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Old 09-23-2008, 06:02 PM   #276
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by Oh, Linda View Post
These were tough!
I agree. I thought for sure someone was going to get buzzed for a wrong answer. Speaking of buzzer, has anyone ever heard it ? Does it sound like this ?:

WRONG ! (turn on speakers, click on WRONG ! and press the play arrow)
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Old 09-23-2008, 08:52 PM   #277
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Sorry, I have to admit, I haven't kept up with this thread , but I thought of a question (hope it hasn't been asked already). I promise I won't ask anymore until I'm up to date on the thread!

My question: can you name a song which has the title of another song in its lyrics?
Portland OR USA

- if you meet him you will be/ the victim of his minstrelsy/ he'll sing for you a song

"You could wrap me around your finger"
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Old 09-23-2008, 09:41 PM   #278
Jesse Joe
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by mandoann View Post
Sorry, I have to admit, I haven't kept up with this thread , but I thought of a question (hope it hasn't been asked already). I promise I won't ask anymore until I'm up to date on the thread!

My question: can you name a song which has the title of another song in its lyrics?

Song :
"Approaching Lavender"

Lyric :

The colors that surround you there will be the shade of Lavender
"Shadows" dancing everywhere, like flowers in the rain,"

Hi mandoann,

Maybe you should start a new thread with this ?
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Old 09-23-2008, 10:12 PM   #279
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Oh,Linda! submits at 3:13 PM:

Q136 profusion.

Would that be Why Should I Feel Blue, as in...

I was caught drifting, disappearing from the land
Whitecaps in profusion all around me
But somehow in your eyes I found
The strength to sail upon that raging sea

Clue per database:Q136 ....profusion....

Song per submission:Why Should I Feel Blue
Song per database:Why Should I Feel Blue
Note: Lyrics were more than adequate as submitted, no additional database patch necessary.CONGRATULATIONS !

Well done on a hard one Oh, Linda!

That leaves just Q134
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 09-24-2008 at 02:20 AM. Reason: typos
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Old 09-23-2008, 10:39 PM   #280
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Oh,Linda! submits at 3:35PM:

Q134 remind you.

May I submit...

...well I'd like to say I'm sorry for the sinful deeds I've done, but let me first remind you I'm a patriotic son

from The Patriot's Dream.
These were tough!
Clue per database:Q134....remind you....

Song per submission:The Patriot's Dream.
Song per database:'The Patriot's Dream' ~gl

Oh,Linda!, your submitted lyrics patch is so thorough, I must compliment you, as I have no need whatsoever to
pull lyrics from my
simple database and pseudo-code only so far,, not yet relational,
but it is getting there.. its cut down my reply *task* time to
easily less than a 1/3rd of the previously all-manually entered replies; however,
it has not yet completely solved my ability to respond categorically
in a time period that is not frustrating to you guys... I tried so hard to
catch you on-line today with your sucessful entries this evening, cause I saw you were still on-line. but alas, after QC'ing the replies of mine, you were logged out, also I think the case for RM, who I believe was on-line
when I
pulled the rip-chord on the lyrics machine... !! we'll get in synch,
provided we are on-line at the same time, an almost random, but not quite.... occurence, what with work time, dinner-time, etc., or presumably close-together in a given time zone (not the case of course), however, as in Australia's Joveski,and...Dave, both of Melbourne, longitude can throw me a real sidewinder...time..changes...east-to-west..sideways, and winds..on some humour...oh well.....hehe.... lol anyway, er...onward Maynard !


Well done on a hard one Oh, Linda!

That nails all 6 ! Congratulations everyone !
Standby for new 6 Q's 139 - 144
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 09-24-2008 at 06:04 AM. Reason: got some Q136 vs Q134 mixed together, program fix...
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Old 09-23-2008, 10:42 PM   #281
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

yes RM, I did try the buzzer, and while fearful of singlehandedly imploding corfid into Dark Matter, what with the HADRON and all,
I couldn't even get the buzzer.... whaddamaedwinrronque ? lol
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 09-23-2008, 10:44 PM   #282
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

mandoann submits at 6:52PM

Sorry, I have to admit, I haven't kept up with this thread , but I thought of a question (hope it hasn't been asked already). I promise I won't ask anymore until I'm up to date on the thread!

