02-20-2009, 04:53 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q381 ... rain ...
Song: Early Morning Rain
Lyric: In the early morning rain with a dollar in my hand
In the early morning rain with no place to go
Portland OR USA
- if you meet him you will be/ the victim of his minstrelsy/ he'll sing for you a song
"You could wrap me around your finger"
02-20-2009, 09:19 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q381 ... rain ...
Song: Beautiful
Lyric: 'Cause we been friends through rain or shine
Portland OR USA
- if you meet him you will be/ the victim of his minstrelsy/ he'll sing for you a song
"You could wrap me around your finger"
02-20-2009, 09:28 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q394 ... river
Song: The Same Old Obsession
Lyric: Peace in the sound of the river
Portland OR USA
- if you meet him you will be/ the victim of his minstrelsy/ he'll sing for you a song
"You could wrap me around your finger"
02-20-2009, 09:31 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q393 ... think ...
Song: Mother of A Miner's Child
Lyric: I know that you still think about the day
Portland OR USA
- if you meet him you will be/ the victim of his minstrelsy/ he'll sing for you a song
"You could wrap me around your finger"
02-20-2009, 09:34 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
or maybe:
Q383 ... think ...
Song: Somewhere U.S.A.
Lyric: Though you think it's the drink that has made me behave this way
Portland OR USA
- if you meet him you will be/ the victim of his minstrelsy/ he'll sing for you a song
"You could wrap me around your finger"
02-21-2009, 12:18 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q380 Wishing ...
Poor Little Allison
"Wishing out loud, turning her face to the summer rain
Q381 ... rain ...
Wherefore And Why
"The rain can touch me, but can I touch the rain"
Q384 ... river
"I can't sleep by a lovely river"
~~ Lynn
"Travel with me if you choose, into a land of notions"
02-21-2009, 03:33 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by formerlylavender
I'll try this again...
Q379 - ...mind...
Rainy Day People
"Rainy day people don't mind if you're crying a tear or two"
fl - sorry again; I'd change this list to first ambig that works gets it, if no one was gettin 'em, but I looked ahead and it seems about 50/50 - so I don't want to cheat the winners - So many ambigs, I did not know....wish I could give it to you.
Thanks for playing again fl - don't give up
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-21-2009, 04:00 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by Jenney
Whishing ....
Wishing this was all a dream, and I'd find you lying next to me
Looking at the Rain
Jenney - the last few lists, you've had an uncanny ability to guess the intended song. On previous lists, that was not as important at all, any one that worked takes it. But this list - only the intended takes it, and you got it !
Q380 Wishing .... = Looking at the Rain & = The intended song - Yes ! A win for the lady in the back there. You get a plastic T-rex.....sorry lady its all we got - but u can trade up with 3 wins to a pseudo-Barbie ! er...a how bout a T-shirt With Gordo(n) & Lightfoot Uni. all together on it !- from cafe press - who are streeeetchin the rules on how to get 'Gordo' & 'Lightfoot Univ.' on the same item. Seriously - has everyone seen Cafe Press' pretty cool attempts to take 'Gordo' more than Lightfoot U. and do clever GL phraseology like 'Gordo' - the best export from Canada ! with a maple leaf flag. If you query Lightfoot in cafe press - Lightfoot Univ items come up - some that almost obliterate the 'Univ' - they're trying real hard. I sure wish Gordon would allow his name on some good beefy-T cotton t-shirts - and hats, messaenger bags, sweatshirts - all the stuff Cafe Press is squeeking in under the law - cause they never say 'Gordon' at all or put 'Lightfoot Univ' with 'Gordo' together - clever they are - I think I saw this mentioned in a thread - cause otherwise I was gonna tell everyone. I'm gonna get a 'gordo is canada's best export' on a golfshirt, and Lightfoot Uni. on a baseball hat. Its better than nothing - and its legal - likely because I've heard anecdotally his legal team grows no grass underfoot SO CONGRATS JENNEY !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-21-2009, 10:26 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by RM
Q385 Another....
