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Old 02-06-2009, 02:21 PM   #926
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q337 .... dig

The kind of gig I can really dig

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Old 02-06-2009, 05:36 PM   #927
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !


Stop It !!!! You just solved 60% of the latest 10 quizzers. No wonder geosteve is expressing concern over diminishing participation.......

Just kidding. I'm impressed. I'll bet you don't even need to use 'Post It' note pads.
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Old 02-06-2009, 08:05 PM   #928
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

she might get most of the answers but she doesnt know how to turn off her caps lock key in that last post!

as for "dig", i was trying to think of a digging theme, as in witha shovel!
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Old 02-06-2009, 08:19 PM   #929
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

she told me at the beginning of the week she had a million things to do AND work...methinks she's been sitting and listening to Lightfoot tunes 24/7...

and I've been busy getting the Lightfoot covers et al organized so haven't been able to play...
can ya dig it?
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Old 02-06-2009, 09:56 PM   #930
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That last one got me for awhile, I was trying to think of all the songs about mining, etc. Then I just decided since it was at the end of a verse, I'd think of what rhymed with dig. Big, dig, fig, gig! And that's my secret! I've been listening all week to SSOL, so Go My Way was easy. And Joveski is right, the caps key confounded me!
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Old 02-07-2009, 11:24 PM   #931
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by Jenney View Post
Q337 .... dig

The kind of gig I can really dig

Q337 .... dig = 'Hangdog Hotel Room' ? - That's correct !

Holy Cow Jenney !- an un-precedented SIX SONGS in one list ? There must be some Congressional Medal for that !

Unbelievable ! - Maybe I'll have to go to half-word clues ! lol Well done.

I'll post it !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-07-2009, 11:43 PM   #932
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by RM View Post

Stop It !!!! You just solved 60% of the latest 10 quizzers. No wonder geosteve is expressing concern over diminishing participation.......

Just kidding. I'm impressed. I'll bet you don't even need to use 'Post It' note pads.
Ron - everyone did so well this set - and the last three. Any concerns I had are down to this - I'm happy that everyone who enjoys playing now is playing, and we are knocking down sets left and right !. I'd say there is plenty enough enthusiasn amongst our regulars. From last report, jj is still on zen sabbattical, in the 'crouching tiger' position. suspended mid-air on his thumbs only. I suspect he'll be back ! . But you know, if anyone gets burned-out for awhile on the game, thats OK ! We still have fun. Thanks to everyone who is playing. No worries if we don't see you on any given set !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-07-2009, 11:47 PM   #933
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by charlene View Post
she told me at the beginning of the week she had a million things to do AND work...methinks she's been sitting and listening to Lightfoot tunes 24/7...

and I've been busy getting the Lightfoot covers et al organized so haven't been able to play...
can ya dig it?
She said she has been listening to I believe the UA series, it shows. But the way she non-chalantly knocked of SIX, tells me she had time to fit in other things easy ! lol

We know you're busier than a beaver in spring, no worries Char !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-07-2009, 11:48 PM   #934
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4th and Finishing round ! POSTED @ 8:30pm.,Sat.,FEB 7th, 2009 !

Jenney wins the final round with an un-precedented 6 wins in one set !

I have to do this to celebrate - I'm pulling out one of the very colorful celebratory banners ! Jenney - and everyone else - you all got some of these hard ones ! We are done with this set, and ready for a new set of 10 !

CONGRATULATIONS! Jenney! - and everyone else that played !
All songs are in the 'main 20 albums'

================================================== ========

Q336 .... wild waves .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Go My Way'

Q337 .... dig - X Jenney gets it with 'Hangdog Hotel Room'

Q338 ... shadows lick .... - X mandoann gets it with 'Rosanna'

Q339 Batterred .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Welcome to Try'

Q340 .... man child - X formerlyLavender gets it with 'Mama Said'

Q341 .... desperately - X Jenney gets it with 'Peaceful Waters'

Q342 Hidden .... - X Ron gets it with 'Knotty Pine'

Q343 Passion .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Only Love Would Know'

Q344 .... alibi .... - X Jenney gets it with 'Anything for Love'

Q345 .... insane .... - X oTJ gets it with 'Stay Loose'

================================================== ========
All songs written by: Gordon Lightfoot .

