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Old 10-09-2008, 09:05 PM   #351
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

hey JJ - do you need us for that conversation.??

these ones are really tough..hmmm..I'll have a drink and ponder on them a bit more..
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Old 10-09-2008, 09:39 PM   #352
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

demented, insidious mortician's laughter from the parapets: brewhahahHAHAHAHAH AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA ! vee shall see.....yes me precious...vee shall see, won't me my little dearie.. (snap) ! sorry, didn't know you guys were listening....

yes jj, (harrumph, straightening cummerbund and jacket) , yes sir, you can't sneak in fishin for a little hint of are u on the right track... take a shot at it man, and Pilgrim, you better make 5 count in the barrel, cause.. the hammer.... rest on a....empty chamber...unh...if you can't do the job in 5.... unh.. you'd better.. get the hell outta there.....unh.......shoot army pu**s agggh. lol...

Actually jj - thanks for the kind word.... and your golf game is better than mine lol...

And Char --- hang around the Lighthead bar awhile...have a drink, have a smoke... all the cabaret noises are to the lightbulb/head in the corner, not the parrot... we shoot him for target of course Jimmy B.did get to do a duet with Frank, I think Gordon woulda plowed him one, right in the breadbasket... I love his music (Frank's) but who made him da ChAIRMAN huh huh ? lol

I'm right here with you guys, lemme look over all in the last 30 minutes...tseeer

The Boss is BACK


~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 10-09-2008, 10:29 PM   #353
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by charlene View Post
hey JJ - do you need us for that conversation.??
i think you need to ask steve the same question, lol for the Lighthead bar, I'll have what he's having

as for #151, Poor Lil' Abner...errr, Allison

the chorus ends with something like "...or what she's thinking Deep Inside"

"the River" clue is undoubtedly going to lead to commuter chaos in the morning...I'm shootin blanks...better summon Joveski from the bullpen
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Old 10-09-2008, 10:47 PM   #354
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by jj View Post
#156 could be a trick, you actually looking for 'AND the river', no?
Although I would love to see jj twist in the wind, for the sake of traffic flow in the Toronto area, I offer :

Q156......the river

Song : If I Could

Lyric :

"I would turn his head away to the river"
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Old 10-09-2008, 11:03 PM   #355
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

#156: could also be River of light
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Old 10-09-2008, 11:06 PM   #356
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by joveski View Post
#156: could also be River of light
what's the lyric line?
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Old 10-10-2008, 12:04 AM   #357
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OK Joveski, you heard the man, jj needs you to ride for him pro-tempe, time to Cowboy uP !, BTW , your Bull is named...HE is named (excuuuuuse me you bullsh88 baga bullcr** tied up in leather) (the bull that is..he was a complainin')Ahemmm OK Jovesky on deck, jj in the pit, Ron, with a success under his belt in this new 6 allready, I just aint a writ on it yet... well Ron is ridin rescue to Joveski, and Char will be dazzling us with dressage and barrel-ridin soon as she gets in that Rodea-Queen Sequinee thing.. and the others stand by for their bull-ride..

