02-09-2009, 01:59 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by charlene
so following the punctuation designation doesn't count?
one answer has the required comma, one doesn't..
the comma makes the difference..
yeah, i would agree that Dave answer is the only oen that works...unless not only is the dot dot dot rule gone the way of the dodo, but also the punctuation punctuation punctuation rule, lol
also,  joveski is ahead of Dave (and myself!) by a good 200 points, lol
02-09-2009, 04:52 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
I agree with charlene and jj that the "comma rule" must be enforced. I think it was thoughtful of geosteve to consider granting joveski a 'break' due to the catastrophic events unfolding in his country. but hey.....I had a flat tire this morning (messed up the whole day) and I'm not expecting any special treatment.
02-09-2009, 05:06 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
whew - i was worried (not really) that i'd be thought to be a commie pinko or some such thing..
rules is rules.
02-10-2009, 12:17 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by Dave, Melbourne,Australia
Q350: Canadian Railroad Trilogy "A drink to the living, a toast to the dead". I'm pleased to see Joveski
survived Australia's worst ever bushfire day last Saturday. The death toll in our state Victoria is 108 & expected to be much higher. Many people died at Queensland in north-eastern Australia are currently suffering from major floods after record rainfall!
Dave (and Mende) - I read your recount again today clearer-head than this morning, after getting some odd-hours sleep. I noticed much more this read, and more accurately. So if I understand right - the fire is....over ? - It was contained around last saturday - 2 days ago or 9 ago ? And Mende I am so sorry to hear of what must have been losses of SOMEBODY you knew, with a death toll over 100 in your state alone alone ? And - it was a brushfire - I mis-read it as a foothills upslope fire earlier. . I hope all is settled soon and the mourning, and the rebuilding of lives and homes can begin proper once everyone knows - it sounded like there was still some....info to come in. I take it its contained ?
I won't go on like the above two tomes of mine - it just home hard I think largely because I have that working predictive model of where a fire will go in progress. The fire we had some years back where I live right now close to- in the rampart range foothiils near the toe, I think the memory of that , and the tolls (wildland, inmmense, wildlife habitat gone) but fortunately to my knowledge there was only one death - from one of the 'Hot-shot' elite SmokeJumpers in the fire.
They flew in from all over the country, and to date - there still is not a working fire predictive model program IN USE. ... but they lay waiting. Little consolation to that solitary smokejumper's family- it didn't take him til later, when heat and smoke-scorched lung-tissue caused pnemonia - and they lost him. That fire double-backed as it can, but the predictive model with live winds and weather info could have warned them. Last told, the Forest Service only has a quadrangle-by-quad model, that scarcely tells them anything, only when a fire (with no live data) starts, it roughly takes a shot at 'which quarangle it might go in next" - little help to fire-fighters here.
And today' MSN home page Highlight news is: 'Don't 'Hassel' the Hoff ?' - where are our heads at in the Journalism world ? And one way or another - I am ashamed I missed the news of the whole thing til your 2 posts.
Sounds like slope was not a catalyst in brushlands, but ole number one in wildland fire - wind - was a HUGE factor there. I am so sorry to hear of all your personal losses if any, and for all of your states' losses . We tend not to have threm spread into developed lands here - our real wildland-fires fought w/o human loss most times is in great part from the fact that we have a huge lightning rod on our 2nd highest peak here, Devil's head... That mtn. and the highest - Thunder Butte - got named for a reason, but most lightning -lit fires are self regulating. They mostly occur - a great propensity - up in the foothills proper, where few people live, except for Roxborough. MOST of the time.