This set is done, and we are ready for a new set of 10 ! !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-07-2009, 11:49 PM   #935
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I'll post a new 10 ASAP !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-07-2009 at 11:54 PM.
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Old 02-08-2009, 06:37 AM   #936
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

OK HERE ARE TEN NEW CLUES, POSTED @ 3:45am.,Sun.,FEB 5th, 2009 !

All the songs are AMONG his most famous, in relative terms safest objective measure is commercial $ and airplay, and ALL songs clues are in .....word,word.... format - clue word, comma, clue word, all mid-verse.Now skip blah blah if you wish. The blah blah is however about the songs. You'll only have to pick from at MOST 15 songs in your head for all these, given the time period. If you want the time period and other helpful hints - READ THE BLAH-BLAH HAVE FUN !


2ND, AND MORE SIGNIFICANT NARROWING OF SONGS TO CONSIDER, AND UNIFORM CLUE FORMAT The frst, was in the last set - as an after-thought, I found some of the most surprising words from verse in his songs, and called it 'The "THESE ARE WORDS IN HIS SONGS ?" -LIST. 2ND LIST NOW - you only have to pick from a dozen or so songs ! But here's the catch - the clues are more vague, not intentionally, but what was intentional was pre-determining the clue format, and then finding the best clues I could for you. THEY ARE ALL OUT OF HIS 12 OR SO MOST ...SUCCESSFUL SONGS (NOT 'BEST'), BIGGEST COMMERCIALLY -AND DAMN GOOD SONGS FOR THAT MATTER. They could be called by K-Tel (Gord Fordbid) "The 1 CD WITH JUST 10 HITS ? CAUSE WE'RE CHEAP, AND ARE GOING TO ISSUE A "Ten of his Greatest hits - Volume II"

Because there will be some mis-communiication in this first (2nd, really) attempt at a theme of a different sort; be it my poor wording, or a mis-heard or mis-understood individual reading of my words, lets not focus on that in the end, if you focus on one thing focus on this: They are ten OF his biggest songs. Not THE ten, and you'll be fine.Note to all: This list of ten is the second in a short series thus far of very mild twists on regular lists. I hesitate to call them 'Theme' lists, because they are not like: one list is sailing or boat songs, the next maybe love ballads,etc. This is much simpler, but easy to convey w/o ambiguity. All clues this time are in ....word,word .... format, and note the comma is in every clue. They all appear that way in, so for the die-hard 'listen in your head' only purists, you may wish to add the resource of looking in Wayne's world lyrics.

Every single song is one of his most famous songs, on either Cashbox/Billboard terms, or the couple songs from UA period, which I do not know the airplay time they got, but we would 'likely' all agree they are major, major Lightfoot songs. I'll further help you by saying that every single song was recorded on album sessions from '69 - '83
. 3 of the songs came from the UA period, and were re-recorded IN GG1 UA re-dux sessions, to make the statement still true, of re-recorded dates range. In fact, 8 of the 10 songs are in GG1. Of those 8, 5 are 'as-is' (2nd LP for us turntable oldsters), and the other 3 from GG1 were LP disc1 re-recordings of major UA period songs. So, with 8 in GG1, of the remaining two, 1 is one his most famousof all time songs, the other got significant airplay but was not a $/smash hit maybe 4 years later 'or so'.

I am not representing my selection as being 'The quintessential ten songs of Gordon Lightfoot' at all. But its damn close in commercial terms - airplay on the radio terms. A couple of his BIG songs from UA time either didn't fit in "10" clue, or the ....word,word.... did not work for that song. Simply the 'facts' I stated about them are true in objective terms. Its safe to say they were all major songs for him, I would maintain safely. Not all of his 'major' songs or career-defining quintessential songs would either fit in a list of 10, nor do all the songs we would likely narrow down to his 10 most 'famous' or 'big' songs lend themselves to this clue format.