OK Joveski, cowboy uP ! The bull's name is: "Hell hath no Plymouth Fury" very funny, thinks Jovesky, we'll see if those candy pants think its funny after ridin' him.....but for jj, I'dd do it for a friend... when a good man is down for a few minutes, I'll cover a bet...ok you bag a bones - lookin at the bull... ( he's wrapped the oakem-soaked hemp rope, don't smoke that rope now Son, aww we're just kiddin, ain't we folks ! Joveski , oblivious to the blather in the background, is pounding the oakum-soaked hemp rope into his waxed leather ropin gloves, and rituallistically going thru his etched -in-stone superstitions, tugs down hard one more time on his black hat, looks up at his sweetheart in the stands, one last look to see of the bull was holdin air on purpose to exhale the minute the gate is opened, and the saddle slips looser.....damnit ! the bool fooled me again on held air.. I wonder if they make Hack-amores with 8 penny nails sticking out all over,, that get that Bulls attention,,scheming scheming animal he;'s a thinking, when all is right, he says to the men all one leg over the Lucifer's Box top rail, lookin barely up at them from his hemp rope smahed into pklace jusr right..... no sign of the bull holding inhailed air on that tack , looks up and says in one well worn-in word they all know by heart: "OKBOYZE", the latch man pulse the welded 1/2" rod latch-round up and outta the catch, and with a healthy kick in the bulls a**, and a pat on Jovesky's shoulder just barely catching him before that bulldoe a fore-leg stand and kicks the sh8* out of the whole support team still sittin on the rails are up in the air.... and bamn ! that bull horns-open the gate, and , mainly cause his n*8s are painfully wedgied by the 'motivation strap' runnin for to aft under the bulls chassis, makin him one mean, pained-in -the n*8s animal , angry to damage ahuman.....and its that second beer if I didn;t make the buzzer.. dang that hide ! - more in another post.

Back to gaming... next post in a sec....
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 10-10-2008, 03:03 AM   #358
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Ron: Welcome to the Sundown Saloon ! I see you got a submission, I'll go get geo...he's upstairs...

With Steve's notes in and around his quoted areas in blue:

10-09-2008, 12:59 PM #350
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Originally Posted by charlene
I'd say James is DA WINNER!!
quoted by Ron

Fine. So be it. Movin' On........
Quotes here by Steve so my notes are not confused with Ron's comments: Hey Ron - you OK with this turn in the democratic view of things... and thoughts or serious additions to what I took as humour in your characterisitic (identifiable I am greatful for lol) wry and dry
commentary ?

Onward to his actual picture-perfect submission form as a courtesy to my eyes - thanks Ron, not a rule...just a courtesy - and I appreciate it)

Q155 ........I do

Song: I'll Prove My Love

Lyric :

"In everything I say and in all I do"
Note - I have quoted the actual submission part of Ron's above this line.

Ron's clue as submitted:Q155 ........I do
Clue per database:Q155........all I do
The difference in above had no functional effect, because it was obvious Ron had the full clue in mind, and found the correct song in mind, In other cases, like my ..( ) hands, my typo cost dozens of person hours. But that was as a clue giver. Obviously no problemo here. But should any of you have been considering other songs that relied upon just the two words "....i do" - it could have steared you down the wrong road - if in my clues given. No harm from Ron. Lets just say I am even more careful now to avoid the most minute error in clues...

Song submitted:'I'll Prove My Love'
Song per database:'I'll Prove My Love' -MATCH-
Lyrics as submitted:"In everything I say and in all I do
Lyrics perLightfoot! -source;courtesy ofWayne Francis:I will prove my love to you
In everything I say and in
all I do ~gl
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 10-10-2008 at 03:22 AM. Reason: addition of welcome at top RON's miffed aboot sumpin...
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Old 10-10-2008, 03:14 AM   #359
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by charlene View Post
what's the lyric line?

unless i got the dot rule wrong, it could be "been away from the river too long"
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Old 10-10-2008, 04:24 AM   #360
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Wait a minute guys - I been playin in here for quite awhile with you, and I've never had trouble telling when you are submitting a until now... What is it ? The welcome addition of new players, are the questions that much harder, - I can tell you guys you've done a LOT harder ONE WORD Q's than these, but I know they are tough - I had to think of 'em in my head remember ? You'll get em. I can say this..once pilgrim.... (since we are in the Western Saloon and all - OK - we have to decide on Lighthead Bar , or the other I proposed in usage as the "Sundown Saloon" - which builds on some of the Western settings Ron and I have used for humour here and there. Either way OK..... lemme know....cause I gotta start building some ambience in the program and all.... cutting edge Hollerdeck or something lke that...) back to my request.

