe "fire" is an ambiguous clue...i thought you were gonna change, steve...this is more of the same, lol

Last edited by jj; 08-29-2008 at 10:32 PM.
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Old 08-29-2008, 10:33 PM   #175
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

can the folks who post the answers include the line or verse as well as the song title?
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folk-legend, geodeticman, gordon lightfoot, lyrics, quiz

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