But no chances are taken around the ill-advised slope-terraced interface developments, where immense efforts were the only factor that saved the admonished owners - who had to be ordered to vacate. We've been lucky in that regard, and I say lastly how sorry for all the lives and homes lost. Well l there I shot my nouth off again....lol... I do hope the smoke settles w/o further loss.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-10-2009, 12:33 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
OOh boy - I sure read the lyrics wrong when I spoke of a shared win, and Mende's being first and all. You guys are all correct - I misread this:
You know living a life of ease in 'Someone to believe in'
I flat misread it - I thought it had a comma when I read it, sorry to cause any hard feelings for MY mistake Mende - Dave gets it for sure. I'll post it. I think the reason I did not post the 'X' yet this morning was that I knew something was wrong, I was too tired to tell. It was itchin at me... you're all correct. Big 'X' to Dave on Q350, false hoped dashed Mende, I am indeed sorry.
Mende is a easy-going guy. I don't figure him for sending my PC a virus ..lol !
Sorry again. It wasn't a 'go easy on Mende guys - that'd open up some awful hard cans of worms for who is having a bad day/week. Sorry again, no 'overlooking' the rules was in my head - only what iI thought to be a genuine tie - both with commas - da88 eyes - time to have em taken' out again and rotated..lol.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-10-2009, 12:51 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by charlene
so following the punctuation designation doesn't count?
one answer has the required comma, one doesn't..
the comma makes the difference..
It does, no Char - you are not being a commie-pinko ! We are just working with humans on both sides of the rules, and just it turns-out Mende was mistaken, I was at even more of an error !
No bad intentions whatsoever, and no unfair GOOD intentions either,lol All fixed and explained = I misread with a comma. No gimme's that break the rules here. I 'think' - that was my 7th egregious error since we started. Take it easy on me guys ! ( arms guarding face and head...lol)
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-10-2009, 12:56 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by jj
yeah, i would agree that Dave answer is the only oen that works...unless not only is the dot dot dot rule gone the way of the dodo, but also the punctuation punctuation punctuation rule, lol
also,  joveski is ahead of Dave (and myself!) by a good 200 points, lol
Agreed jj ! Good to hear from ya. As explained up down and sideways - I misread Mende's with a comma. I was too tired to be answering posts this morning. I'll avoid undue replication of the full explanation, as its in other posts jj, but thanks for what might have been the only tip off, it seems EVERYBODY SAW IT ! duhhhhhhh Says steve... I respect allways the democracy in here, this time it wasn't even necessary - no argument from me, only human error. ! But had you guys NOT pointed it out - I would have probably missed it, so THANKS TO ALL OF YOU !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-10-2009, 01:07 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by RM
I agree with charlene and jj that the "comma rule" must be enforced. I think it was thoughtful of geosteve to consider granting joveski a 'break' due to the catastrophic events unfolding in his country. but hey.....I had a flat tire this morning (messed up the whole day) and I'm not expecting any special treatment.
Naw Ron - The only 'break' I had in mind was a gimme to both, based on beng unaware til now of my mis-reading. Rules are rules. I do appreciate all of you bringing it to my attention, I do thank you, I thought I had two valid responses, with Dave being the 'BIG' song submission importantly, and Joveski erroneously was considered by me to have a valid (with comma) submission, ahead of Dave's.
EVEN so, the fact that it was not a BIG song for Gord - is the ONLY part I thought I was going easy on. didn't realize the missing comma in Mende's. !
Thanks again guys ! I don't want to over look any post - but----
Hope I didn't miss anyone's posts that appear all in agreement - no argument, only misread, I did. I'll let this post be the last one, I figure you guys will understand me with clear-conscious, raised perhaps, but no rule breaking intended.
Now, so's I can git' on with the game ! No special favours, rules are rules, all agreed, I read a comma where there was not one ! My mistake - BUT - so as to not let it go on unsympathized with as to your trevails, my people told me about your flat, Ron. You see, I'm company. Dinner company is all..lol !