Lets tighten up what has just for the first time in 350 !!! posts WOW !! become unclear as to whether you were posting or not. Tell ya what. I think the banter and "thinking out loud" is great - makes it more like chat days I miss... - I 'd be doing it too... that doesn't chap my hide at all.... I just can't answer partial submissions, or: seems kinda like (....( ) , or maybe with ( ) or without ( ).. Thats totally cool and necessary with hard ones to discuss, just help me know when they are submissions, not chat...I'm cool with that.

I'd always hoped for general conversation in here, as long as the eye was on the ball of the game. I'm just getting a little worried, no biggee, that I can't tell when you are submitting today or not - with the exception of Ron. Who is remembering the submission form for just such reason - two times today. The others - sharp thinking going on, no problem , hell I enjoy listening to it . But when does it become a submission ?? Only because this is new behaviour, thats all. I don't want to let you guys down is the BIG DEAL to me. All we gotta do - just talk away and I won;t bat an eye, after all, we are in the "Swingin on one hook saloon" we have to pick the name for.... and then act appropriately atmospheric....
but when you want a submission answered yay or nay.... just put it in the form you see el Ron has used today.... elRon....hmm....?....naw......
Okeedokee. I THINK I have a second discernable submission from Ron to address next post. Thanks guys, don;t let me intterrup - thats not what I'm here for..... enjoy the just izzn a submission until you do this:

jjoveski's combined sort of agreed submission..screeech.. nope.. sorry guys
lol- one or the other.. and in the form below, OK fellas ? ya'll drive safe now ?

minutes later: we, uhm I mean *I* want to submit this game ..uhm.. submission: yes !

Q999.....she ripped him off

Song submitted: "She ripped him off and his heart is in shards" ~sd

Lyrics patch submitted:
She ripped him off of his hexagram, cash in a old tin can, 'n credit cards
Now his heart is in shards, and she's livin' large, with a bunch a tards
Thata the submission form.....
(at least one full line of verse/lyrics, preferably two. two is hard without cheatin - so I'll live with one to help mitigate that...

Thanks guys...and gals.... And thanks for coming in the LightHead Saloon and/or The Sundown Saloon.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 10-10-2008 at 04:37 AM. Reason: corrections
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Old 10-10-2008, 04:44 AM   #361
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by geodeticman.5 View Post
I see you got a submission, I'll go get geo...he's upstairs...

With Steve's notes in and around his quoted areas in blue:

Ron's clue as submitted:Q155 ........I do
Clue per database:Q155........all I do
Sorry about that Steve (or geo). I'm just a bit weary from the rigors of campaigning. It won't happen again.
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Old 10-10-2008, 06:49 AM   #362
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Ron posted this on:
10-09-2008 @ 08:47 PM

Note to Ron, others can skip down to big Yellow words if u want.

BTW Ron, I was not criticising you at all, I was holding up your submission as a role model. no criticism intended. The typo thing ? That was nothing ,
I just went on to explain that if I'd done that (and I have, and I will again), I now realize how many person hours it can cost, and *I* felt bad about mine. Typos are GOING to happen,'ll happen again...there's just no consequences unless they are in a clue... like the havoc my typo wrought no man, your submission was as close to perfect as I've seen, my compliments.. the only others I have seen that good looked a little like cheatin'..and you know what we do with the likes of them around here..... we blacksnake 'em outta town on a rail... and then buy a round of drinks in the Sundown Saloon or Lighthead Bar, we can't decide yet. No worries on your post Ron, sorry if I made it sound that way... I was holding it up as to how to DO IT WELL. PM me on what sounds like real campaigning you are working on - you've made a few references now I realize it wasn't just context humour. I'm interested in ppl who care about that.... no matter who I am for, versus who you are for...I just wanna know what the campaign work is like, cool ?


In which , Ron offers the following observation as well...makes quite a site to picture goin down the

Originally Posted by jj
#156 could be a trick, you actually looking for 'AND the river', no?

