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Old 11-27-2008, 03:47 PM   #651
Oh, Linda
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q235 Two engines . . .

How can we forget this one, the song that left us (well me anyway) trying to figure out what that last word was.....

from The Watchman's Gone

Two engines on
Twenty one coaches (long, bend, ??) ~ GL
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Old 11-27-2008, 04:43 PM   #652
Jesse Joe
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q232 In some hidden....

Song: Sixteen Miles (To Seven Lakes)

Lyrics: In some hidden valley where the twirlin' river twines
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Old 11-27-2008, 05:03 PM   #653
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by Oh, Linda View Post
Q235 Two engines . . .

How can we forget this one, the song that left us (well me anyway) trying to figure out what that last word was.....

from The Watchman's Gone

Two engines on
Twenty one coaches (long, bend, ??) ~ GL

Hi there Linda,

Joveski actually got to guess this one.
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Old 11-27-2008, 09:12 PM   #654
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q227 sea

Song : Ballad Of The Yarmouth Castle

Lyrics :

She's heading south to Biscayne Bay
Into the open sea
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Old 11-27-2008, 10:49 PM   #655
Oh, Linda
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Originally Posted by Jesse Joe View Post
Hi there Linda,

Joveski actually got to guess this one.

Uh oh...missed that one! Since I didn't see his answer, do I get 1/4 point? Ha Ha.... I'll get to work in redeeming myself on one of the unanswered ones...
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Old 11-28-2008, 07:52 AM   #656
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by Oh, Linda View Post
Q235 Two engines . . .

How can we forget this one, the song that left us (well me anyway) trying to figure out what that last word was.....

from The Watchman's Gone

Two engines on
Twenty one coaches (long, bend, ??) ~ GL
hey, Linda
i think all agree on THOSE last two words, it's the latter iffy segment

Two engines on
21 coaches long
End to end
21 coaches thin (or then or bend or perhaps "I'll bury Paul"?)

either way, you deserve full marks!

heya, stevie3p0...hope all is very well anything left this round?
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Old 11-28-2008, 03:18 PM   #657
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Has this thread garnered the most "views" in the history of Corfid ?

8442 (and counting) would seem unbeatable. It's of no importance, just an observation.
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Old 11-28-2008, 05:26 PM   #658
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Originally Posted by RM View Post
Has this thread garnered the most "views" in the history of Corfid ?

8442 (and counting) would seem unbeatable. It's of no importance, just an observation.
that's why you're "The Detective" ..
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Old 11-28-2008, 06:44 PM   #659
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Originally Posted by charlene View Post
that's why you're "The Detective" ..
That's right Ma'am. You would be amazed by the info in my 'cold case' files.
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Old 11-28-2008, 08:35 PM   #660
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oh oh...
Should i be afraid?
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Old 11-29-2008, 12:10 AM   #661
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Hi Guys Happy Post-Thanksgiving , (American day thereof anyhoo). I've just finished up with all family activites, including the largest shopping day of the year - Thank Heavens the 'Mall' - made up to look like a National Park Lodge, very rustic , peeled-post furniture etc.,; thankfully had a Brookstone gadget store to satisfy my shiney metal gadgets 'raccoon' in me; an Eastern Mtn. Sports to get me dreaming of winter outings, and a Discovery Channel store (so fascinating 'cause among other things they HAVE MAPS ! oh man oh man that Visa AND Mastercard are SCORCHING hot in my .

The Ladies (notably minus one very important Lady to me this year, its true its very hard at the Holidays - but my and extended branches of the family used the 'keep me so busy I won't have time to get morose..' almost worked ...) in the family and a number of the guys went hogwild on Christmas, whereas I dwelled in the aforementioned stores, and then languished with a smoothy by the fake Rock precipice and flowing-over waterfall on it, into a limpid pool full of dream-filled pennies and up to quarters - ( the price of a simple dream must be succumbing to