Song : Lazy Mornin'
Lyric : Another lazy mornin', come suppertime I'm gonna light my barbecue
Q378 ......dawn
Song : Minstrel Of The Dawn
Lyric : The Minstrel of the dawn
(last line in the song)
Q385 Another.... = Lazy Mornin' & = intended ? = Yes!
Congrats Ron I'll post 'er
Q378 ......dawn = Minstrel of the Dawn ? & = intended ? No, sorry Ron. It worked, but not the intended song.
I thought at frst input, I'd scratch the "intended also" part, but then about 50/50 were coming in correct. So, I give it a try. We can always change it ifit does not work out this ten. Thanks for playing, Ron
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-22-2009, 12:33 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
I'll take a stab at this one, but I'm not sure it's right.
Q378 .... dawn
Looking at the dawn, knowing it's wrong
Looking at the Rain.
Dawn has a comma though, so I don't think it's correct. It does fall into the parameters of the albums you wanted though!
02-22-2009, 12:44 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by mandoann
Q381 ... rain ...
Song: Early Morning Rain
Lyric: In the early morning rain with a dollar in my hand
or - In the early morning rain with no place to go
Hi Ann - OK to call U that ?
Does Q381 .... rain .... = 'Early Morning Rain' & = intended ? I'm sorry Ann. good crack at it - it would work by normal rules as a valid ambig, but in this set of '& = intended song?' - It doesn't. If a trend developes, I'll be more than happy to switch the rules back to 'valid ambiguous songs as normal' - we're pushin' the edge of 50/50 so far, so maybe its ok - but you guys speak up if its not fun for this special set. I'll change it very happily. Lets see what happens in a few more posts.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-22-2009, 12:50 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by mandoann
Q394 ... river
Song: The Same Old Obsession
Lyric: Peace in the sound of the river
I'm sure you meant Q384  - as the clue matches
Does Q384 .... river = 'The Same Old Obsession' & = intended song ? YES !
Congrats, Ann - I'll post it !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-22-2009, 12:53 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q378 - ...dawn
song-Long Thin Dawn
lyric -
And that long thin dawn
That long thin dawn
Is coming on again
02-22-2009, 12:56 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Last try on this one for me.....
Q378 .......dawn
Song: Dream Street Rose
Lyric : Each morning when I wake up with the dawn
02-22-2009, 01:06 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by mandoann
Q393 ... think ...
Song: Mother of A Miner's Child
Lyric: I know that you still think about the day
Well helllooo there again Ann ! Your a gamin' animal tonight lol 
Again, I am sure you meant Q383 - as the clue matches
Does Q393 .... think .... = Mother of A Miner's Child & = intended song ? Sorry Ann, again it is a valid ambig but not the intended song. Thank you for playing !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-22-2009, 01:18 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by mandoann
or maybe:
Q383 ... think ...
Song: Somewhere U.S.A.
Lyric: Though you think it's the drink that has made me behave this way
Does Q383 .... think .... = Somewhere U.S.A. & = intended song ? no,sorry Ann. I'd say that would make three from Sundown, but then again it could be from GG1  I think I know what I can do that might help everybody = post the 5 releases by their respective clues. That way - your onnly siftin through 9 - 12 songs - or on GG1- 20-some I think. I'll post successes, now too, that'll help. I normally do that after all input -at the moment- is...assimilated  , but it would be of help as we go here. BUT WAIT - I just looked at the update I just posted - I am presently processing the input from the 2nd Q383, and I see at LEAST one more sucess ahead - so in the overall picture - we''ll have at LEAST 1/2 correct thus far - so maybe I should not post the albums by their (2) respective clues each. I'll take suggestions ? . Remember, too, as to the update mini-list - it is natural for that to appear behind, by it being posted after unprocessed submits, if you think about it, you'll know that is correct. There are several submits above this to process, and at any given time but the end, posting a mini-update will appear after unprocessed submits. As I say I am presently editing the 2nd submit on 383 by manodann, then Q381 overhead from mandoann is next, got out of order on just one I think  And Ann - its good news  on 381
I got out of order on that, its a bit confusing to go to processing below (or above as order is reversed while posting) lol -sorry you had to wait to see 381 now that I'm further down by one or two.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-22-2009 at 02:12 AM.
