Thread: Napa
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Old 08-15-2009, 10:10 AM   #19
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Default Re: Napa

HI, TC! I wondered whether you'd be going or not. I think you're the one who was able to use my ticket in Stockton last year. Yep, I'm going. Glad that I don't have to jump a plane and rent a motel room to see The Band!

If NVOH personnel are a good idea as to how this venue will be, it will be wonderful - I called them over the past several months asking when the tickets would go on sale, and have talked and e-mailed to a Julie, who works there. So pleasant and helpful! HOWEVER, it thought that the last sentence of the second paragraph telling us of the NVOH concert left me scratching my head - I don't think I'd ever seen that before: It indicated that Lightfoot's concert was being underwritten. I've seen that on movies but never a concert. (Heard in the past that movie companies do this to protect themselves in case the star can't make the movie. Don't know why they decided to publicize this. Who cares? AND I agree, the prices are steep. Kind of reminded me of an OLD Steve Martin bit where he says (paraphrasing), "I think it's great that I can fill these stadiums but I have to do so many appearances. I think I'll just do one concert in a stadium and the price will be $10,000. One appearance - GOODBYE! Wonder if the prices reflect that underwriting thing, and people going to the concert have to pay for the underwriting!
"You don't have to play to win, but then you might!" (I draw to inside straights....)
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