02-22-2009, 03:47 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
========As of 8:20pm, -QUICK UPDATE- Sund.,Feb 21st
Q376 Deck .... - X mandoann gets it with 'Circle of Steel'
Q377 .... stem .... X Jenney gets it with 'Too Late for Prayin''
Q378 .... dawn - X Char gets it with 'Softly'
Q379 .... mind ....
Q380 Whishing .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Looking at the Rainl'
Q381 .... rain.... - X mandoann gets it with 'Beautful'
Q382 .... chains - X Joveski gets it with 'All the Lovely Ladies'
Q383 .... think ....- X Jenney gets it with 'Now and Then'
Q384 .... river - X Mandoann gets it with 'That Same Old Obsessionl'
Q385 Another .... X Ron gets it with 'Lazy Morning'
UPDATED HINT TO ALL: Sundown is done(Q376 & 377), GG1 (Q378 & Q379) nobody has yet, remember one is from UA re-recorded, the other is the Warner/Reprise years song: the song is from The Album IYCRMM - but the album's date is impertinent - as the song is on GG1 as mentioned at the start, which IS in the '72- '75 time period. DQ (Q380 &381) IS 1/2 DONE WITH Jenney's Looking at the Rain, COTS - is 1/2 done with Joveskii's JUST IN -Q382 Q382 and Q383 from COTS, AND ODR Album is done - (384 &Q385) The 'two from each album' album order, corresponding with the numerical order of the clues is: Sundown, GG1,DQ,COTS,& ODR -- you'll see this corresponds with the status board - that should help especially on Q378 it seems - moreover - Q378 is one of the UA period songs re-recorded on GG1 !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-23-2009 at 04:38 AM.
02-22-2009, 11:54 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q378 - ...dawn
Song _ Softly
Lyric -
Then softly she goes
Her shining lips in the shadows
Whisper good bye at my window
Softly she goes in the dawn
02-22-2009, 10:46 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by charlene
Q378 - ...dawn
Song _ Softly
Lyric -
Then softly she goes
Her shining lips in the shadows
Whisper good bye at my window
Softly she goes in the dawn
Q378 ....dawn DOES = Softly & is = intended ! Allright Char ! I'll post it !
The above correct answer is for ( Q378) won by you Char, AND IS :one of the two on GG1 , the other on GG1 is: Q379 is sorta like a minstrel and .......like a troubadour in the wee' hours of the morn' , and is from IYCRMM- ... that'll finish GG1, and THAT will leave only Q383 from COTS to go , Then, our 'Broad Brimmed Period' a.k.a. ('72 - '75 RELEASES ) , and the whole list, will be done. A clue for Q383 would be 'present, and past'(or sometime) - for the song title
Waddya say we do a normal list of ten next huh ?
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-22-2009, 11:30 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-22-2009, 11:50 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q383 .... think ....
I think this time,
you've said enough to make me want to leave this place.
Now and Then
02-23-2009, 12:33 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q379 - ...mind...
Song - Rainy Day People
Lyric -
Rainy day lovers don't lie when they tell you
They've been down there too
Rainy day people don't mind if you cry a tear or two
Q383 - ...think...
Song - Now and Then
lyric -
I think this time
You've said enough to make me want to leave this place
Still I keep coming back for more of the same to fan the dying flame
Here inside these walls that seem to move a little closer every day
There must be a way out of this crazy game we play out to the end
Let us just pretend a while
Think about the good things now and then
'think' and 'I think' are used a lot in this song!!
and with that 'thought' and Lightfoot music in my head I am off to sleep!
02-23-2009, 04:36 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by Jenney
Q383 .... think ....
I think this time,
you've said enough to make me want to leave this place.
Now and Then
HI Jenney - got your six-shooter ?lol
Q383 .... think .... = Now and Then & = intended ? - yup ! !
You got it ! Thank you for playing Jenney. I won't make the 'Cotton Jenney' joke - as a Lighthead - you have probably been teased buy some lamer at some point ! Probably me just now is all ! Boy do I feel stupid ! Allrightey then.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-23-2009 at 07:13 AM.
02-23-2009, 04:40 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
I don't think anybody got the fact that Ron's win on Lazy MoRning read:
LAZY MONING - a hahahahaha lollll I fixed it so he's not moning anymore.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-23-2009, 04:51 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by charlene
Q379 - ...mind...
Song - Rainy Day People
Lyric -
Rainy day lovers don't lie when they tell you
They've been down there too
Rainy day people don't mind if you cry a tear or two
Q383 - ...think...