02-22-2009, 01:53 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
========As of 10:30pm, -QUICK UPDATE- Sat.,Feb 21st
Q376 Deck .... - X mandoann gets it with 'Circle of Steel'
Q377 .... stem .... X Jenney gets it with 'Too Late for Prayin''
Q378 .... dawn
Q379 .... mind ....
Q380 Whishing .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Looking at the Rainl'
Q381 .... rain.... - X mandoann gets it with 'Beautful'
Q382 .... chains
Q383 .... think ....
Q384 .... river - X Mandoann gets it with 'That Same Old Obsessionl'
Q385 Another .... X Ron gets it with 'Lazy Moning'
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-22-2009 at 02:22 AM.
02-22-2009, 02:20 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by mandoann
Q381 ... rain ...
Song: Beautiful
Lyric: 'Cause we been friends through rain or shine
Sorry I got out of order on this Ann- the two back-to-back submits from you I think befuddled me, but cheer up here on this one !
Does Q381 .... rain .... = Beautiful & = intended ? Yes ! You got it !
Congrats, Ann.
And my apolgies to anyone who submitted a song after mandoann's
Q381 submit of 'Beautiful' for the same number clue. I got out of kilter !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-22-2009, 02:55 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by 4LaneStudios
Q380 Wishing ...
Poor Little Allison
"Wishing out loud, turning her face to the summer rain
Q381 ... rain ...
Wherefore And Why
"The rain can touch me, but can I touch the rain"
Q384 ... river
"I can't sleep by a lovely river"
Wow 3 submissions from Lynn ! -phew- I owe you an apology on Q381, Lynn, it was submitted and processed for the winning 'Beautiful' - but not posted earlier - & I accidentally processed it out of order. Yours is the first subsequent to her correct one I could have saved you some super-brain-power on ! So, I''ll consequentially process Q380 & Q384 okeedokee ? (I learned to say that working at a gas station when I was a teenager lol , that and allrightey, and you bet'cha)
Er......uhm.... Lynn.....you remember how good-natured EVERYBODY has been saying you are ? Well, I KNOW its true. So you won't kill me when I don't know if I overlooked timing-wise a helpful update, or processed it to the winning clues after your submissions or what......its to painful to think about after my Q381 oops with mandoann - where I KNOW I processed THAT out of order, but ,....um..
But, Q380 and Q384 gave been successfully won allready, too. Lemme look,
Nope, I'm in the clear phew- on Q380 and Q384 anyway, I processed those in order after your submit, with Jenney's and mandoann's respectively on 380 and 384 submissions -properly- that were before your submissions. Q381 was the one I could have saved you the effort on, as I mentioned above. This can get weird, when the posting is in process -the others reverse their on-screen order - seems to me I can change that order at will , though. I will if I remember right. I think the only one of anybody's I processed out of order is mandoann's correct Q381 as near as I can see. And you had such a big effort on your 3-way submission ! I am indeed sorry about my screw-up on 381, and I feel bad for you on the other 2.. If anybody wants to take the Machiavellian time to nail my hide to the wall lol , they can scrutinize my overview I just did. If I am wrong, I will definately admit to being human and a bipodal hominid, most definately lol...... If its any -sort of- consolation - there is not a win in your submits Lynn (oh that'll make her feel SO MUCH BETTER), or I WOULD correct it in the mini-updates if the order is other than I read it  Either way, sally forth Lynn, damn the torpedoes ! Keep on Keepin on ! uhh something like that  I'll just sneak out of here.....dink dink dink.....