My question: can you name a song which has the title of another song in its lyrics?
No problem for asking, mandoann, I will think on this (I mean try to think of song-within -a-song, not whether we could do it; after all, this is a democracy in here.. !), besides, the thread is called ....quizzers and more ! - we don't do much of the & more ! hmmmm if ppl enjoy it, it could be a regular thing, or similar is hard to be the Alex Trebek accurately and timely, but the code I wrote has helped that immensely. Would you want to host those Q's you suggestmandoann,hypothetically ? I'd be hapy to do it, n/p/ , but all should share in all fun aspects of the game. I DO enjoy my Alex Trebek is more work than most would guess.... trying to come up with one-word clues for these whizzes ! And unique to the song, as possible, is the real challenge... "profusion" was a good case of unique to the song... and interestingly , it seemed to be the hardest question. !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 09-24-2008 at 12:10 AM. Reason: adding to idea...
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Old 09-23-2008, 11:07 PM   #283
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Jesse Joe, mon amis,

I'll try: je ne pa knwoem youum werum oh heck I can't do this in French, I thought I ..sorry...doing mandoann's song within a song allready - very clever answer. 2 songs within a song. That could , however, single-handedly implode corfid and create a wave of DarkMatter !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 09-23-2008, 11:30 PM   #284
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

"All I'm After" has the word/song title "Tattoo"..

All I'm after is to be the flame in your tattoo..
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Old 09-23-2008, 11:58 PM   #285
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Yes ! Char! - u 2 are gettin those left and right lol
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 09-24-2008, 12:21 AM   #286
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Just a reminder guys, all new Q's 139 - 144 are in the mixer.... and BTW - check out mandoann's interesting question/game proposition of such questions as: can you think of a song-within-a-song title ? - and blammo - 3 correct answers right away !

What do you think of other types of quiz Q's being added ? I liked that one. Remember very early on in the game, I tried some "anachronistics" I think they are called, words spelled backwards of songs, etc., diidn't seem popular, however, thats no yardstick as to the popularity and fun of other ideas...its just why I stopped and stuck to the sets of 6....until ... the
BONUS RARITIES - which ultimately went well, but interestingly, not because he owned them, but off the top of the head ! wow !
SO Q's 139 - 144 in a matter of minutes !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 09-24-2008, 01:49 AM   #287
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

OK guys, all new Q's, a

set of 6
new CLUES , FOR Q's 139 - 144!

and maybe not-quite-as-hard as the last 6,

based upon comments....

Q139....going 'round....

Q140....cause in.... strong

Q142....tide shall....

Q143 Now....


Please remember, if anything for the benefit of new members"
and/or: folks new to Lightfoot, the "ideal" submission form:
as possible, realizing the limitations of answering off the top of the head.
When possible, this will satisfy the requests Char had, for all' benefit:
A. Song Title - with
~gl credited,
or as a propos, ~Dylan etc.,
B. The lyrics patch of at least two verses/lines
C. wherein lie the CLue word(s) as you wish for clarity.


I do stand by the value of off-the-top-of-the-head
responses, as the demonstration of skill and familiarity with
Lightfoot songs, and I also know this lends to
what can be incomplete lyrics patches
, the clue is hard
enough to get in your head and the song title I know,
so, just as possible. Far better that
(incomplete lyrics patches) than people taking to looking up
in Lightfoot! etc., and essentially cheating ! -
exceptions made have been of good judgement, as
in getting the game going again, as Ron did wisely
I have taken to Wayne's
World Lightfoot's
datum for insertion into
my pseudo-code , and thank/credit Wayne Francis for that. I ought
to send him an e-mail formerly asking for permission, as a
courtesy; I've no doubt as to his response, but it would be the
right thing to do, as my database grows, and eventually becomes
relational database ! I have taken to using database/Wayne's
World-Lighfoot! datum for verification, to avoid error and hasten
the response time, and frankly avoid errors on my part.
Originally I did all off the top of my head as you guys, but it
went to slow on responses of mine. My database also keeps a
record of questions ( I have to backfill from about 120 and
back), clues, song title, lyrics, winner's name, etc., too.

and, again:

~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 09-24-2008, 08:53 AM   #288
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by geodeticman.5 View Post
Jesse Joe, mon amis,

I'll try: je ne pa knwoem youum werum oh heck I can't do this in French, I thought I ..sorry...doing mandoann's song within a song allready - very clever answer. 2 songs within a song. That could , however, single-handedly implode corfid and create a wave of DarkMatter ! you funny Geo !!!
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Old 09-24-2008, 06:33 PM   #289
Oh, Linda
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q142..tide shall....

