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Old 07-20-2002, 02:46 PM   #11
Posts: n/a

I haven't posted here in a long time, nor do I post on the newsgroup much if at all these days either, but I can't agree that there should be only one place that Lightfoot fans should hold discussions. As has already been pointed out, each venue has a different "personality," either of which some folks might be more comfortable with. On the newsgroup for example, although it is certainly a polite and civil forum, many threads often start out interesting, but seem to turn into a personal conversation between three or four people. Once in a while is no problem, but I think when it becomes constant like it has in the last few years, it tends to make some others shy of posting.
The threads here are diverse and usually stay on topic. Usually.
Also Val, I have to disagree with you about your statement that newbies would be more likely to stumble upon the newsgroup than this forum. I've met more then a few people in the last few years, who think that the world wide web IS the internet. I'm not talking about just AOLers either, on the contrary, while its rather easy for someone with AOL to locate newsgroups, people on other ISPs often have no idea how to locate them or that they even exist. Seems like a great deal of newbies, and oldies for that matter seek out information soley on web search engines. This site, despite not being updated a while, still as far as I know, will show up on a websearch.
I think if this discussion forum were abandoned, less people would actually wind up finding the newsgroup since they would wind up never communitcating with people here who would have other wise have told them about it. I'm sure all of us who have been around for a while have met people on one forum or another, who have thought it was the one out there till they asked about others. If the one they'd found first had been abandoned, they would have never found the others.
Therefor, as far as I'm concerned, the more the merrier.
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