Although I would love to see jj twist in the wind, for the sake of traffic flow in the Toronto area, I offer :
Ron's submission:

Q156......the river

Song : If I Could

Lyric :

"I would turn his head away to the river"
OK -
Clue per database:Q156....the river
Clue per submission:Q156....the river - match- great !
Song submitted:If I Could
Song submitted:Apology
Lets check- you may have a valid ambiguous case winner...for THIS..I DO check the database:
Lyrics patch submitted:"I would turn his head away to the river"
Lyrics patch submitted as verified in database:
If I could stand like the rusty old man in his armour
If I could ride the steed that he rode in his time
I would turn his head away to the river
And let him wander through the meadow grass, wild and free
For everyone to see
- 'If I could' ~gl


Both lyrics patches courtesy of:
Lyrics perLightfoot! -source;courtesy ofWayne Francis
And so I left her crying and roamed across the river
The angels offered me their hands, but I could not forget her

By valid ambiguous case, Q156 IS SUCCESSFULLY ANSWERED !
CONGRATULATIONS !, Ron ! Well Done !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 10-10-2008, 08:35 AM   #363
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OK I was able piece together enough of jj's submission that I think I can throw together bybits and pieces the the full monte. er something like that.

Any how per below:
as for #151, Poor Lil' Abner...errr, Allison

the chorus ends with something like "...or what she's thinking Deep Inside"

"the River" clue is undoubtedly going to lead to commuter chaos in the morning...I'm shootin blanks...better summon Joveski from the bullpen
The components of a submission are:
Q# - 151
Clue - not stated
Song - Por lilll abner I mean allison lol "Poor Little Allison"
Qualifying Lyrics Patch: "...or what she's thinking Deep Inside"

OK I rekin I can be neighborly enuff since jj airn't read the submission-tightening re-quest I made further down.... OK....

Clue per database:...deep inside
Clue as submitted:-not submitted-
Song submitted:"Poor Little Allison"
Song per database:'Poor Little Allison' *MATCH*
Lyrics as submitted:: "...or what she's thinking Deep Inside"
Lyrics perLightfoot! -source;courtesy ofWayne Francis:

Never knowing, never feeling, showing so much pride
Never saying what she's thinking or feeling deep inside

rough shave noteably on no clue submitted, but coldbe inferred as known, and the lyricspatch was a bit hazey, botttom line, "I knew what he meant" and it IS a friendly game. My comments in the big block this page under tightening up are more in refernce to I could determine if a post wwas a submission or not being clearer, but I'm clear that was his intent here. No doubt. So I say "will you help me take over this ship?" - no,no scratch that , bad star trek epiode.... I say: I know what he he meant here, just a little ruff around the edges. If he wait a week for me on responding, I can cut some slack too. So........ I do declare......


Thanks, jj

And a free drink on the house in the Lighthead Bar or the Sundown Saloon, we ain;t slected the name yet. Have some red-eye, or some red-eye.
And the way you sounded in your submission, I believe I'D limit it to one drink !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 10-10-2008, 08:46 AM   #364
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Originally Posted by geodeticman.5 View Post
...I'm clear that was his intent here
but has 'motive' been established?

thanks for going easy on me, steve

rm, thanks for bailing me out...btw, there hasn't been 'traffic flow' of any sort in Toronto since the early 70's

Thanksgiving traffic (this aft/eve) should be even more fun...buckle up

Last edited by jj; 10-10-2008 at 08:55 AM.
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Old 10-10-2008, 08:47 AM   #365
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OK Sports fans remaining clues-Q's to play this am are: as a reminder....

