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Old 02-01-2009, 12:46 AM   #851
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q316 .... bold,....

Standing like a prophet bold, he shouts across the ocean to the shore

Don Quixote
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Old 02-01-2009, 01:54 AM   #852
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by charlene View Post
Q321 ...evergrows
Song: Early Morning Rain
lyric: Out on runway number nine, big seven-o-seven set to go
But I'm stuck here in the grass with a pain that evergrows
Hi Char - good to have u back in this set

Q321 ...evergrows = Early Morning Rain ? Absolutely - how could an ardent fan get ITEMR WRONG ? You know what though, I had not seen the written lyrics up close all the way through until I checked this time, and I would never have guessed myself that 'evergrows' was one continuous word as he wrote it ! I don't think I would have got this myself. Congratulations ! I'll post your BIG 'X'
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
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Old 02-01-2009, 02:12 AM   #853
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by joveski View Post
> Q323 Running ....

Salute ("Running headlong to attract")
Mende - I am stumped on your guess for Q323. You are EXTREMELY knowledgable, but I'll be hanged if I can even find "Running" in the song Salute you submitted. Not to mention the whole phrase, or anything like it - "Running headlong to attract".

Either Wayne Francis was wrong - which Char experienced once, with suits the shade of evergreen, versus Wayne's' copy of lyrics showing "suits the sheen of evegreen' - and if you listened to it - she was correct. Give 'er another listen if you don't mind while I process others, and I'll come back to this if you are convinced still. Allrighty then ? (service station colloquialism) - 'from days gone by' sorry man - at least for the moment
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-01-2009, 04:10 AM   #854
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by 4LaneStudios View Post
Q324 Nor ....
A Minor Ballad
"Nor gowns of soft crimson hue
Nor poems of love no rhymes to bring her"

My last vistory before the channel came down...
Hi Lynn !

It sounds like this is a rough memory in the vistory quest. I am sorry.

Going for a 4lane Highway tonight ?

You know, for the UA period, I think this (A Minor Ballad) and 'Softly' are two of the most beautiful songs; besides killer good melodies, and vocals with loooong lungfulls of air, and sterling vibrato that just..did...not..quit in both ! They are magnificent examples of what he could do with his voice when he chose to. I am able to hear strong vibrato when he wanted it time-wise up to the Salute album if I am not mistaken, DSR,too. EOM it started to fade to my ear. You something funny though, on the song title 'A Minor Ballad', when I first started listening as truly 'young Steve' then at 14, I did not know the vernacular from written music or formal music education in any way - just junior-high mandatory music class, and though we had a cool, 'hip' young teacher, he was 'given' a dogma-based curriculum to teach, like it or not. I did not. Well anyway, point being is that i had no idea that 'A minor' was a music tonal or key variation, still don't and (get this) I thought "A Minor Ballad" meant "an small, unimportant ballad"- literally, and thought "why would he talk down the importance of his own work ? Very embarrassed when I found out, ( only about 5 years ago....when reading an article on music theory lol) -boy am I embarrassed. OK well I'll put ole' Big X up . Thanks !

My voice is different at 50 ('young steve' to some ppl in here ! works for me lol) than it was when I was 25 too, and I don't even smoke. I say ppl that rag on his voice changing should have their mouths erased like in the movie 'Matrix' !

Oh your submit Q324 Nor .... = A Minor Ballad " = for the record correctomundo. Thank u for playing Lynn. I'll post your 'BIG X' (sounds like Jimmy Dean's song - Big, Bad John lol) -Big X.

Big Bad X, stood 6' 4', weighed about 245, kinda wide at the shoulder,and narrow at the hip,and everybody knew you didn't give no lip to Big X.. and when he walked by, everyone knew you just said "Hi"to
Big X. Big Bad X. Big
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-01-2009, 04:41 AM   #855
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by 4LaneStudios View Post
Q322 Car....
Nous Vivons Ensemble
"Car comprend moi"
AHha - je suis pourla francaise ? n'estce pa like that. Jesse Joe has been my patient French instructor for awhile.

OK Q322 Car.... - Nous Vivons Ensemble ? - it sure is - congrats Lynn. I'll post the big -X. I thought that clue of 'car....' would be a bug-a-boo hard one - with an american interpretation of 'a car' vs the French word car. Lucky you just did make that vistory - had the French 'car' fresh in your head , huh ? Still, hard memory on the last vistory.