I am indeed sorry you had a messed up day Ron, no breaks for you though man, we all abides by the CODE OF THE WEST in here. So, I think I get a neck-stretchin', after I post a flat -tire Avatar by your name . Ron..lol 
Truly now, back to the game - I hope this and other posts in the last fifteen minutes answer all your questions ! Simple mis-read. No hurt feelings intended, or favour given. I did wait on the big X, as my finger was a-itchin for something wrong, it was guiet, too quiet.... But as an honest American, standing side-by side with Canadians and Aussie's. Right has been done !
OK...phew....now back to the game... Dang if I make an eighth error in closin on 400 clues, I fear what's next for me, your faithful game host, (as I watch a rope hanging in a tree over there..)lol..
Final ruling -Dave gets it solely, by vrtue of my earlier misread, no wrong in mind at any time, and I do thank you all for being on the ball....where i DROPPED it... SO LETS PLAY BALL ! THE GAME IS BACK ON ! Error ded and buried, I hope....lol..
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-10-2009 at 01:18 AM.
02-10-2009, 02:59 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by 4LaneStudios
Q354 .... feet,you ....
If You Could Read My Mind
"with chains upon my feet, you know that ghost is me"
Q355 .... go,it ....
Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
"as the big freighters go, it was bigger than most"
Hi Lynn, I may be talkin a little funny from the neck-stretchin' canceled at the last minute when truth, honesty, and the AMERICAN/CANADIAN/AUSTRALIAN way saved the blameless ! I made a simple mistake in reading Q350's submit from Mende w/o a comma - which IS ENFORCED. Somethin' tells me Lynn you know what its like being at the other end. A hundred player's errors take play thus far, and me 7 that I know, and woomp - WATCH OUT YEEEEOWWW they thought I was breakin rules out of sympathy. I shorely was a-sympathising, but not to the point of any game rules overlooked, only a comma..I. DIDN'T...SEE...crawling on the ground now they've reduced me to.....something tells me you know what its like at the other end of the 'hosting' as best you can - with rules in vistory requests, etc. if only one person could see it my way....I think I ...could...go on.
(MY BEST WILLIAM SHATNER) lol.. OK game play again if the lynch mob is done with me... a broken man...on my last legs left, one swig of water in the canteen, and a pure heart that would never knowingly break the rules..... I crawl... someone please understand.....I'm a GOOD MAN....I AM !...HONEST !.....I stand before you shatterred Lynn, Ron had a flat tire, and got no special favours, and Mende had the submission w/o comma I missed, and I wanted therefor to split the win with DAVE who got the BIG SONG right - with comma. I think those words will a' haunt me for days and months to come, when my own game brothers and sisters, knowing I NEVER knowingly break a rule. holding me TO LYNCH , just as I figured it out - Mende's submit had no comma, can all...PLEASE...FORGIVE ME AHAAAAAAAAAGH (think this is Oscar material Lynn ?)
Lynn's submit: Q354 .... feet,you .... = IYCRMM Yes ! -
If You Could Read My Mind ? = Lynn is a winner here fair and square, now....she has another !
Absolutely unequivocably the intended song to win 354 !
And your next submission:
Q355 .... go,it .... =
Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald Yes !
"as the big freighters go, it was bigger than most...
Absolutely correct - 2 wins one handful of money folks. gather all around !
er.. make that one handful of one submission, two wins, no bribes here !
Thanks for playing Lynn, and for not being part of the lynching lol ! j/k
Civil unrest was a brewin'. And thats my job. I wear a badge.
It reads - dunce who did not see a comma !
'Round these here parts we hold court and give a man a chance to speak his peace before giving him a necktie party ! lol....... ony j/k guys !
Back to no joking around - Lynn takes both Q354 and Q355 ! I'll post 'em !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-10-2009 at 05:33 AM.
02-10-2009, 03:08 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by RM
Q349 ......lonely,all
Song : Rainy Day People
Lyric : If you get lonely, all you really need is that rainy day love
Absolutely corekkit !......lonely,all (....)(sic) = Rainy Day People?
It sure does, commas all rorect and all, minor addition no harm no foul of the dots that in this setlist form would follow the ......word,word(....). !