Q152....that at re-checked correct

Q153....and take re-checked correct there re-checked correct

Only 3 to go folks ! Then we are on to Q's 157 - 162 !

and Your host Blink Wort-in -the-bale or Wink Marter-in-jail er sumpin,,
Welcomes y'all in the Sundown Saloon, or The Lighthead Bar, we ain't decided. Whaddya think. If I don't like yer idea, I'm a feelin trigger happy.
Tell 'em Geo sent ya.. Free Drink on my copper kettle corn-mash to-night.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 10-10-2008, 11:19 AM   #366
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by geodeticman.5 View Post
Q152....that at
Song : Can't Depend On Love

Lyrics :

I spent most of my life outside in the drivin' rain
I was in some one horse town just waitin'
for a plane to take me back
Now where's that at

On another note : I participate in no campaigns. The closest I ever got was putting up posters for friends who were running for public office.
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Old 10-10-2008, 12:06 PM   #367
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On 10-10-2008, @ 11:19 AM Thread post #367

Ron submitted:

Q152....that at

Song : Can't Depend On Love

Lyrics :

I spent most of my life outside in the drivin' rain
I was in some one horse town just waitin'
for a plane to take me back
Now where's that at
Note once again, and at its finest, picture perfect submission form - thank you very much, Ron. Very impressive. I can go through all the gazzinna gazzoutta on this one , with all the colourful results and congratulations, but you got it dead-on, Ron!



For proper lyrics attribution, my verification requires me to patch/paste from
Lightfoot !-Wayne FRANCIS' site
I spent most of my life outside in the driving rain
I was in some one-horse town just waiting for a plane to take me back
Now where's that at
-Can't Depend On Love ~gl - just the way Ron showed in his lyricspatch. perfect !

Ron mentioned, casually:
On another note : I participate in no campaigns. The closest I ever got was putting up posters for friends who were running for public office.
To which I respond:
Thanks Ron, And BTW - the closest you've gotten in putting up posters is exactly what I've done. For a County Assessor who I worked at the pleasure of - as they call non-classified positions (exempt) for elected officials. And proud of it, no presure, my own choice, he was just the right person for the job. My Chrome Arrow T-50 Stanley stapling -gun hand did get tired, though, lol.

Well come on in the Saloon, name still up in the air, sit down, and have a spell, least, thats what I've been doin !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 10-10-2008, 12:15 PM   #368
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Q153....and take
& there

After all that's done, then we'll put up 6, or 12 more ? , whaddya think ?
And, whaddya think about the Saloon name ? LighHead, or Sundown ?
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 10-10-2008, 05:31 PM   #369
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Q153....and take

She's Not the Same

"There's too much wait and too much give and take." ~GL
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Old 10-10-2008, 11:29 PM   #370
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by geodeticman.5 View Post

Q153....and take
& there
i think the original clue had the dot dots after the clue, right?

ok, question154

clue: there...

song title: is there anyone home?

phrase: is there anyone home in this house made of stone?
anyone IN THERE who might care?

how's my form? technical execution? artistic merit?

Last edited by jj; 10-11-2008 at 02:02 AM.
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Old 10-10-2008, 11:46 PM   #371
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by jj View Post
hmmm, i think the original clue had the dot dots after the clue, right?
Yes, before AND after. Good catch.
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Old 10-11-2008, 01:32 AM   #372
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On 10-10-2008,@ 03:31 PM in Thread post #370
Oh, Linda !,

Originally Posted by Oh, Linda View Post
Q153....and take

She's Not the Same

"There's too much wait and too much give and take." ~GL
Thank you for the thoughtful presentation Oh, Linda! of your entry !

BTW - since I busted my program twice in the last week with 2 logical conditions never anticipated, in the process of re-writing some stuff I am trying to make things more readable, logically displayed, and easy on your eyes, much the same as the submission format you followed makes it easier on my eyes, and has the minimum of criteria to enter into the whole whizbanger cruncher code. Point Being - if you have any suggestions, requests, "if you could just..." - lemme know, please. Thanks. Now - your stuff:

Processing your entry as follows:

Clue as submitted:Q153....and take

Clue per database:....and take
Song submitted:'She's Not the Same'
Song per database:On Yonge Street -But wait ! Let's check the program's source database for lyrics and proper song titles, because you may very well have a valid ambiguous case submission:
Lyrics perLightfoot! -source;courtesy ofWayne Francis:
First, pertinant lyrics per database song:
Everywhere you go in a city by a lake
You'll be sure to find it's a case of give and take
From:On Yonge Street ~gl
Second, pertinant lyrics per submitted song:
She don't make me feel like she did before
There's too much wait and too much give and take
From: 'She's Not The Same' ~gl
SOooo: I do declare SUCCESSFULLY ANSWERED ! by virtue of a valid ambiguous case !
CONGRATULATIONS! -Oh,Linda! - Well done !