Song - Now and Then
lyric -
I think this time
You've said enough to make me want to leave this place
Still I keep coming back for more of the same to fan the dying flame
Here inside these walls that seem to move a little closer every day
There must be a way out of this crazy game we play out to the end
Let us just pretend a while
Think about the good things now and then
'think' and 'I think' are used a lot in this song!!
and with that 'thought' and Lightfoot music in my head I am off to sleep!

Hi Char - ok 'tseeer:
Q379 - ...mind... = Rainy Day People & = intended ? It works with the song, but its not the intended song. Sorry Char.
ok 2nd submit of yours Char:
'tseeer:Q383 - ...think...
Song - Now and Then
sorry Char - right above yours is Jenney's - she beat you to it. But you got it right ! Thanks for playing Char.
Missed it by THAT MUCH (Maxwell Smart humour - smash hit movie)40 minutes or so - sorry - but congrats for getting the right one !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-23-2009 at 07:17 AM.
02-23-2009, 10:45 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by geodeticman.5
ok 2nd submit of yours Char:
'tseeer:Q383 - ...think...
Song - Now and Then
sorry Char - right above yours is Jenney's - she beat you to it. But you got it right ! Thanks for playing Char.
Hey Char.....Nyah, Nyah!!!!
02-23-2009, 11:45 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
oh darn..i was so busy listening to the music i didn't refresh my page to see your answer sparky!
02-23-2009, 04:48 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q379 ... mind ...
Song: Minstrel of the Dawn
Lyric: Across the room into your mind they go
(or did I miss someone's post?)
Portland OR USA
- if you meet him you will be/ the victim of his minstrelsy/ he'll sing for you a song
"You could wrap me around your finger"
02-23-2009, 04:51 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Now playing on my GordPod : Minstrel of the Dawn
(Yes, you can call me Ann - a victim of his minstrelsy)
Portland OR USA
- if you meet him you will be/ the victim of his minstrelsy/ he'll sing for you a song
"You could wrap me around your finger"
02-23-2009, 06:37 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by mandoann
Q379 ... mind ...
Song: Minstrel of the Dawn
Lyric: Across the room into your mind they go
(or did I miss someone's post?)
You got it Ann ! Thank God somebody read my clues ! lol (and refreshed their screen)
This turned out to be a mind-bending trip through how Gord uses words you would associate with certain songs imediately, in other songs...know what I mean ? Like, when I hear 'chains' - I immediately think of IYCRMM
That sort of thing... KNOWN KNOCK KNOCK everbuddy - you a.. know wadeye mean uh ?
Like 'rain' in 'Beautiful' ? Not 'Looking at the Rain' ?
'deck' in 'Circle of Steel' - not 'High and Dry' ?
'dawn' in 'Softly' ? not 'Minstrel of the Dawn' ?
'chains' in 'All the Lovely Ladies' ? not IYCRMM ?
and etcetera ..... of course we know all the above, but I just think its interesting how he has prevalent , if not 'favoured' atmospheric words in many more songs than you would expect... chains, rain, softly, I could go on and on - appear all over....I guess thats part of the 'Lightfoot' feeling ..think ? oh -and above I mean 'instead of' vs 'not' in... of course they are in the song you'f expect them in...but I imbedded another 'secret' in this list - words you'd associate with other songs than the first one you'd expect. Hope you enjoyed it.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-23-2009 at 06:57 PM.
02-23-2009, 06:43 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
I moved the new game to pg 45 ....
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-23-2009 at 09:38 PM.
02-23-2009, 06:56 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Personally I found the "intended song" idea to be quite challenging. Do you realize how difficult it is to answer the question "I wonder what geosteve was thinking" ?
I also found it enjoyable. Thanks
Last edited by RM; 02-23-2009 at 07:00 PM.
02-23-2009, 08:25 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by RM
Do you realize how difficult it is to answer the question "I wonder what geosteve was thinking" ?
ok Ron - you owe me a new keyboard - I just sprayed water all over the place!
WWGS do?
02-23-2009, 08:42 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by RM
Personally I found the "intended song" idea to be quite challenging. Do you realize how difficult it is to answer the question "I wonder what geosteve was thinking" ?