Ron nails it for sure - I'll post it ! Thanks for being one of the mob... who took kindly upon me, even though they were not my intentions, you were admiring for a moment the humanity in what I didn't do ! lol... j/k Ron
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-10-2009, 03:10 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by RM
Q346 .....again,either.....
Song : Baby Step Back
Lyric : Last of all let me say it again, either step up or step on
Ron throws in again with: Q346 .....again,either..... = Baby Step Back, it surely does!
I'll post the winning Ron - you have a sweep going here !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-10-2009, 04:06 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
ERROR & STATUS UPDATE, POSTED @ 4:30am., Wed., FEB 11th, 2009 !
I honestly could not 'see' this until tonight. ON Q351
( Lynn got Q353) - DQ
It....read heat,that ..... But SHOULD read:
Q351 .... heart,that .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
No wonder you guys were not getting it.. My sincere apologies.
The other error I made on not seeing the comma in Wayne's verse was funny
But I am having medical trouble with my eyes, and please, its not funny... I'm scared about it. Happy hunting now to the first person to nail it.
Very, very sorry.
I also placed a small 'one-left' update at the bottom of the page at 4am Wed,
it was a '2-left' mini-update and then Lynn got Q353 - It was Don Quixote, from .... again,where ....
All the songs are AMONG his most famous all from '70 - '83, in relative terms safest objective measure is commercial $ and airplay, and ALL songs clues are in .....word,word.... format - clue word, comma, clue word, all mid-verse.
==============="SPECIAL SERIES CLUES" ================
Q346 .... again,either .... - X Ron gets it with 'BABY STEP BACK'
Q347 .... away,slip .... - X Jenney gets it with 'CAREFREE HIGHWAY'
Q348 .... tight,how .... - X Char gets it with 'BEAUTIFUL'
Q349 .... lonely,all .... - X Ron gets it with 'RAINY DAY PEOPLE'
Q350 .... living,a .... - X DAVE gets it with 'CANADIAN RAILROAD TRILOGY'
Q351 .... heart,that .... - X Ron gets it with 'SFAWN' - corrected clue spelling
Q352 .... roar,see .... - X Ron gets it with 'EARLY MORNING RAIN
Q353 .... again,where .... - X LYNN gets it with 'Don Quixote'
Q354 .... feet,you .... - X LYNN gets it with 'IYCRMM'
Q355 .... go,it .... - X LYNN gets it with 'TWOTEF'
================================================== ========
All songs written by: Gordon Lightfoot .
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-11-2009 at 08:51 PM.
02-10-2009, 04:12 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
me and dave are fine and will be fine!. the closest fire is 30 mins drive away from me. 173 people so far counted for. it was cold enough to wear long sleeves today - the winds are the problem now. some fires are still burning and most were a case of arson.
my more distant high school friend passed away today... he chose to stay in the house.
anyway, this thread is for guessing what gord's singing!
02-10-2009, 04:56 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by RM
I had a flat tire this morning (messed up the whole day) and I'm not expecting any special treatment.
commute flusteration! i hope it didnt happen in too bad a spot...i share your &%*& pain from my nightmare 2 weeks ago and my humour (laffing at life's slaps in the face) is what kept me cool, ok semi-cool...in my case it was an alternator suddenly shot...so my hazard lights wouldnt even work and i was in highway off ramp with no shoulder to pull off onto...it was almost dark, dangerous scene...if your was even in the slightest a similar experience, you deserve special treatment...award this man a bonus point, Judge geoIto!
02-10-2009, 05:48 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by joveski
me and dave are fine and will be fine!. the closest fire is 30 mins drive away from me. 173 people so far counted for. it was cold enough to wear long sleeves today - the winds are the problem now. some fires are still burning and most were a case of arson.
my more distant high school friend passed away today... he chose to stay in the house.
anyway, this thread is for guessing what gord's singing!