In fact, it was hard among his "Quintessential, fans want to hear them songs every setlist" songs to find cases of this clue format. I do guarantee, per, all song clues are correctly in word,word format, and will be found that way. It actually maybe the easiest, or the hardest list we've done. My money is on easiest. Just remember "hmmm his HUGE songs" But lets face it, no song after '76 was a huge song, at least in the U.S. . I know he gets more airplay for each album out in Canada, from what I've seen. But only ONE song is after '76, anyway. Not a big concern. If you guys like this when done. Please feel free to say - 'Hey a, lets do a set of ten clues that are 'so on and so forth' , like mayne next ten we do either same old format, OR... we try - every song in the next ten pertained CLEARLY to failed love or relationship in the end.

We can't get to subjective by definition. Objective differentiation of the songs could be really fun. Also, like: next set should be :Every song has geographic place names, or features, i.e. rivers in the lyrics. Or every song in the next list will have booze prominent in some way". It does have to be objective enough for differring subjective opinions to be able to hang there hat on something OBJECTIVE up front. This could be fun. OR.... you may throw the baby, and the bathwater out, and all 3, to catch the baby !- 3rd millenia political correctness on that old saw. The most important hint, is this....yes.....yes...gather around HAVE FUN ! Rather than worrying or scratching at how well what I said fits the clues/songs at the end, just remember they are (in relative terms - key airplay) BIG SONGS. Enjoy !


All songs are in the 'main 20 albums'


==============="SPECIAL SERIES CLUES" ================

Q346 .... again,either .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED

Q347 .... away,slip .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED

Q348 .... tight,how .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED

Q349 .... lonely,all .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED

Q350 .... living,a .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED

Q351 .... heat,that .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED

Q352 .... roar,see .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED

Q353 .... again,where .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED

Q354 .... feet,you .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED

Q355 .... go,it .... - REMAINS UNANSWERED

================================================== ========

All songs written by: Gordon Lightfoot .

~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-08-2009 at 07:05 AM.
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Old 02-08-2009, 12:34 PM   #937
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q348 - ...tight,how..
Song - Beautiful
And when you hold me tight, how could life be anything but beautiful..

My 'lighthead' status was at risk if I didn't get it eh Sparky?
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Old 02-08-2009, 12:53 PM   #938
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Q347 .... away,slip ....

Carefree Highway.

Let me slip away, slip away on you

I told Char I was going to revoke her Lighthead status if she didn't get Q348!
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Old 02-08-2009, 01:32 PM   #939
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !


Song: Early Morning Rain

Lyric : Hear the mighty engines roar, see the silver wing on high

(take THAT Jenney...)
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Old 02-08-2009, 01:53 PM   #940
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by RM View Post

Song: Early Morning Rain

Lyric : Hear the mighty engines roar, see the silver wing on high

(take THAT Jenney...)

Oooh, so obvious, yet so elusive..... I hang my head in shame....
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Old 02-08-2009, 03:02 PM   #941
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q350 .... living,a ....

Someone to believe in

(living a life of ease
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Old 02-08-2009, 05:50 PM   #942
Dave, Melbourne,Australia
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Q350: Canadian Railroad Trilogy "A drink to the living, a toast to the dead". I'm pleased to see Joveski survived Australia's worst ever bushfire day last Saturday. The death toll in our state Victoria is 108 & expected to be much higher. Many people died at Kinglake, just 30 miles from Melbourne. The fires have destroyed several towns (including Marysville, Narbethong & Flowerdale), 750 homes, 350000 hectares of land, etc. More towns are under threat now, including Beechworth & Stanley in north-eastern Victoria. It appears several of the fires were deliberately lit & the authorities are hell-bent on finding & charging the culprits. Victoria was more vulnerable to bushfires than ever before, after 10 years of drought, the last month without rain & last week several days in the mid-40s degC (around 110degF). Late summer & plenty of tinder-dry fuel for bushfires. On Saturday, Melbourne had its highest temperature on record (46.4degC/116degF) & north winds up to 100Km/h (60mph). The flames were up to 10 storeys high & crossed paddocks etc in seconds. Ironically, parts of Queensland in north-eastern Australia are currently suffering from major floods after record rainfall!
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Old 02-08-2009, 09:54 PM   #943
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Q354 .... feet,you ....
If You Could Read My Mind
"with chains upon my feet, you know that ghost is me"

Q355 .... go,it ....
Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
"as the big freighters go, it was bigger than most"
~~ Lynn
"Travel with me if you choose, into a land of notions"
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Old 02-08-2009, 11:51 PM   #944
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q349 ......lonely,all

Song : Rainy Day People

Lyric : If you get lonely, all you really need is that rainy day love
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Old 02-09-2009, 02:33 AM   #945
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q346 .....again,either.....