OK well to answer one of the important things here on THE GAME
is I am just starting to review the aswers this evening, allthough I intercepted Mende's Q229 and Q235 late early Thursday morning in the wee hours by Mtn std time, when I got this all posted new. jj you asked a very pertinent question 'How many/are any left of Q's ?' . Well my plan was overly ambitious in the middle of the Holiday to post an X-file every 3 submits or so, which I will do shortly here. but for the moment, by my perusal, and initial notes to feed into the Gord Lyrics Game cruncher, I show:

2 Q/CLUE's left, Q226 AND Q234, and 2 ambigs subject to review - Q228 AND Q230 with little doubt of correctness, but to be determined this evening.... so I hope that helps, again:
Q226 .... in the rain
Trouble don't .... remain outstanding in the field - - and upon quick scan all the others LOOk right but I will hedge my response until all verified by the cruncher, lyrics, etc.

I believe three of GOBBLED-UP The Watchman's Gone correctly; but Mende (Joveski) was the first to post back on page (27?), in any event the previous page. Popular song. Kudo's to all three of you. Thank you Jesse Joe for politely bringing this to the next page's attention unobtrusively - I appreciate it

Nice to see you back in the game formerlyLavender ! Thanks !

Ron , interesting observation you made on thread 'views' qty.; one thing I have noticed all along is a mildly interesting fact - the ratio of views-to-plays has been fairly consistently 10 views to every one play for the first couple months, recently the ratio has changed somewhat to disproportionately many more views, vs the number of plays. I've also, while noticing the ratio, observed that other threads very commonly experience the 10:1 ratio as well. And for this thread, that changed recently. The all-to-quick answer I have to ponder is for some reason fewer ppl that 'look-in' play by proportion, therefor I assume unqualified that something is less appealing. I won't drive myself nuts trrying to figure that out. Safe to say I am busy trying to keep up with you guys whenever I post ten new ones. And.... I will, after finishing the more rigorous eval of all the submits to maintain fairness, will finish this evening if I can with 10 NEW SONGS ! if timer/freezer/things permit

Linda, glad to hear your Tuscan trip was fun; in one week's time, I am not sure what I was thinking when I wondered if it was in pursuit of the more prolific graduate degrees in Haute Cuisine these days; safe to say it sounds like a good time, with time to enjoy the local color ! One thing, from my last berage of questions - was, with Tuscan in mind, did you guys prep with watching the 'Under The Tuscan Sun' DVD I think was the name with Diane Lane ? - and the other movie at any point 'Indian Summer' with her in it too- among my top 10 favourite movies with Big Chill.

My poor daughter Mamie, managing an Anne Taylor fancy woman's clothing store had to work after Turkey Dinner last night from about 8PM to 8AM this morning.....go home for 4 hours shleep !@#$, then RETURN to the store to work another 2 - 10 PM!@#$% . She's got a good MidWestern Work ethic, but Retail is unfair murder ! She works on the premise you can't ask PPL to work throught the night before to prep for the day, and not do it herself, too... (She is right.....arguably, in any event it elicits respect IMO).
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 11-29-2008, 01:32 AM   #662
Oh, Linda
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Originally Posted by geodeticman.5 View Post
One thing, from my last berage of questions - was, with Tuscan in mind, did you guys prep with watching the 'Under The Tuscan Sun' DVD I think was the name with Diane Lane ? - and the other movie at any point 'Indian Summer' with her in it too- among my top 10 favourite movies with Big Chill.
No, I didn't. I went cold turkey! Ah ha ha ha! I just had to say it in keeping with the theme of thanksgiving. But no, although I did see the movie when it first came out, I didn't watch it before my trip. We did, however, drive right through the town/area where it was filmed enroute to our location. The scenery is even prettier in person than in the movie.
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Old 11-29-2008, 05:51 AM   #663
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Originally Posted by Oh, Linda View Post
No, I didn't. I went cold turkey! Ah ha ha ha! I just had to say it in keeping with the theme of thanksgiving. But no, although I did see the movie when it first came out, I didn't watch it before my trip. We did, however, drive right through the town/area where it was filmed enroute to our location. The scenery is even prettier in person than in the movie.
Linda, ....
cold turkey! Ah ha ha ha!
- that was even better than my 'you guys GOBBLED-UP the Q/CLUE for 'The Warchman's Gone' seasonal Holiday observation. snicker.