Mende - yea the weather widget in windows shows you down to 65 F right now. What a change. I'm very sorry to hear of the loss of your old friend. I guess a guys gotta do what he thinks best, but here the EOM or Firemarshall will mandatorily vacate a person if so ordered.. Any way - I'm glad you 2 are fine, and the weathers cooled down. Arson ! Boy thats a minority of cases here, with two significant exceptions - one crazy man they call the 'mattress man' he roams around on donated money, and then pickes a place to sleep and throws his mattress down on the ground. Only problem is, last time he lit fire to his mattress soaked in kerosene/coal oil, ,lit it, and drove away. He got thrown in prison for that. Other was a ....forest ranger lady, who through unclear events admitted to starting a fire herself.
Like you say, back to biz. I'm up-to-date on the X-files above - and 2 are waiting for an answer......
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-10-2009, 05:53 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by jj
commute flusteration! i hope it didnt happen in too bad a spot...i share your &%*& pain from my nightmare 2 weeks ago and my humour (laffing at life's slaps in the face) is what kept me cool, ok semi-cool...in my case it was an alternator suddenly shot...so my hazard lights wouldnt even work and i was in highway off ramp with no shoulder to pull off onto...it was almost dark, dangerous scene...if your was even in the slightest a similar experience, you deserve special treatment...award this man a bonus point, Judge geoIto!
Yes jj - you are a man of generosity. I've been thinking of a brass-coated 4-way tire iron, OR an icon of a flat tire for his signature - sort of an Avatar w/o the function ! LOL.....sorry for that bad day Ron. Well, check the boards, Dave got it after I re-read Mende's Lightfoot.ca verse - no comma my mistake. As fas as going easy on Ron or any body, I'm as friendly as I can be, but can give no special favors ! Only when I am duped into one by my own stupidity, and or crossed eyes lol.....
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-10-2009, 10:33 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by jj
commute flusteration! i hope it didnt happen in too bad a spot...i share your &%*& pain
Thanks for the empathy. Let me put it this way........the devil's in the details.....and Satan was in a really bad mood.
02-10-2009, 05:06 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by RM
Thanks for the empathy. Let me put it this way........the devil's in the details.....and Satan was in a really bad mood .
EDIT POST SCRIPT - I JUST NOW REALIZED YOUR REPLY ABOVE WAS FOR JJ, NOT ME, SORRY TO BOTH OF YOU, BUT MAYBE THIS 'GUY STUFF CAR PARTS STORY WILL CHUCKLE BOTH OF YOU..THERE ARE EXPLOSIONS, LIMBS ALMOST FLYING OFF, ITS AN EXCITING READ - IT BELONGS ON THE 'SPIKE CHANNEL' ON CABLE TV....no offense ladies, guys just dig reading and watching and hearing of.... things that smell like 90-weght hypoid gear oil..... ruh ruh ruh ! Man stuff - we love explosions - that defines a guy movie in one sentence.....we're not too bright ..LOL.
Ron - I like that... I had allways heard and tried to abide by the first 'old saw' part - but your addition of... - 'and Satan was in a really bad mood' is a hoot - I'l remember that one. I will rue the day when my 3/4 ton Dodge Ram gets a flat tire on one of those beauties - 60 PSI, and heavy....... turning rusted pneumatically-tightened lug nuts and worst of all for , simply stated medical limitations as to weight, I'll be in a bad way. Thank goodness for cell phones !
At least the tires aren't split rims.....you ever see one of those fly off the rotator-style bead-breaker tire remove and reinstall on a rim job ? Whe a new learning employee saving for college does not yet know what split rims are, and the boss is on vacation, that young naive boy can have his head taken off...literally.., by a split rim from a semi that stopped at the Conoco I worked at in High School. I survived, but was told I was lucky, The driver chose to tell me afterwards, full of malcontent sarcasm - you know the type - amused and full of cinicism by my naivete on split rims, .... afterwards he said 'Son, those are meant be to done in a protective cage - that rim'll take a body part off of you, or two A HAHAHAHA. I lost it, rare rare thing for me, and yelled at him ' you mean you knew I was in danger, and din't tell me ? You son of a bi88!!!'