(pixie and dixie sneaking sounds)
Lynn - I just noticed 2 of your songs are out of the time period - then only one is in by virtue of being on Gord's Gold - 'Wherefor and Why' - the other 2 are out of date range. Too further help - take note of which two songs are on GG1 - nobody's got them yet. Date range - is '72 - '75 - incl GG1 as the only compilation.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-22-2009 at 03:41 AM.
02-22-2009, 03:06 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by Jenney
I'll take a stab at this one, but I'm not sure it's right.
Q378 .... dawn
Looking at the dawn, knowing it's wrong
Looking at the Rain.
Dawn has a comma though, so I don't think it's correct. It does fall into the parameters of the albums you wanted though!
Hi Jenney - mando ann took a stab at it earlier, too.
Does Q378 .... dawn = Looking at the Rain & = the intended song ? Nope, sorry Jenny. Its still an open board on this one, unless there are submissions on it, subsequent to your submission, in which case, vee shall see vat vee shall see lol.... Thanks for playin again - You have some good wins on the board ! Keep playin if you're of a mind to ! You've had a run of guessing intended songs on this and other lists lately !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-22-2009, 03:11 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by charlene
Q378 - ...dawn
song-Long Thin Dawn
lyric -
And that long thin dawn
That long thin dawn
Is coming on again
Sorry Char - Long Thin Dawn would be out of the narrow specified date range of '72 - '75 , EXCEPT UA's re-recorded on GG1 'LP 1', or 1st half of the CD.
See the big hint above this post on Q378 Thanks for playing Char !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-22-2009, 03:29 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by RM
Last try on this one for me.....
Q378 .......dawn
Song: Dream Street Rose
Lyric : Each morning when I wake up with the dawn
Sorry Ron, not the intended song. I'll post another update board. I also noticed that your song submitted is out of the date range specified of '72 - '75 - That and the next page clues should help a lot...Thanks for playing, Ron
HINT TO ALL: Sundown is done(Q376 & 377), GG1 (Q378 & Q379) nobody has yet, remember one is from UA re-recorded, the other is the Warner/Reprise years song: the song is from The Album IYCRMM - but the album's date is impertinent - as the song is on GG1 as mentioned at the start, which IS in the '72- '75 time period. DQ (Q380 &381) IS 1/2 DONE WITH Jenney's Looking at the Rain, COTS - nobody has gotten either Q382 and Q383 from COTS, AND ODR Album is done - (384 &Q385) The 'two from each album' album order, corresponding with the numerical order of the clues is: Sundown, GG1,DQ,COTS,& ODR -- you'll see this corresponds with the status board - that should help especially on Q378 it seems - moreover - Q378 is one of the UA period songs re-recorded on GG1 !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-22-2009 at 04:34 AM.
02-22-2009, 03:32 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
========As of 12:30am, -QUICK UPDATE- Sunday early morning.,Feb 21st
Q376 Deck .... - X mandoann gets it with 'Circle of Steel'
Q377 .... stem .... X Jenney gets it with 'Too Late for Prayin''
Q378 .... dawn
Q379 .... mind ....
Q380 Whishing .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Looking at the Rainl'
Q381 .... rain.... - X mandoann gets it with 'Beautful'
Q382 .... chains
Q383 .... think ....
Q384 .... river - X Mandoann gets it with 'That Same Old Obsessionl'
Q385 Another .... X Ron gets it with 'Lazy Moning'
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-22-2009 at 04:14 AM.
02-22-2009, 03:39 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
> Q382 .... chains
All the lovely ladies..
"if someone can relieve you from your chains"
02-22-2009, 03:45 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by joveski
> Q382 .... chains
All the lovely ladies..
"if someone can relieve you from your chains"
I'll post it ! Congrats Mende ! Thanks for playing !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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