Seriously, it sounds very atmospheric there. A friend of mine in town here that worked for the same Gov't agency as I quit, and then went into business for himself, now successful after 6 years, commented that he doubted he ever would have done that without having the "somewhat different view of life & things in general after his trip to the U.K. - notably Scotland, his family heritage homeland trip; along with Western Europe on a shoestring. He felt the trip was very enlightening when compared to his workaday tunnelvision view of the world; it used to be the window looking out on other Gov. Bldgs., and he no sense of perspective by zooming OUT on the map of HIS personal world, and seeing there is far more out there , and few of us ever get the 'round to it' to see. For him, life changing. Any corollaries Linda?

GAME UPDATE - sorry guys , what I thought I could have out tonight, the X-files at least, I could not, but surely will tomorrow. Got caught in the 'big freeze' again, for those I have explained that too, and will be hapy to for anyone else curious. Also will have the new 10 Clue's tomorrow, assuming we knock out those last two - Q226, AND Q234 in this list!
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 12-05-2008, 12:02 AM   #664
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1. There are 2 regular (non-Rarity) Clues left on this list:

Q226 .... in the rain
Q234 Trouble don't ....

AND, I need to consolidate the entries in the X-files status list (which were all correct, even thought 2 were ambigs, but the entries worked. I need to display them !

And, I need to finish the new file of 10 New Clues for Friday night. If you'd like to vote the two above as dead-horses, poorly-chosen clues, etc., thats cool, vote in, and I'll take 'em down. But first, may I help with two clues for the above ?

Q226 2ND CLUE: not literal, but a figurative clue here : He was inching closer, seat bench-by-bench in the school bus, now nearly empty of kids, as he and the girl were the last two stops. Each day, he pensively moved closer and closer to the girl in the purple coat and lighter color scarf. He didn't know her name, but had an idea of what it COULD be...

That night he went home from school, and told his parents, who were smiling knowingly at one another, that 'She was was wearing purplish colors again today Mon and Dad, she ALWAYS wears something purple, she ought to be NAMED purple !"

Q234 2ND CLUE: Paddling down many of the Northwest Territory's finest, he portaged a minimum of times which was good, but it seemed no matter the direction he paddled, he always had the sun in his eyes, especially one tributary without a name on the map that he dubbed, if only for his own purposes, the (_____________________). It was always so BRIGHT.....
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 12-05-2008, 12:12 AM   #665
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q226 - the rain
Song-Approaching Lavender
The colours that surround you there will be the shade of Lavender
Shadows dancing everywhere, like flowers in the rain

PURPLE clues/font colour were REALLY helpful!
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Old 12-05-2008, 07:16 AM   #666
Dave, Melbourne,Australia
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Q234 River of Light "Trouble don't mean nothin' to me".
I recognised the song title from the latest clue before I recognised the lyric.
Merry Christmas to all you Northern Hemisphere lightheads. (Melbourne reached 33degC or 91degF today.)
Dave, Melbourne,Australia.
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Old 12-05-2008, 09:48 PM   #667
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Originally Posted by charlene View Post
Q226 - the rain
Song-Approaching Lavender
The colours that surround you there will be the shade of Lavender
Shadows dancing everywhere, like flowers in the rain

PURPLE clues/font colour were REALLY helpful!
Thanks Char, little doubt in your mind that, yes, you GOT IT ! LOL
I, if only for a moment, wish all songs could lend well to the kind of clues I gave to the two stragglers above, and this game could be played that way. Not all songs have a color name, or rivers and brightness in the clues, as these two stragglers did.

But you know what, if and when people wished to change this lyrics game, or grow tired of it as I am convinced from time to time they are, but 2 or 3 chime in and politely say ""I'd like to still play, if you please.....", and so I do/we do, and I still enjoy this thread. It makes me wonder if I should open another test thread with the above two colored clues format and take a stab at it for s's and g's..!