Yeah, reel funny fella, while you watched me try to use a conventional pleumatic tire buster.... and it did fly off.... AND THEN Not a week later an entire battery, charging on the quick charger was going, with the (then) removable caps tp let excess heat and bubbling gases dissipare during a hot charge - the guy that set it up had had a three beer lunch and feelin no pain, he forgot to do the battery out in...... the 'battery shed', away from workers for just that reason. That was still in the day when you had to add electrolyte acid to all new batteries, they came dry.
When it blew up - right smack dab in front of my face, and I mean everything totally in shards and acid skyhigh, right 2 feet from my face, my overalls were soaked in acid which I immediately took off, and ran to a co worker, and said ' do you see any acid on my face ? I don;t feel any...probably will in an hour..... and i went and rinsed my whole head in the OSHA required emreg shower head that USED to be required, but there turned out, despite my face not 2 feet from the explosion, kneeling at same level while cold-tuning a VW for elevation....it was truly miraculous I had not a single burn.
Thats why old real 'service stations' with smiling speedy service, check your oil sir ?-type service long gone..... wore wool coveralls or pants and jacket - its acid resistant. Learned that from my Dad who had the same thing happen to him when HE was saving for college lol.....
Ron, you are most welcome for the ....sympathy.... and I hope my tails of ruination got a chuckle from ya !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-10-2009 at 05:15 PM.
02-10-2009, 10:56 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
How's your neck geoSteve? It looked like it might be stretched a wee bit...  lol
I seem to be working in order, but from back to front! lol
Q353 .... again, where ....
Don Quixote
"In vain to search again, where no one will hear"
~~ Lynn
"Travel with me if you choose, into a land of notions"
02-11-2009, 04:24 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by 4LaneStudios
How's your neck geoSteve? It looked like it might be stretched a wee bit...  lol
I seem to be working in order, but from back to front! lol
Q353 .... again, where ....
Don Quixote
"In vain to search again, where no one will hear"
LOL Sore subject Lynn the neck is a 'wee bit stretched, but within the bounds of what is incumbent upon me' I have been stretched on various axes, some on the complex plane, therefor I do not exist anymore in Euclid's world. But at least existentialy, I'm alive. kicking, and having fun ! Neck intrinsicaly is post operatively sore before the neck-tie party anyway, but the groups' handy with a rope, and I did got a therapeutic ...er....traction lol...I'm hoping I can submit the costs to insurance for a 'beneficial therapy' lol.
They did find that it is hard to stretch titanium, though - moden orthopaedics wins again !
If you wish to avoid my blabberty in this post, where I compliment the players, and acknowledge the need for minimum errors on my part, and why, please simply jump down to OK BACK TO BIZ !
LOL ROF Thanks Lynn, I needed that. Puts a simple human mistake in perspective. But, conversely, when a person puts themselves in a position of being the one to declare right or wrong, I fully understand that that person has to be held to a higher standard of minimizing errors; its the nature of the beast. Because, and I know this is no revelation to you Lynn, but you've offerred what is in fact the first humerous and non-bullwhipping post, even though in reality the others have, on a deeper level ,still been meant to be no harm intended, with imbedded humour predicated on what now are long-standing relationships in the game - where we can criticize for all appearnces to the casual observer, but supporting that dialogue is a long-standing good humour, ....its cool.. - all the posts in general.
I do particularly appreciate your post especially , Lynn, it has had the most 'feel-better' quality to it about a simple mistake of mine. However, I do understand all the others, and they are well meant and are founded on long-standing premises of understood foundations in good natured humour, so no harm no foul by me being called out on the carpet; as I have assumed the task of saying yay or nay on others thoughtfully submitted songs, that carry with them, depending on the person and how far their heart is out on their sleeve, that persons self-esteem in essence being submitted as well.