Song : Baby Step Back

Lyric : Last of all let me say it again, either step up or step on
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Old 02-09-2009, 09:34 AM   #946
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by charlene View Post
Q348 - ...tight,how..
Song - Beautiful
And when you hold me tight, how could life be anything but beautiful..

My 'lighthead' status was at risk if I didn't get it eh Sparky?
I keep forgetting he wrote this song for you, Char.

But of course you got it ! Do you like the format though, or have any thougts of maybe another type of list we could do ? Its easy to jump in to themes, but those play out quick I think, ideas, that is. One thing to 'vote' for is of course keep the format lie its allways been. I just got an itch to experiment completely at your guys' expense.... lol. j/k

Seriously, maybe next set we could call 'from EOM to Harmony'

well, congrats Char and I'll post your win
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-09-2009 at 09:35 AM. Reason: shpeling
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:19 AM   #947
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Originally Posted by joveski View Post
Q350 .... living,a ....

Someone to believe in

(living a life of ease
Q350 - .... living,a .... = Someone to believe in ? - well, it works, its under the outer wire on year of release OK - really just barely snuck in under the '83 outer limt on Salute their, Mende ! Remember this exercise was 'Huge hits and BIG songs of Lightfoot's . But sure enough - you got the last possible year, it wasn't a hit hear but I assume it was there in OZ ? I'll tell you what - I'll split the win between you and Dave - who got the intended songs - CRT. I meant BIG BIG CAREER-DEFINING SONGS ! But sure as heck - yours works, man. ! OK - 50/50 eh ? I've never turned down a 'first working song in' - but I gotta re-think it if we play another 'format' list of ten ! OK Mende !

I'll post an 'x' for you and Dave, er..somehow lol ! Speaking of Dave, and the fire around your area Mende - I gotta get something off of my chest on wildland fire. its just real important to me. The more knowledge I spread about it, the better I feel I am doing what all the training the gov sent me too for ! Bear with me hear -

Mende - yes, I am sure glad you're OK, definately. You and Dave - I saw that 114 F heat you were having on my windows widget in Melbourne - thought of you, and then bamm - there's the fire. Man, wildfire amd I are old enemies. I worked for a branch of state Gov 20 years so far, and 3 in Federal. Point is, I worked in wildland/urban interface GIS layers/programs in all 3. Each of the 4 agencies I worked for did a start-up project of Wildland Fire Mitigation. Up at the Boulder office I mapped for 10 years and 4 fires.

No point naming them; but The first we contained in 6 acres, 2nd 12 acres, 3rd 114. No 2 factor in fire spread is slope - upwards - hear rises, and all those trees not properly thinned out burst in a first-through flash-braze that charcoals the outside of the tree, leaving the core intact/alive. Its nature's way of thinning slash from forests - very controversial - when they let Yellowstone run naturally that way. Now its lusher than its ever been, with more wildlife populations, nitrogen and potash added to the soil - miraculous, but at what cost ?. We'd tell people we'd help them thin out and clear slash - ladder fuel up to 6 ft high. Few ever took us up on it with the State Regional Forester's help. The Rule of thumb on thinning was take the tree diameter in inches, say 8inches, use that number, and add 10 to it, 18, andthats the optimum minimum spacing there - 18 feet.