Mister Rock of Ages ~gl

Mister Rock of Ages you've been going on strong
Since time began, till time is done
And so the tide shall run
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Old 09-24-2008, 08:34 PM   #290
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by Jesse Joe View Post
Song :
"Approaching Lavender"

Lyric :

The colors that surround you there will be the shade of Lavender
"Shadows" dancing everywhere, like flowers in the rain,"

Hi mandoann,

Maybe you should start a new thread with this ?
Hi Jesse Joe, you're right; I'll do that. (BTW, you thought of another one than I did!)
Portland OR USA

- if you meet him you will be/ the victim of his minstrelsy/ he'll sing for you a song

"You could wrap me around your finger"
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Old 09-24-2008, 09:17 PM   #291
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Yes mandoann Jesse Joe's idea of another thread is goood, cause then you would not be encumbered by pace of this game - I like your idea - seemed to have positive results ! Good luck - anx hope you still join us in here ! - Oh Linda working on your results in another windown dbase cranking....
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 09-25-2008, 06:40 AM   #292
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Oh,Linda! responds at 4:33PM with:

Q142..tide shall....

Mister Rock of Ages ~gl

Mister Rock of Ages you've been going on strong
Since time began, till time is done
And so the tide shall run
Clue per database:....tide shall....
Song submitted:'Mister Rock of Ages' ~gl'
Song per database:'Mister Rock Of Ages'
Lyrics per Lightfoot! -source; courtesy of Wayne Francis:
Mister Rock of Ages you've been going on strong
Since time began, till time is done
And so the
tide shall run ~gl


Well done: Oh,Linda!

That leaves Q's: 139, 140,141,143,& 144 !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 09-25-2008, 08:47 AM   #293
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Q139 - Circle of Steel
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Old 09-25-2008, 09:46 PM   #294
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

formerlylavenderposted at 6:47AM 9/25/08 The following:

Q139 - Circle of Steel
Clue per databaseQ139....going 'round....
Song submitted:Circle of Steel
Song per database:Note: Withheld due to ambiguity and error in position
Possible ambiguity, Let's check Lyrics Database for song submitted:Circle of Steel:
A time you know
Sights and sounds of the people going 'round
Everybody's in step with the season ~gl
Ruling: excellent try, if it were ambiguity alone, you'd still win it,; were it not for positioning, per the "dot rules" i.e. dots on both sides of clue indicate that the song is in the midst of the verse, neither at end, nor at the beginning. Sorry...Try again!

Thanks for the good effort and very close answer , formerlylavender
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 09-25-2008, 10:11 PM   #295
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

I'll give it a shot....

Q139 - All The Lovely Ladies

"To all you heavy rounders with a headache for your pains
Who dread the thought of GOING ROUND the bend"

That "dot rule" is tricky. I may have to retain a lawyer.
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Old 09-26-2008, 09:03 AM   #296
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !


should we just have our 'Solicitors' exchange
papers first thing in the morning ? -after de ruling of de board
on de matter at hand, dare are some papers that need de signed,
about the de signs you de signed - the orthopaedic chairs you de signed

Ron - when you ver de chair man uff da board, you de signed alodda peepers dar needa atturn knees, oont day cumma likum flice on buulsa, below is vut day sayum about der inc.:
may beeyoudonnas like thees kinda fun internm
you designed de chairs... but first, de game, veech ainna sobadd,
ees okaydokay you deedafine...yuva allawaze adunna finne; noe
awere ees
, thereby and to whit:

oont der game:

Ron saida dees:
Q139 - All The Lovely Ladies

"To all you heavy rounders with a headache for your pains
Who dread the thought of GOING ROUND the bend"