My mistakes, in the greatest distinction I know of between their human error versus mine, is best illustrated I think in this concept: assuming we are all on a level playing field of skill , which I believe we are, but when they err, they do not cause others grief or potential hard-to-swallow recrimination, as opposed to when I err, quite likely DO cause occassional sunken esteem for a moment here and there; not usually, but by definition my mistakes DO effect other people intrinsically, there's don't. And there is the best reason I know, accept, and undestand as the basis for why I have to be more careful, more double-checked, and frankly be da88shure about my call, as it stands to effect others. No other approach would be considered thoughtful of me to assume.
So no real harm at all, but the sting when they are declared wrong, and further justifiably indignant if I call them wrong in error of mine incorrectly, versus their sumbissions rarely at all, by definition, hurt others, and unintentionally make comments that pertain to their skill which I NEVER intend, but it can be taken that way by my poor wording.
You know, over time, I do know that when you consider this many posts, pushing a thousand; and how many views, around 13,000; correspondingly the number of players has progressed inversely to the numbers "in the audience" over time, expressed above. I firmly believe that, as much more than a compliment, but a FACT, that this progressive dwindling of players which has pretty-much stabilized currently, and we are enjoying the highest level of play than ever before. Moreover - while everyone has different strengths, THIS group has an uncanny ability to solve the hardest clues I can come up with wthout resorting to 'too simple of predicates and words so vague' as to be ubiquitous throughout Lightfoot's and anyone's music -words like 'the, it, she, he. them, go, gone, etc etc' you know what I mean.
I guess what I am trying to say is, this group currently, always missing a few come and go faces that share this quality I'm speaking of (OhLinda , Mandoann,oTJ, and a handful of others that come and go which is cool) combined with the core regulars I generally assume will be there; I've observed over time the 'thinning" if you will has been in part....some have left over time for simple level of interest, and many other reasons not based on insufficient skills. But I do think the ones that did stay (survive lol) are, broadly speaking, of the highest skill level in this game's unique type of skill required. No disrespect or diminishing of players who've departed largely for good over time intended whatsoever.
No doubt many of them have highly refined skills in other areas; or while posessed of this game's skills, there interest simply has not been held for as long as these loyal players have. But the fact I'm dancing around I say now, despite fear of unintentionally offending anyone, is that you guys in here, plus some of the come and go semi-regulares, are of the most distilled and boiled-down HIGHEST skill level this game has ever experienced. It is ironically very challenging to come up with clues that challenge them ! I believe the regulars and semiregulars, the players we all know, out of just under 2000 corfidites, in this game are, dare I say it, the creme of the creme in the necessary skills for this game. Other members of corfid are either not interested, yet capable of the skill level the game is at now, or have other equally impressive if not greater skills, or are simply less frequent posters that enjoy reading more than interacting.
Anyway - my compliments guys. And to referee simply the game rules applicability (not overlapping in any way Char's *real* authority) I simply say yay or nay based on the game structure I assembled. And it is incumbent upon me to hold my mistake level to a strict minimum, as stated because my statements directly effect others. OK I'll stop there, having caught myself in a circular beg-the-question logical phallacy. Here's to ya guys !
Q353 .... again, where ....
Don Quixote
"In vain to search again, where no one will hear
Does Q353 .... again, where .... = DQ ? - YES ! Congrats Lynn- three on the x-files back-to back ! I'll post it.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
02-11-2009, 04:32 AM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Q351 .... heart,that .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED
THAT'S all folks ! Just one ! And then onward McDuff to a new set ?
Of ....what would you guys like ? Regular good ole std. set, or another time period, tight-format clue like this one ? or... ?
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-11-2009 at 08:00 AM.
Reason: spelling
02-11-2009, 12:15 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by geodeticman.5
Q351 .... heart,that ....