But aren't you guys dead-set on continuing, only to find a venue with no qualms ? Even so that had to let a lot of air out of your tires.....sh88
. Or...... if you'd rather I don't mention the vistories at all in this game, I'd understand... some escapist relaxation can be a very benifical thing.
Working on a two-lane Highway so far.... Hey remember that Pablo Cruise song - 'Two Lane Highway' - they were kind of a cross between the Eagles, and....maybe Lynyrd Skynyrd ? They had a clean tight band sound... but the real boiler test seams to be the live stage.

Thats where I've allways admired Gord's statement, paraphrased, that he made toward the EOM period if I recall, that "The Audience would hear live music from them that would sound like the studio album recordings" -which then meant no more live string sections in the studio,so that they could almost exactly reproduce the studio sound when playing live, as Hefferenan played synth 'strings' on the keyboard both studio and live. Sound right to you guys ? I've said it 100 times, but wouldn't it have been great - still be, to have a locally contracted union string section wherever possible ? So charge $3 more on the tickets - 2000 seats - $6,000 before overhead taken out...that kind of money could put food on the table of starving musicians huh?
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-01-2009, 05:01 AM   #856
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by RM View Post
Q325 Kick it .......
Song : Cold On The Shoulder
Lyric : Kick it around don't be rude
(good advice for our moderator)

Q325 Kick it ....... = 'Cold On The Shoulder' ? You got it Ronster...!

the Ronameister, The Ronarino, The Ronerator, and same in the sequel R2.

I vant your clothes, your boots, and you motorcycle.....But could you lower yourself into a vat of molten scrap metal to destro the chip ? lol........

Congrats, Ron, I'll post Big-X for your win on that.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-01-2009, 05:11 AM   #857
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by Jenney View Post
Q316 .... bold,....
Standing like a prophet bold, he shouts across the ocean to the shore
Don Quixote
Hi Jenney ! did you get your knots juggled ? lol..... The Juggernaut returneth.


Q316 .... bold,.... = Don Quixote. hmm YUP! I'll post it. big BAD X. Big X.

Thank you for playing ms. Jenney !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-01-2009, 05:54 AM   #858
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I HOPE YOU ARE ALL ENJOYING THIS LIST OF 10, WE ARE AT 7 DOWN, 3 TO GO, Having further scutinized joveski's Q323 the democaratic ruling is that it is not found in Salute. Sorry , Mende. I'll bet its cross-wired in your notes is all.

All songs can be found in under Lyrics/Chords.

All songs are in the 'main 20 albums'

Have fun

================================================== ========

Q316 .... bold,.... - X Jenney gets it with 'Don Quixote'

Q317 .... this crying - REMAINS UNANSWERED

Q318 .... Peace .... -REMAINS UNANSWERED

Q319 .... mayday - X TomCat gets it with 'Without You'

Q320 .... sparrows, .... - X Lynn gets it with 'Couchiching'

Q321 ....evergrows - X Char gets it with 'Early Morning Rain'

Q322 Car .... - X Lynn gets it with ''Nous Vivons Ensemble''

Q323 Running .... - -REMAINS UNANSWERED

Q324 Nor .... - X Lynn gets it with 'A Minor Ballad'

Q325 Kick it .... - X Ron gets it with 'Cold On the Shoulder'

================================================== ========

All songs written by: Gordon Lightfoot .

~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

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Old 02-01-2009, 07:52 AM   #859
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

It's not in SALUTE ..
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Old 02-01-2009, 09:45 AM   #860
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I didn't ever recall a lyric starting with "Car", and I really focus on the lyrics because that's what gives me my interpretation for the vistories. Thanks to working in a bilingual environment, I do have some knowledge of French, though I seldom use it.

But aren't you guys dead-set on continuing, only to find a venue with no qualms ? Even so that had to let a lot of air out of your tires.....sh88
Yes, it did let a lot of air out of our tires. But I know that there will be a suitable "home" for these eventually. A tribute of this size can't stay hidden away forever. So I continue to work (that's definitely the wrong word for this!) away at the remainder of the repertoire and file them away for when the time comes that they can be shared again. Now it's at a much easier pace. I just finished "Go My Way" last night. It's such a pretty little song. And as my husband would tell you -- it keeps me out of trouble!

Now back to the game! This one's from one of oTJ's vistories.