No matter, I'm open to that format and will start giving threads this way, if people would like me to open a thread that way or change this one; either way, this old thread-bare game is appproaching mid-life crisis it seems at times, if ony from but it seems to have enough momentum that when I post ten new ones in a list, people pop out of the wood work and gobble up the clues ! That does make it all worthwhile every time.

I will be trying to get such a new list of ten clues up tonight (In North America've gotta start thinking globally, such as the time of Dave in Melbourne's submission to the next "story clue in color") and a summary list of x-files for the as-of-right-now complete existing list of ten up through Q235.

I know I have said that before for several days, and do not wish to make a fool of myself in saying I will try and have 'em up tonight..... as the reason for fading in and out from what I will not boar anyone with, save to say for those I've explained it too out of common decency, as I'd promised new lists by 'this eve' so many times on the last several lists, I am cautious to say such now. But, to those I've explained it too, I keep 'poppin' in-and-out of the big "FREEZer" , and my apologies to all who have grown weary of waiting when they take the time to pop in and look.

That new idea of story clues in metaphor of the song, with color where pertinent, or other artifact or glyph still intrigues me, even if in another thing though - if it were to do well simultaneously as this old horse thread keeps plodding along happily, a little thin at the ribs, but still on its it be continued coincidentally with a new thread,- the coloured metaphorical or story-based clues idea, and would the two running concurrently be presumptuous or particularly if it were to do well, you never know on these threads, would it be to large a footprint to tromp on my Lighthead-brethren by doing so ? Thoughts ?

For all who would help me on this question - do you think the story '2nd clues' in purple and blue above format be a good seperate thread, or replace this one with ? - knowing that new method of clue in metaphor could be very difficult to apply to a number of songs, and likely even more difficult to decipher, subject to the veracity and clarity of the clue given.... -and be dealt just one-at-a-time one until ppl got it, then either pass-the-deal so to speak to 'who got it', and we rotate the clue giving ? Thoughts from all quizzer gamers and others who happen to 'view-only' this... - which combo, or one or the other, would be the right idea to go on with ? I welcome all opinions from everyone and anyone.

Well for now, CONGRATULATIONS!,CHAR, that leaves only the last clue - the deep blue '2nd clue' above, Q234 from Dave in Melbourne -'down under' to reply to at the end of the list of 10. Thanks Char, for responding to that out-of-kilter
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 12-06-2008, 06:34 AM   #668
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by Dave, Melbourne,Australia View Post
Q234 River of Light "Trouble don't mean nothin' to me".
I recognised the song title from the latest clue before I recognised the lyric.
Merry Christmas to all you Northern Hemisphere lightheads. (Melbourne reached 33degC or 91degF today.)
Dave, Melbourne,Australia.
Hey Dave ! : thats the last of the ten. curious of your opinion on the method of clues for the two last ones above - as you replied to the 'blue' one. More below for you .

All players - ?:
Curious what all players think of the above purple and blue format of clues - in the two purple and blue ones; color was germane but otherwise would normally be extranneous. Its the method of clue giving in story or metaphor I am wondering if you guys would like it mixed into regular play -some- or as a seperate thread, and keep this intact, or go all to the new method, where we could 'pass the deal' whoever gets it right.

Any method of clue giving would be open season in the above examples, as long as it was not something that would preclude a group from figuring it out (no Spanky high signs under the chin in code hahaha lol) waddya think ? I am kinda inclined myself to do some 'mixing a few in each list of ten'; and see if we like 'em. A lot of songs may not lend well to this method but we could try, for some additional fun ? Thoughts ? Or should I shut-up and post ten regular ones lol.....and keep my da88 mouth shut lol.......only kidding....its Friday night ! woooeeeee

Anyhoo - Dave:

Thank you for replying to the 'blue clue' on Q234 above, right you are on the answer. I would ask you as well what I wrote a a question posed to all - players and viewers/lurkers all in light blue above in my response to Char, whay do YOU think ?