That "dot rule" is tricky. I may have to retain a lawyer.
I doenna theena so Ron, eesa zimp-ell enuff eesa no problemo,

OK deesa aynuh so uhbad , yewell c
Q139 Clue per database::....going 'round....
Song submitted::All The Lovely Ladies
Song per database::'All the Lovely Ladies' ~gl !
Lyrics perLightfoot! -source;courtesy of Wayne Francis

To all you heavy rounders with a headache for your pains
Who dread the thought of going 'round the bend
Bless you all and keep you on the road to better things
Heaven can be yours just for now -'All the Lovely Ladies' ~gl

Very nicely done Ron,

NOTE: end of regular reply to Ron's submission, the rest is ony humour
to build on his remark of attorneys
might be good on the dot rule lol . skip if you wish. His comment and this is all in fun from here down.skip if u wish

Well done Ron, uunt now, dat vuz nit so bas, unt youy ver comfortable in der chair, vertnt you, ne need for de signed papers or a turn knees ees unt de position dat hertz, but iz dat de position of de board ? see below eef you want to know de disposition of de position you you rasied Ron, with the disposition of the chair of the board on de cide, and de signed papersRon , derf olloweenk is der position of hour aturn knees, az youf wreekuhm ended; eef yue avant u deesk uss weet de chair man if da bored; unt all of dees frumt heera downt eesabunjabalownees; I reda peatsakes ees a lowed unt a bowl-a-sheets; unt alla dieesa stuffaiz a yoakum onna idaeum uvvu havvink aturned knees; azza youazz edd, so keepza reedink for de position of der deposition, of der board unt a chair-man, unt a couchmanm unt dert able,
unt de board unt de cide people on de cide oof de table, taking de position dat the deposition of the chair and couch company , orthopaedic chairs and couches ant ables, too., wisely avoiding any personal verbal blunders on either part; the party of the first part, and the party of the
part later down, or the part of the party in the top part of the
stuffa eev youweesha to reedum da balonink from hereonnadown,
uddr vees ees anotink atola vaysta der time butta youmaia laffum mebaem u lika der joum of de position of der board eenas dair fanseep antz stuff sheetz likum thaybeena callt der bottom feeders, ex septum eez deev eeya tum frumma de board anuddin & anuddin eenka orpa rattum. dees alla koomp leeta nonns enz tomayka yue laffumlaekhella;
first part of the second party's second part, or the second part
of the first party's second part ? We can avoid having to go to a
deposition dat way - de position I'm in right now is somewhat
uncomfortable, and deposition I've been advised to take in the
deposition in deposition at the head of the table, if I am in de
position that warrants dat position at de table. What is your
position on de position ? Not de position you've been advised
totake, but de position you were in at delast deposition, where
de position you maintained was the uncomfortable position
regarding de positions at the deposition table, since we
manufacture orthopaedic chairs, or at least dat is de position
we've been told to take, we should herby insure de position we
are in , when we are at the depostion, in de position of the
chair, that is to say the chair of de position, I've been chair
once allready; you shoud be de chair is de position of the chair
in de position to say so, but physically in de position dat hurat
in dese chairs, as chair, in the chair, when I chair, or since
you are the chair now, chair de jour; in de position of de chair
anyway, how say you Mr Chair, are you in de position of having a
pre-disposition toward de position we must takeon de position of
de chairs we make when our custoenmrs are not comfortable in de
position they are professionaly adjusted to so as not to pre-
dispose their disposition or de position of the chair when they
are a chair of the deposition they are at when in one of our
hairs set in deposition of the orthopaedic support, at least
dat is my position, and my position now on dis chair, since I am
no longer chair, is I am damned predisposed and of bad
disposition in dis position, its a hell of a position you've put
us in Ron, both being de facto former chairs and chairs pro tem, and
chairs de jour, and by da way, duz yer chair in dat position
predispose you to dispose of de chair that the chair person is in
at de head of the table, that is to say the chair de jour, and de
jour back hurt in de position you are predisposed to be in de
chair, when you're chair, and the chair is in de position of
taking de position of de board, when de bored members of de board
are in comfortable positions in our chairs we make for them,
sufficiently comfortable to take a position in the deposition, de
position of de board of the chair company, and are they as
predisposed as we are ? I am prepared to take de position dat de
board is comprised of de bored members of de borad, partly
because deir position is too comfortable in deir chairs,
especiaslly de chair de jour of de board, de jour watch say its
time for the deposition to start ? and did we decide who is at
the table on de board, and who is on de cide in de chairs against
de wall ? And our solicitors our of de position dat our position
as chair, and as co-char, of couch and chair makers, de positions
of which are de signed to be orthopaedic and com for table, but -
the papers...did u com for dem, or com for tables? are you com
or table ? too comfor table - you'' get de cided if you get
borede on da board, or on our couches eider one, deys all too com
for table - and we are going to be making tables now too, so did
we come for dat / for de tables ? com for tables ? unt der papers
- are dey de signed ones or de unsigned ones ? or are dey
undecided ? de board on de code - or de board at de table / de
bored ones...dey say some are signed and some are not, de signed
papers are on the board on the shelf by the board memebers de
jour, and de papers are fu barred from use be cause de facto de
matter is de arkmatter of de co lighters - not de collider - but
de arkmatter...and suddentlee de cor feed imploded and der waz come
pleat de solation sing lehan dedly... I nowd it wad gownna haooen
de fact o de matter.....dats my position de jours ? if u don
mind, I'll take it if its not de jours - unt ju got de signed
papers / awbenzee papers / den go to de cide ifn you dunna
reee memberz; we cann een onefella svoop dee stroy alla corfid
yusta like dat, and implode eet tewa keenkadumcumbal,
habnzeepapers wid de code, did you decode de signed papers ?
were few barred from dis position at de position of de baord re;
de deposition,vat dwee due Ron, vut ayre ugwin todue in deposition yer in de chair de jour de papers said is de facto de matter -de dark matter again is de fault , our defauklt position doe the deposition.......vee haf de stroyt all uf corfeed in da vun a du two
a du tree auh-oh oya boya holee sheetmaroly lessa get outta heer sheesa
gwin to blowa hlein deuni verse, I nowdit , I nowdit, I nowdit, Ron, ve done a dooe it to all offa corffe sin gle handedlee. Gut God, gute food, lesseat. Passa dedar kamadder.ayeesh eesa wonna theeng orn udder.
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 09-26-2008 at 05:35 PM. Reason: missing info
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Old 09-26-2008, 03:05 PM   #297
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by geodeticman.5 View Post
Ron, vut ayre ugwin todue in deposition yer in de chair de jour de papers said is de facto de matter -de dark matter again is de fault , our defauklt position doe the deposition.......vee haf de stroyt all uf corfeed in da vun a du two
Well, the first thing I'm going to do is consult with a lawyer who has also represented Lawrence Welk.
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Old 09-26-2008, 04:51 PM   #298
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Ron - Ahma gladdajue gotta delaffer outer dat vun eesa good vuzzan eed ?