Q320 .... sparrows, ....
"Where there once were only sparrows, people come from other lands"
~~ Lynn
"Travel with me if you choose, into a land of notions"
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Old 02-01-2009, 10:03 AM   #861
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Q 320 mayday

Song was Without You

"I guess I'd better send a mayday"

That was one of my LTT vistories... I should know :-)

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Old 02-01-2009, 10:16 AM   #862
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Q318 - ...Peace...
That Same Old Obsession
"There's peace in the garden, there's peace in the air,
Peace, in the sound of the river"

Geosteve, I hope I'm not screwing up the caps rule if there is one.
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Old 02-01-2009, 10:36 AM   #863
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Originally Posted by charlene View Post
It's not in SALUTE ..
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-01-2009, 10:49 AM   #864
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Originally Posted by 4LaneStudios View Post
I didn't ever recall a lyric starting with "Car", and I really focus on the lyrics because that's what gives me my interpretation for the vistories. Thanks to working in a bilingual environment, I do have some knowledge of French, though I seldom use it.

Yes, it did let a lot of air out of our tires. But I know that there will be a suitable "home" for these eventually. A tribute of this size can't stay hidden away forever. So I continue to work (that's definitely the wrong word for this!) away at the remainder of the repertoire and file them away for when the time comes that they can be shared again. Now it's at a much easier pace. I just finished "Go My Way" last night. It's such a pretty little song. And as my husband would tell you -- it keeps me out of trouble!

Now back to the game! This one's from one of oTJ's vistories.

Q320 .... sparrows, ....
"Where there once were only sparrows, people come from other lands"
Thanks for filling me in, this whole vistory business must be terribly deflating for you guys, and I am not being humorous having used tires deflated allready I feel bad for all of you, and feel the works tands on its own merit, no matter the opinion of Warner et all giganto conglomerate time/warner/aol I believe. I hope I did not poke a raw nerve when I mentioned it, but as it was in response to same, it seemed safe. I am only looking for "what is polite ground on this to speak of" with you. Hope I did not offend. I truly do love those vistories, as you know from my former posts that you spoke of one day as a little breeze when you needed it I'm glad. Like you said:

Back to biz:

Q320 .... sparrows, .... = Couchiching - correct most definately - congrats. These clues, are they a bit harder as I thought posting them ? The previous ten were gobbled in about 3 hours for the most part I'll post your 'BIG X'
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-01-2009, 11:00 AM   #865
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by TomCat Productions View Post
Q 320 mayday
Song was Without You
"I guess I'd better send a mayday"
That was one of my LTT vistories... I should know :-)
Good to have another honoured member of the whole
4Lane/Stonewall/TomCat 'The Right Stuff' crew. Help me remember - are you oTJ or thomasJ157 ?

OK biz: Q320 mayday = Without You ? - believe you meant 319 for '....mayday' , as Lynn allready knocked-off sparrow on q320 - and clearly you intended mayday there for 319

so -correct you are - man you guys are jam-packed to the brim with lyrics knowledge from your work. Good to have such a variety of players - its really adding new stimulus to the game....and good stimulus at that. You guys are keeping us on our toes - especially the resident gurus - they have to come down put of the zen monastery more often from balancing on their thumbs to keep up with you two now, incl Lynn. I'll post your win on q319
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-01-2009, 11:11 AM   #866
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by formerlylavender View Post
Q318 - ...Peace...
That Same Old Obsession
"There's peace in the garden, there's peace in the air,
Peace, in the sound of the river"

Geosteve, I hope I'm not screwing up the caps rule if there is one.
well formerlyLavender, I am sorry to say, in this case the clue is a definatively caps-on to stear you guys to the intended song. I'll give a 2nd clue in the x-files. Its a fun answer. I surely don't mean to be strict on this; it rarely ever comes up. but this was the only way verbatim - caps and all in the middle of verse - that I could stear you folks to this....atypical song for Gord to some.... beloved to others due to subject nature, and just plain fun to even more ! So don't let it get ya down - rethink it in terms of: the fact that it is capitalized in the middle means - its a proper noun, and therefore.........???? hmmm IT HAS TO DO WITH SOMETHING GORD USED TO DO A LOT. There's the 2nd clue I'll tell you what though, I love that song- That Same Old Obsession very very much...its in my personal top ten. It is so....relaxing. That whole album was, despite the great toe-tappers...Lazy Morning et al incl You submitted song over-road the toe-tappers for me to be a relaxing album, and some downright cheerful songs - 'You Are What I am', 'I Can't Let Love Defend Me' consequently that akbum is in my top 5. Thank for playing !I'll betcha get it !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 02-01-2009 at 11:15 AM.
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Old 02-01-2009, 12:39 PM   #867
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geo Steve, I'm sure you'll find that none of the Tribute Team members mind you mentioning the "vistories" at all. I know I don't. I'm still working on them (3 more done since the channel went down), and certainly don't feel like stopping anytime soon!