Well, that certainly makes a difference........
Song : SFAWN
Lyric : If I could know within my heart, that you were lonely too
02-11-2009, 08:33 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by RM
Well, that certainly makes a difference........
Song : SFAWN
Lyric : If I could know within my heart, that you were lonely too
Indeed it does Ron,
Ronster:  ooops....tiptoeing away from Ron and gang.....dink dink...
OK I can joke about it myself now its cool. I am seeing normal today ! Ya!
If you wish to avoid further meaningless self-incriminating blather,
go to 'SKIP MEANINGLESS BLATHER' in yellow....lol
The doc is still going to remove and rotate my eyeballs ....the above ..dinkdink.......tiptoeing was an onomatopoeic
attempt at those old 'pixie and dixie' mouse cartoons (anybody...hello anybody remember) where the little guys would tiptoe away from the cat......lol.... and the music score for tiptoeing away was sorta ...dink.dink...dink...anybody,anyone a...know that old great one.....OK THEN ALLRIGHY.. NO TIPTOEING THROUGH THE TULIPS FOR THIS MAN YA HA LETS ..GET THE HE88 OUT A HERE WE ARE BURNING CHIPTIME.....
Note the corrected spelling of heart , from heat, which is why nobody got it yet. If you didn't read my guilt-ridden blabberty nigher up, with Nuclear MeltDown ERROR ALERT UPDATES ALL OVER LIKE A MELTDOWN IN RED ALERT,
I felt real bad about it. I suggest placing me in stocks (stockade ?) in the commons square . lol alittle er sorry Ron. Thanks for the thoughtful reply, it indeed makes a difference. When I look at the screen, I can't spot-check the keyboard as one does, and vice versa as welll. That, is normal for me.
Not soon, so sayeth the "professionals' drooling over the $30,000 like a bloodhound after a wounded fox....lol..come here, son, I'll adjust your eyes.....mu hahahahaha just give me you little insurance card son......snicker
RONS SUBMISSION: Q351 .... heart,that .... = SFAWN ? UNH HUH YEP !
Congrats, Ron, I am sure heart vs heart made no difference in your Stephen Hawking's mind,,, you knew it all along.... er.......sorry about that , Chief
Ron wins the last, = Q351 of this list. Not having heard any preferences, I'll begin a new list of good ole' home sweet home on the North 40......yep
regular ole' clues and normal format, I believe I'm a bit tetched on those '70 - '83 word'comma,word format clues maybe til next time....litte lol...anyone ? Interesting FACTUAL note - there was an obvious ambiguity surrounding the just-finished list. Regarding the prescribed time period of '69 - '83, SFAWN it's in, and it's not...I remembered my favoured version in the re-recorded GG1, ALSO true of Early Morning Rain, AND CRT ! and those WERE in what '75 eh, but strictly speaking they should be considered UA period pieces. Whats a man to do ? I WILL MEDITATE ON THIS IN THE CROUCHING TIGER POSITION.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-11-2009 at 08:59 PM.
Reason: shpellink
02-11-2009, 08:52 PM
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Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
Originally Posted by geodeticman.5
I'll begin a new list of good ole' home sweet home on the North 40......yep
regular ole' clues and normal format
Just a note before you relocate.....when you mentioned that the clues were from some of Lightfoot's most well-known songs, I thought it would be a piece of cake. But I found it surprisingly challenging. I guess it was the comma......
02-11-2009, 09:39 PM
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Posts: 39
Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !
LOL Well, I have such a looooong way to go to become a "Lighthead"!!  I read the answer to Q351, and although the lyric posted was immediately familiar, I could not for the life of me recall ever listening to a song called " SFAWN"! LOL Just in case there are any other viewers who are still climbing the Forum language curve, fraught with abbreviations, that would be " Song For A Winter's Night". LOL I'm learning!! LOL
~~ Lynn
"Travel with me if you choose, into a land of notions"
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