Too many people wanted trees around their deck - my Dad included. I begged him to do even the 'donut' thin around their deck - keep 10 -20 ft aesthetic circumference around the house (he had a wrap around deck & view at 10,000 ft) and then do a 'whitewall' outside that 10 - 20 ft ring against the deck, clear an area outside the ring around the deck equal to the height of the taller trees in the area - his elevation made that number less than 30 feet - subalpine firs, engelman spruce, lodgpole pine.
He finally did it, and I got the regional state forester to help him. Then I worked on him to get a jell pack, a foam/jell sprayer to wear like a backpack (looks like scuba gear with no tubes to the face, but it did have a mask to keep blow-back from the face; mildly caustic substance when wet. When heat hits it in the roof, and preferable siding sprayed, too - since he had 12" cedar lap siding, it emits haldon gas to snuff the oxygen out, and is a fire barrier when dry. He at least got the cedar shake roof - a no-no in fire country on a big-a88 slope he was at the TOP of from 1200 feet elev down to the highway. Forester told him that wa the smartest $240 he ever spent.

Sure enough, big fire came thru in the high mountainous canyon to the south, he was in the North ST Vrain Canyon top; and the fire was in the Middle St. Vrain Canyon. It could easily have gone up and over. I've seen fire shoot what looks eerily like a live being thinking - shoot cannonballs of fire in a big arc between canyonwalls, with a thick rope of fire behind the 'ball'. It is weird. Fortunately all the fires I worked, no ever got seriously injured, including the one that made me the maddest. an office to the south.... where I worked 8 years, I'd worked on gov sharing a software called 'fire' easy enough. The Marines at Camp St Le Jeune in South Carolina sent me their 'unworkable' software for wildland mitigation. Of the over 10,000 fires/year in Colorado - 95% are caused by lightning, and of those, over 98% are self extinguishing. But all it takes is one in the wrong area, like urban/slope interface, and woosh - upslope. That happened in Colorado's biggest fire in history ....down south.... The Heyman fire. In our jurisdiction, where the program I rewrote could have helped. I was just sick over it.

I'd re-written the software before it, too port it to our plaltform, and to change the grid growth model to something called 'Huygen Wave Propagation' I borrowed from my physics days at csu - and it would show a real-world pattern of growth down-wind and up-slope, with live 6 ft and 20 ft fire 'antenna's' in 12 location around that county. The little towers fed live wind speed at those 2 heights - critical for fire spread, along with humidity, wind direction, temp, and the forester took weekly fuel compaction and moisture content readings at those twelve location. But wind is the biggy we wanted. When done - you could 'light a fire' in the program - feed it real-time wind data, and it would show an elliptical growth pattern. It has in other states proven to save millions in home damage, and more importantly - lives of the landowners, and the hearty soles that fight the fire.

Then I mapped the fire probability from running the program about 20 times in the..area.. I was in, and identified the hottest problem was a terraced, tiered custom home development that with only ONE road in and out (same) - mtn subdivision went right up the toe of slope wall, hairpin turns in the road matching the terracing. Its like someone said 'lets see how we could build a sub that would burn in a heartbeat' - I just don't get it. Naivete I know over money and profits, but at what expense. The area EOM Director I worked with on the project had the authority to command fire dep't, sherrifs, and all County agencies until feds took over, and he said " one road only, in and out same road huh ?" - he said then "I'll build them a road allright, if a fire comes through, I'll take 3 D9'er dozers and bulldoze a road out at the other end. Dumb-a88es".

Then, after I was forced to take long-term medical leave/disability, the fire came. I won't name it cause I don't want bad blood with the agency. But then again its a public agency - out taxes support them. Problem is they did not implement the program live. The EOM director quit over it. They thought it needed another set of eyes needed to comb the program because I was fighting doing it with a head injury and more I'll not bore you with. Then the big fire came, turned into over 120,000 acres (44,560 sq ft/acre- here, Dave). And I was fighting mad, helpless. Well - two offices over time have been putting me through wildland fire mitigation-analyst training from the state, and I am one weekend seminar away from certification via a 2 x 8/hr test - 8 hours fed, + 8 hours state.

I'm going to see that program run yet,. It'll be the only Huygen wave pattern program in the US we know of.Camp Le Jeune wants a copy of that version back ! You bet - its gov't sharing the way it ought to be. We'll bollox the next big one if I can help it.