TomCatProductions is oTJ (other TJ). Not to confuse things any further, but Thomasj157 is Tj aka Gahoendoe here on the Forum.

And yes, these are tougher!
~~ Lynn
"Travel with me if you choose, into a land of notions"
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Old 02-01-2009, 04:42 PM   #868
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woops, i got the title wrong! - right album though!

it's 'Someone to believe in'
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Old 02-02-2009, 12:32 PM   #869
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by 4LaneStudios View Post
geo Steve, I'm sure you'll find that none of the Tribute Team members mind you mentioning the "vistories" at all. I know I don't. I'm still working on them (3 more done since the channel went down), and certainly don't feel like stopping anytime soon!

TomCatProductions is oTJ (other TJ). Not to confuse things any further, but Thomasj157 is Tj aka Gahoendoe here on the Forum.

And yes, these are tougher!
Thanks for both the clarification of you being oTJ - for corfid, and TomCat Productions in You tube ?, and thomasj157 , who I
grew acustomed to in YouTube, as TJ157, but here in corfid he would prefer aka Gahoendoe .ok. I got it.

Please tell me if I have misunderstood which you prefer to go by in corfid - as I see it now, you both wish to be in corfid - oTJ, and Gahoendoe respectively... the other names TomCat and thomasj157 respectively again, you use as we know in YouTube, as I am familiar with too. OK- Thanks ! And I am very happy to hear you guys are still all working away on these fascinating new mediums. Somwhat akin to a more erudite illustrated novel.... - not the kind you'd find in a drugstore... lol There is always a 'Light-bight' for all occassions it seems ! (I just coined that term tm marcus

I appreciate you letting me know as you did that mentioning the vistories is not a sore spot ! As i indicated to Lynn in similar words, its my opinion that your project has so much inertia or momentum; you are an unstoppable force comprised of these works of 'live art' that compliment Lightfoot's work so nicely, like 'hand in glove' to quote a portion of Lightfoot's 'A Lesson in Love', one of the few love or strongly not like songs.. lol...of his, as it seems among the active corfidites. I love it.

It is one he describes live as another ethereal song ie 'Is There Anyone Home' and 'a walk down shrink alley' lol. The former - Any one Home, was a reqest I made, and seemed to be moving up the que in the tribute channel as shown anyway, I sure hope that means its close to production ! Never the less, bak to biz, and thanks again.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

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Old 02-02-2009, 12:38 PM   #870
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by joveski View Post
woops, i got the title wrong! - right album though!

it's 'Someone to believe in'
for Q323 RIGHT ? Running.... - = 'Someone to believe in' yeppers - I knew it had to be something juxtaposed in yout notes is all lol thanks for clarifying. You got it. !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-02-2009, 01:02 PM   #871
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HERE IS A FINAL UPDATE FOR 8:30 pm.,Mon.,Feb. 2nd, 2009



Its also nice to welcome another Vistory Warrior - oTJ - aka Tomcat in YouTube - into the game as 'oTJ' !


Ron took aim at his common 2 or 3, leaving plenty of others, as a courtesy to fellow players, while I have no doubt he held a few answers in reserve. His last shot was at a moving target with a proper noun capped.Q318 ....Peace.... , which was a moving target because it was the Peace River, from his admittedly favorite song, Canary Yellow Canoe. He enthusiastically cites the reasons for it being his favorite song as: " well, it has that classic Lightfoot sound, slow acoustic guitar sound to it, soaring vocals, a good one-guitar song for around the campfire, slow and lazy sounding...LIKE A RIVER! THAT'S WHY ! - fascinating geographic feature names in the rivers, but what I don't get is: Why do many of these rivers flow North ?

RON explains further: -"Like the McKenzie, flowing UP to its mouth at Beaufort Bay, at the northerly terminus of Northwest Territories. I thought all rivers flowed DOWN, you know, down on the map... is South !
I think 'down' river is South only below the equator, like Australia. I'm quite sure all the rivers flow 'UP' to the equator, because all geographic phenomenon are backwards below the equator. Like compasses point to Ayers Rock there I think, cause they have no magnetic north down there you know. And they have to turn maps upside down; down there.Thats all I have to say. So shut up and get on with the game." OK RON ! rascal you ! Play on we will, and thank YOU for turning in two very difficult questions. lol -(OK fun is fun, but I made up this response from Ron!)


All songs can be found in under Lyrics/Chords.

