Could be worse John m'dear. At work, one of my passwords has to include both numbers and letters and one of those blasted upper case symbols. Not only that, the letters can't spell a real word and at least one has to be capitalized. Presumably so that it can't be figured out and broken in to..and that would make sense if it was the password to get into patient information, but it's not. It's the one for my work email, which rarely contains anything more private or confidential than when the next newsletter is coming out and what the deadline is to submit an article. (granted the CEO and the MDs probably get emails that are a little more confidential than that. lol) To get into the medical records of the patients, all that is needed is a password with letters (that can spell a word) and one number...just like my space. Tell me, does that make any sense? That's my password rant.
I've visited my space a couple of times only because when I googled some long lost relatives, one of the things that came up was a my space link. So I checked it out. But I just read the face page...having heard less than stellar things about my space, I wasn't gonna sign in to read blogs, etc. of a young lady who seem to have written off the side of the family (her dad) that I am in.