That leaves only one song left to get in a fresh batch, players - there, then we'll do 6, or 12 more, any input ? And any input on the saloon name ? Currently, we are batting around A: LightHead Bar, and B: The Sundown Saloon. Thoughts ? Then I can build a little acoutrements into the program for a little bit of ambiance - you know - the place you can always drop in , and find a friend, take a shot at the fake Parrot (Head) anti-mascot( with a BB gun only lol), throw darts, try your hand playin poker with Shut Up and Deal, I'm Losin' ( I have yet to formally retain him, pending outcome of our thread's watering hole name - a resident card poker dealer would only fit in a Western Saloon.......whistlewhistle....good name that Sundown....) have a drink, or a club soda and twist, Lime Diet Pepsi for me !

Again - ALL THAT'S LEFT IS there
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 10-11-2008, 08:14 AM   #373
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

ok jj, you're right. I sure did make a mistake. After painstaking re-checking this time, too. And I'm very sorry for all time mis-spent on Q154. Oddly, the only place it is typo'd is in the set of 6 intro, on the previous page. In the para-program, meta-data, and tabular dataset, and in every one of the multiple reminders of 4 ,3, 2, to go etc., with the clue reminders, as Char requested; it is portrayed (or stored/entered as in the para-program) correctly.

I also, like an idiot, mistook good humour on jj's part reccomending I call joveski to the bullpen, being a Colorado boy myself (boy at 50? well...), rasied on the edge of a high-country dude-ranch, and the Rooftop Rodeo in Estes Park, I forgot my baseball for a and thought he meant humorously he needed me to get joveski to get in the bull(as in 2000 pounds of pi88ed-off)-pen (where they await that make a gentle bull mean strap) to metaphorically pick-up on some clues he was too tired to address, and of course he meant baseball bull-pen. I'd just been exposed to more bull of a different breed on that high-country summer-only ranch. It turned into an all-winter snowcap after October.

Back to my screw-up, on Q154's clue(s), the intended clue, dots to the left only, was a unique one for this thread, hint here jj, as it is the first of my clues to unintentionally borrow on the Mandoann song-within-a-song phenom quite by accident for me, when I saw the Q154 clue in its verse context, it was indeed a song within-a-song. The typo'd version at point 1 kick-off in the set-of-6 listing of clues, that version will not produce the song of that unusual nature. But by your awarded winning of the 1st Q154 clue given. you also have fresh in mind, if you want, to see what might be the longest song name title cut to be found within a wholly different song. It (the intended clue variation) remains an exercise in fun to that end, as you are hereby "formally" (maybe informally is more what you'd enjoy ?) awarded Q154 allready, as well you should be.

Stated another way. I will stand by any entry that was based on either my before AND after dots as Ron attested to, we sure got me on that one, or based on the way it was portrayed all next (this) page. I've noted your Q154 submit based on the first time clues were show- there.... in this case, jj, based upon the before and after dots producing, as would be no surprise the song that would have been within THE song originaly intended. No worries. As I say, you win 154, and should.

So here's the scoop: Q154 was introduced this way: there....
When all 6 this time were, and are, meant to be end of verse clues. Clue 154 was subsequently portrayed as it was intended; there
Man you think I would have caught that. No excuses, I'll not distastefully trouble you with medical difficulties that contributed , because when I did discuss this the other day, it was so you'd know I was not carrying a cavalier or careless attitude about the thread. I care very much about one thing in particular.

You guys having fun. My fun is in thinking through difficult, but identifiable clues for songs, and seeing you guys think through them.I sure do enjoy it.