[COLOR="Yellow"]All songs are in the 'main 20 albums'

================================================== ========

Q316 .... bold,.... - X Jenney gets it with 'Don Quixote'

Q317 .... this crying -X Jenney gets it with 'Betty Called Me In'

Q318 .... Peace .... -X Ron gets it with 'Canary Yellow Canoe'

Q319 .... mayday - X oTJ gets it with 'Without You'

Q320 .... sparrows, .... - X Lynn gets it with 'Couchiching'

Q321 ....evergrows - X Char gets it with 'Early Morning Rain'

Q322 Car .... - X Lynn gets it with ''Nous Vivons Ensemble''

Q323 Running .... - X joveski gets it with ''Someone to Believe In''

Q324 Nor .... - X Lynn gets it with 'A Minor Ballad'

Q325 Kick it .... - X Ron gets it with 'Cold On the Shoulder'

================================================== ========

All songs written by: Gordon Lightfoot .


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Old 02-02-2009, 01:41 PM   #872
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Confession : I cheated on this one and I was not going to submit the answer. But I so dislike this song, I wanted it put to rest ASAP.

Q318 ....Peace.....

Song : Canary Yellow Canoe

Lyric : Chibougamau, Peace River, Resolute too

good riddance.
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Old 02-02-2009, 03:40 PM   #873
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Betty Called Me In
Q317 .... this crying

Betty Jo, my heart's on fire;
I don't need this crying.

That one was tough! I went and listened to some of the unreleased songs, since I didn't recognize the phrase.
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Old 02-02-2009, 08:11 PM   #874
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Originally Posted by RM View Post
Confession : I cheated on this one and I was not going to submit the answer. But I so dislike this song, I wanted it put to rest ASAP.
Q318 ....Peace.....
Song : Canary Yellow Canoe
Lyric : Chibougamau, Peace River, Resolute too
good riddance.
Q318 .... Peace .... = Canary Yellow Canoe YES !!

OK Ron I figure 1/2 the folks do too at times ! And BTW - recent changes to relax the game somewhat are dubious...included looking up is not cheating, its now left to the individual's discression which I regret changing that -as it can make for 6 songs correct in 1/2 hour for one person - no fair - but, its player's choice for how they have the most fun. Now if only one person is cheating, and clears the board in 1 hour, while other poor saps are head-crunching the songs (terrible prase,that) its makes a mockery of the game and fellow players. So what to do ? I still think like what most players are doing is the coolest - getting it in there heads.... and moreover we are not requiring lyrics anymore - If you got 'em - print 'em, if all you can hear in your head is the title - so be it ok DOkee. WHAT DO YOU MEAN RON, lol YOU DON'T APPRECIATE THE SOARING VOCALS, THE GRAND ACOUSTIC GUITAR, AND THE (TRULY) INTERESTING GEOGRAPHY ON THE RIVERS huh huh ? lol

Everyone has too have an Albatross lol....... its actually been growing on a its still Lightfoot, its cool ! I have the impression The Man got a chuckle out of putting it at the end of disc 3 after all that 'when I was in my prime' music !! Dare I say he's human, and not every song has that ...'Lightfoot feeling' .... you reckon ? I'll post it. Thank you for the honesty and for playing Ron.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 02-02-2009, 08:26 PM   #875
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by Jenney View Post
Betty Called Me In
Q317 .... this crying

Betty Jo, my heart's on fire;
I don't need this crying.

That one was tough! I went and listened to some of the unreleased songs, since I didn't recognize the phrase.
YES THE TEN IS COMPLETED BY TWO HEARTY SOULS WORKING THE DREDGES -Jenney and Ron, lets give a hand for them bringing the last two dogies in !

For the record (oh you guys didn't know all this is a tax write off as a contribution to my community- except Canary Yellow Canoe, and it costs you guys tax due as to being the recipient of goods, services, or ....or...recipient of ...of...improvements to the... oh he88 I don't know lol...)

Harrumph and all that falderall ! Bak to business !

Q317 .... this crying - 'Betty Called Me In' - is correct ! Yay we're done ! TEN NEW ONES COMING NEXT
- I'll post it , thanks for getting a toughy Jenney well done yess !

3 people have said - 'yes , this ten was harder' or similar, including the brain-trust at 4lane and TomCat ! (Lynn and oTJ so far have played). Do you guys like them easier or about like these, or.. ? They were harder, I know. But bottom line was: is that more fun ? Or nailing 'em all in 3 hours ? You guys pick.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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folk-legend, geodeticman, gordon lightfoot, lyrics, quiz

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