Anna bya vay youa ddena grreyda yobonna de postion of de deposition od de songa yousirryobba gotta so allrightyya. And guttenberg a de job ammmasoa proudayouRon - issa nuttin ayre id now iizzt ? LOL Good laugh for me too Ron, I needed to cut up a little. CORFID seems intact ,have fun.

Sometimes the program database thing makes it seem a little too impersonal, its good to talk like humana beeyinks huwhaddyathina ?
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen

Last edited by geodeticman.5; 09-26-2008 at 05:17 PM.
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Old 09-26-2008, 05:15 PM   #299
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

Originally Posted by RM View Post
Well, the first thing I'm going to do is consult with a lawyer who has also represented Lawrence Welk.
Vell, Aymaavail ubblfourde lowa pricer danna you geetennaweirrsyobetcha.

I canna talkadasirkullaanadetryayngells urronna demma uddergiza huh?

yusta calla me veeya wewreyeeab outtadebuxa layderz , huh u Ron ?

ahma inna da trifty nikkul payper ya, eesa beddera delaanna datta foneybukeah !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
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Old 09-26-2008, 05:44 PM   #300
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Default Re: GL Lyrics fan(atics) fun quizzers and more !

OK GUYS JUST A REMINDER Q's 140,141,143, & 144 are still open !
~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen
geodeticman.5 is offline   Reply With Quote

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