I also found it enjoyable. Thanks
Ron, Thank you. At first - of no surprise to you I'm sure - I wrote a long rambling, non-sequiter tome on what I think about...then I remembered - naw - Ron is a bottom-line ,boil it down, non-verbose person - at least on-line lol.. So I trimmed down my reply from rambling thoughts on what all things do I think about -from the divergant patterns of thought that led to my friends giving me a t-shirt in the 70's that said 'Don't bother me now - I'm on 'auto-pilot'...lol.. and then same friends 30 years later gave me a hat that reads - like the movie title, but not LIKE the MOVIE lol - 'Hard to Kill, part 4' - lol - no need for me to delve into the wilderness and medical origins of that, so , I've trimmed-down to what I think of when I pick out word clues aka what you WANTED to know, not what you didn't ...lol.
I tried hard to make this last ten an interesting twist with about 4 bends in it. I'm glad you found it...challenging... main thing though - as long as its fun......as you say, you found it enjoyable, thats what makes it worthwhile for me.
I've definately been thinking a LOT about lifting the 'chains' of mine - that oddly come from good memories, then a loss, etc.... but game thoughts OK.. hmmm
I allways seem to sneak 2 -3 favourite songs in a list ! - So I've been trying to diversify on the songs - and jump around 60's - 70's - 80's-2000's etc songs... lately I've been using words one would associate quickly with certain songs of Gord's - but interestingly are found in many other songs - I have yet to determine the number of how many songs have 'rain', 'chains' etc - as above post that I mention it in. So if any one game-related predictable thought pattern I have been doing lately- is using frequently-used words of his - in the least likely songs (on the surface anyway).
And thanks - for telling me it was enjoyable this last ten.... and I only want the game to be challenging enough to be interesting, not to see if I can stump you guys - not at all... my main goal is that we all have fun...so by what you said - I think I'm getting closer to a balance of 'challenging on the edge of stumping' - vs 'so easy its a walk in the park'... - which isn't such a bad thing - but I 'spect the balance is most fun huh ? ...............
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-23-2009, 08:54 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Char - what is WWGS ? and here I thought I was a cognoscenti of Lightfoot acronyms, now I know I am duhhhhh lol
As far as the keyboard - turn it upside down asap and shut down everything....it that really happened -or did you mean it metaphorically - lole what Ron said -the thought...was so funny you sprayed what was in your mouth lol I'm glad thinking of what I am thinking about caused you to spray water all over..... 'Steve thinking - ha! lol ----spray-----
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-23-2009, 09:01 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
What Would GeoSteve do?
not that steve's 'actually' thinking, but that WE have to figure out how to figure out what steve is thinking to get the right song..lol
lots of fun!
02-23-2009, 09:25 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
I hope you didn't find my remarks offensive. Yes, your mind is much more diverse than mine and it shows in many of your posts. The rules were challenging. And enjoyable (heck...I haven't been "buzzed" that many times since the '70s).
C'mon....it's fun....do another round of WWGT (what was geosteve thinking) quizzers.
02-23-2009, 09:27 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
I moved the new game to page 45 for your convenience
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-23-2009 at 09:41 PM.
02-23-2009, 09:33 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by RM
I hope you didn't find my remarks offensive. Yes, your mind is much more diverse than mine and it shows in many of your posts. The rules were challenging. And enjoyable (heck...I haven't been "buzzed" that many times since the '70s).
C'mon....it's fun....do another round of WWGT (what was geosteve thinking) quizzers.
Ron, - NOT AT ALL ! I thought they were very friendly and positive - now I gotta look and see where I said something to make you think that ! - and.. I an flattered to have my own acronym in ...WWGT..OR WWST...There lol.......
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-23-2009, 09:36 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by charlene
What Would GeoSteve do?
not that steve's 'actually' thinking, but that WE have to figure out how to figure out what steve is thinking to get the right song..lol
lots of fun!
LOL Oh I can guarantee I was not thinking...lol... I wrote a program that repeats at random frequent things I say - so it'll allways sound like me, but in different order.... !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-23-2009, 09:37 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q386 .... combination ....
Q387 .... blue eyed ....
Q388 .... guarantee - X Char gets it with 'Alberta Bound'
Q389 .... heavenly ....
Q390 ....evergeen - X Char gets it with 'Songs the Minstrel Sang ' - A Valid Ambig from intended 'Borderstone' (I forgot the "s" on evergreens
Q391 .... afloat
Q392 .... proud
Q393 Believe ....
Q394 ....hoedown
Q395 Oh Lord .... - X Ron gets it with 'Hangdog Hotel Room'
Have fun with happy tunes !
================================================== ========
All songs written by: Gordon Lightfoot .
- Posted 6:30 pm,Mtn. Std, Mon,Feb 23rd....
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-24-2009 at 04:08 AM.
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