But, it would appear in some areas we should make some mid-course corrections, that everyone enjoys all aspects of the game, even changing horses. Lets talk about that during civilized hours - I have a few ideas to run by everyone who'd read 'em. I no longer care about format of entry. It helped my eyes, really, and helped insure your ability to win that clue by having enough info for me to work with. Thats no problem though.

I want to reduce as many aspects of being the "boss' -as you guys have kindly started to put it respectfully in fun. I'd much rather have the honour of hearing in your words more ( for most all the "regulars") that you are enjoying a relaxing, fun, and fair game you have fun playing. Less formal, more relaxed all the way around; that way we're all less likely to "sound like" (only) trying to "count cous" on finding error in each others work ( mine and yours) - which none of us are given to by nature... having just started to feel and hear it, its time to throttle back pronto to FAR more casual approach to the game. Think ? lol...

Based on "how's my form? technical execution? artistic merit?" - I'd say either I'm tired and not recognize a regular's laconic humour, or more likely I need to somewhat-to-radically alter the 'more' rigid entry format and minimize 'rules' in general. I'll enjoy it personally as long as everyone has fun, and its not camp run-amuk when it comes to submissions, but consider all pretenses of submission form, appearance, aesthetics, etc, history, as they were, or as perceived. For those of you who have kindly used the format so simply and helpfully - thank you, but it takes fun away from some - and I understand that. We don't log in here in corfid to work with thread rules, we come to have fun and talk of Lightfoot. In this 'Game' context, of course there have to be a few. But I'm open to any ideas, as I've said - its a democracy. I'll know we are on to something good when Ron sounds like he is having fun again. That not a critique Ron, its a sincere wish that you DO have fun in a thread you've been loyal too for along time, and I appreciate it. That...goes for all of you.

To game business:

RESULTS OF Q154 AND jj's submission based upon there.... all formalities waved - I trust you jj and know you are right in this, one of my favourite songs, though not the intended song, nor would it work had I not typo'd - and that is still an interesting prepondrant variation on the clue as seen on this page up and down - you or anyone might enoy finding a one-time case that came to me on the clue being in a portion of a verse that is a song within a song, not meant as a format - thats mandoann's excellent idea, it just worked out that way. So for there.... as the basis for awarding the win to jj on the song 'Is There Anyone Home' - gl , from the opening clue typo, well done jj and sharp eyes, thank you.

For fun, if anyone wishes to crack the clue, as intended, but typo'd previous page, but as seen on this page in reminders, the clue I had in mind, for another song containing there ( no dots after) - the song answer to THAT will surprise you. Thats fun on the side. JJ has formally , and rightfully won this last of 6 clues 151 - 156.

NEXT POST ARE THE NEXT 4 (four) songs, a quick one to bring us up to an even 170 clues ! Then, maybe, 10 ? at a time ? Thoughts ?.

Thank you again, jj, and again, my apologies for the typo to all, and the un-fun format rules... jj , forget 'em. For those who have found the format unencumbring, its fine to continue submiting that way, but you need only one rule - HAVE FUN ! Just gimme enough to figure out what you mean, and I'm happy to oblige, and pump it into the proprietary geo-cruncher (TM) !

And jj - thank you for the kind words: "thanks for going easy on me, steve" lol - which tells me rules grew to many, a gracious way to let me know and still be a "gentleman and scholar" - and:
"hey, hope things turn around for the better on the health front"
Thank you jj... and have FUN !


~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 10-11-2008 at 09:59 AM. Reason: multiple errors corrected , too late when i did it first
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Old 10-11-2008, 10:37 AM   #374
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !





Q160....wind and....

Quadruple checked Dots and Caps and everything !

~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 10-11-2008, 10:43 AM   #375
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by geodeticman.5 View Post
the clue I had in mind, for another song containing there ( no dots after) - the song answer to THAT will surprise you. Thats fun on the side.
it will be interesting who comes up with this...i am brain dead on this

btw, we once said you say "sorry" too also express "thanks" far too much, lol....don't mention it...have a great weekend!
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