In any event, CONGRATULATIONS! Dave on getting this 'blue clue' so aptly.....I find it interesting that the NAME of the song occurred to you before the lyrics...I grow more intrigued bythe notion of either the new seperate thread of story and metaphor clues, as in the one of two you responded to in '2nd clue' way, but what if we asked them all with that method as a primary clue, and even passed the deal and whomever 'gets it' askes the next question - all one at a waits.

I'd get to 'play', hmm and either continue this thread as is and open another, without wishing to drop too-large a footprint out on the list of threads, if you know what I mean....I am not overestimating my impact at all.... I know its all only a very small part of corfid, 1 or 2 threads of quizzers of mine out there.... no delusions of granduer here, I only want to be polite in asking if two would be too much..... or..replace this thread with ? What do you think ? - or leave well enough alone - 130 odd songs to go and this current method we've been using, long waits for new lists and replies aside lately, keep on with what we know works ? OR......... ?

Dave -
BTW - gloat gloat gloat you all down under at 91 degrees F 'down there' ! - on the out-dated Euro-centric origin of that term I mean no offense in using as a familiar term - .....and while on that, what do Aussies think of the 'down under' phrase, the 'Aussie' term, or even the 'Oz-er' and other variations of same ? Surely no harm or insult meant, but I try maybe too hard and worry too much in general (besides saying I am sorry and thank you too - jj & Ron..... as you've pointed out with care before... ), neverthe less I am curious what do these well-meaning monikers mean to you folk, as urbane as any other industrialized portions of the world, bit I am just curious.. ?...

In any event Dave, as I continue to chew over this idea of the type of clue you've reponded to here as a candidate possible for a replacement clue format to this thread, or a seperate concurrent you think this current 'thread-bare' format is growing thin or nearing its R.I.P. status, and yet we have still 130-odd songs to go in it WITHOUT includng rarities and other songs where lyrics are given in Wayne's World - ( It still has enough inertia that people trounce on a new list of 10 clues, comparitively speakling only to when we have only 2 Thank you for playing the last remaing clue outstanding from the 226 - 235 list. Your thoughts on format ?

I could go for some 91 degrees F right now.... If I were better-heeled I would take a Hawaiin Christmas . For now, the ole' back yard, the roundest ground intow-ow-ow-ow-own - 'Lazy Mornin, you get it, right ?

Dave thanks for playing ! I appreciate any thoughts on the gaming concept very much. Enjoy your weather down there and a very Merry Christmas to you too !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 12-11-2008, 11:12 PM   #669
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Hi guys; thank you for your patience, ...and...HERE ARE 10 NEW ONES!

Eight are 'regular' songs, one is pre-UA, but is still in Wayne's regular song lyrics list, as opposed to other categories, and finally one is in story-clue format, as opposed to a part of the lyrics - our norm; exactly
like the 2nd clues given in purple and blue format, for Q226 and Q234 a short ways up on pg 27.

Story clues will always be done in green, to help notice them consistently. That, and the clues are noticeably longer, even a short paragraph.

posted at 8:15 PM Mtn Std Time; Thursday,12/11/09

BTW - In order to just get these Q's out on the board for you quickly tonight, I have skipped this one time the 'X' files; because EVERYONE'S submits were correct on Q's 226-235 !!

================================================== ========

Q236 ....road signs....

Q237 ....of a taxi....

Q238 ....motor....

Q239 ....or swim

Q240 ....not a pretty....

Q241 ....overhead

Q242 my shoes

Q243 To understand....

Q244 Pay any dues....

Q245 ....old Mexico

SQ1 He still sort of loves her, but wants her to be happy moreso than necessarily to love him, if she needs him at a certain time of day, he'll be there for her, but if for any reason she wants him to leave, he'll be on a train outta there.

Note: 'SQ1' is the convention I will use for the first of 'story clues' and/or 'metaphors clues' that are not literal, but used as the primary clues,versus regular lyrics clues. (Hope that makes sense). Comments and Q's on this format are welcome. Let me know if you like/dislike this new clue format for SQ1, please.