Hearing about that fire Dave got me 'all fired up' over the memories. Fire is the most uncanny, living/breathing thing I have ever seen . It makes roaring noises, sucking sounds, it almost has a carrier sound under the din - its like a slow growl- scary, and weird....

phew - thanks for letting me get that off my chest ! Real glad you OK. I hope the casualties stay.. don't grow - sorry to hear of it...
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:46 AM   #948
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by Dave, Melbourne,Australia View Post
Q350: Canadian Railroad Trilogy "A drink to the living, a toast to the dead". I'm pleased to see Joveski survived Australia's worst ever bushfire day last Saturday. The death toll in our state Victoria is 108 & expected to be much higher. Many people died at Kinglake, just 30 miles from Melbourne. The fires have destroyed several towns (including Marysville, Narbethong & Flowerdale), 750 homes, 350000 hectares of land, etc. More towns are under threat now, including Beechworth & Stanley in north-eastern Victoria. It appears several of the fires were deliberately lit & the authorities are hell-bent on finding & charging the culprits. Victoria was more vulnerable to bushfires than ever before, after 10 years of drought, the last month without rain & last week several days in the mid-40s degC (around 110degF). Late summer & plenty of tinder-dry fuel for bushfires. On Saturday, Melbourne had its highest temperature on record (46.4degC/116degF) & north winds up to 100Km/h (60mph). The flames were up to 10 storeys high & crossed paddocks etc in seconds. Ironically, parts of Queensland in north-eastern Australia are currently suffering from major floods after record rainfall!
Q350 - .... living,a .... = CRT = yup. Since Mende beat you too it with an unintended BUT working song, by tradition we give the first working song the win, but with this list special criteria - lets split you and him both win this one huh ? OK by you 2 ?

Yea Dave - above in Mende's submission - I mentioned the 114 F I saw in Windows weather widgets I have for 12 cities. I've never seen temp that high in Melbourne - since I've been watching. We use acres over here for no-metric ( I know I know lol ) - I did a quick conversion on 1 hectare = 2.471 acres in imperial units,and came up with (I'm tired right now, but) -I got 864850 acres, divided by 640 acres/sq mile (not including longitudinal convergance..or spherical excess - only about 1arc second /75 sq mles - so that factor is 18" spheroidal excess, not worth the calc further for fire area, it would make the area smaller,,, but the convergance is -a bout 52 feet per across the top of a 6 mile x 6 mile USPLSS Township (theoretical - they never measure out that way)36 acre township at my latitude) comes to 1,351 sq miles not incl convergance.

That's big big big. I am really sorry to hear that. And that total area in sq miles converts to (by sq rt) c 36.8 miles square (on edge, eg 36 miles x 36 miles)- not square miles. Thats the size of many "average" counties in forested Colorado. That is BIG .... wow....and all those lives. And people's homes. We have a pretty agressive wildland fire mitigation program up and down the front r ange hear and down in the Rampart rangfe where I am....but both counties I have worked in are in Colorado's "red zone for top fire probability" - lots of lightning, lots of forest on high slopes - and as you said - canyions wals to arc/jump across - once you see that - no movie effect impresses you very much, huh ?

Well - you got the trophy kill on CRT - the BIG song I was lookin for - but Mende's got a lot on his mind - as I said in his - lets split the win between you and Mende what say ? I'll post it. Thanks Dave - and for the info - I like to crunch the numbers lol..
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:52 AM   #949
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

I'll pick up on yours, Ron & Lynn et al after I get some sleep..... last night was a wreck with difficulties I won't trouble you with... . I sure appreciate all you guys turnin' in responses so quick. Looks so far like my gues of maybe too easy was right - but if its fun - what the hay ? I'll be back on line later and finish up your good input Thanks Guys
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-09-2009 at 12:05 PM.
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Old 02-09-2009, 12:44 PM   #950
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by geodeticman.5 View Post
Q350 - .... living,a .... = CRT = yup. Since Mende beat you too it with an unintended BUT working song, by tradition we give the first working song the win, but with this list special criteria - lets split you and him both win this one huh ? OK by you 2 ?


so following the punctuation designation doesn't count?
one answer has the required comma, one doesn't..
the comma makes the difference..
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