================================================== ========

~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 12-11-2008 at 11:16 PM.
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Old 12-12-2008, 04:08 AM   #670
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Q236 ....road signs....

"i'm lost with no road signs to guide me" - Bells of the evening

> Q237 ....of a taxi....

"back seat of a taxi's where i'll be" - Betty called me in

> Q240 ....not a pretty....

"when uncle toad spoke, it was not a pretty site" - Uncle toad said

> Q242 my shoes

"from my head down to my shoes" - Carefree highway
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Old 12-12-2008, 08:32 AM   #671
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the quiz lives on

Q239 ....or swim

lyric: ...let the tide roll in, it's time to sink or swim...

song: yule still be needing me (in keeping with the season )
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Old 12-12-2008, 08:41 AM   #672
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Q241 - Brave Mountaineers


"While the young ones slept overhead"
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Old 12-12-2008, 08:54 AM   #673
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Status update as of 5:15AM Mtn Std. Time; 4/12/08

I am too tired to stay awake mow - I'll finish editing the scoreboard later today, as well as the new submission I just noticed after Jovesk's 4.
Never fear - I will include them later today. Thank you for playin you guys !

Wow Joveski You really went for broke on these ! Did i make 'em too easy ya think ? Or are you just...that good !

Well pardner - you got 3 out of the 4 you submitted. If you look at your submission on the 4th one you tried, you'll see the problem simply by comparing the clue words to your lyric patch. A minor difference, but a whole 'nother song.... but 3 right bing-bang-boom- nicely done ! Wow !


================================================== ========

Status as of 5:30 AM Mtn. Std. T 11/15/08 We have 8 to go, after answering three correctly ! One hint in Q244 for everyon player's beneit, note the first word in the clue 'in' versus the easy to mistake for: !

================================================== ========] THE BIG 'X' MEANS YOU GOT IT!
================================================== ========

Q236 ....road signs.... X answered correctly by Joveski [/B] - With 'Bells of the Evening', ~gl

Q237 .... of a taxi .... X answered correctly by Joveski [/B] - With 'Betty CalledMe In', ~gl

COLOR="Yellow"]Q238[/COLOR] .... motor .... -REMAINS UNANSWERED

COLOR="Yellow"]Q239[/COLOR] .... or swim -REMAINS UNANSWERED

Q240 .... not a pretty .... X answered correctly by Joveski [/B] - With 'Uncle Toad Said', ~gl

COLOR="Yellow"]Q241[/COLOR] .... overhead -REMAINS UNANSWERED

COLOR="Yellow"]Q242[/COLOR] .... in my shoes -REMAINS UNANSWERED - nice shot at it, Mende, look at 'in' my shoes instead of 'to my shoes' - tip to all players to a more obscure older song

COLOR="Yellow"]Q244[/COLOR] Pay any dues .... -REMAINS UNANSWERED

COLOR="Yellow"]Q245[/COLOR] .... old Mexico -REMAINS UNANSWERED

SQ1 He still sort of loves her, but wants her to be happy moreso than necessarily to love him, if she needs him at a certain time of day, he'll be there for her, but if for any reason she wants him to leave, he'll be on a train outta there. Story question number SQ1 -REMAINS UNANSWERED

================================================== ========

[SIZE="4"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][B]SO - Just 8 more to go out of 11 - incuding , SQ1, [COLOR="Yellow"]and Q242 - one crack at it so far, but this one is easy to trip in the shoelaces over ! COLOR] .


================================================== ========
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 12-12-2008 at 09:00 AM.
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Old 12-12-2008, 09:04 AM   #674
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Thank you jj, formerlyLavender, and Joveski for playin tonight. I am too tired..I just got Mende's on the BIG X board, and jj and formerly I'll due a quick review and post the board review later in the day. Thankls guys
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 12-12-2008, 09:08 AM   #675
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

And yes JJ, The game is Back ! It lives !

I look forward to seeing how you guys like the story clue. The test ones I did as '2ND' clues higher up worked great for Char, and Dave from Melbourne !

ZZZZZZzzzzzzz clunk
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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