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Go Back   Gordon Lightfoot Forums > Members List

geodeticman.5 geodeticman.5 is offline

Senior Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. !!alex
    11-03-2010 04:40 PM
  2. !!alex
    10-29-2010 05:41 PM
  3. charliepreston_32
    09-02-2010 03:59 PM
    charliepreston_32 is my home. Yupiiiiii, charlie is mad kids! Yahoo
  4. cocoyu113
  5. SherylKat
    11-01-2008 02:09 PM
    Hi, Geo! Will respond later - head hurts - shouldn't drink Jaeger shots! Sheryl
  6. SherylKat
    11-01-2008 02:58 AM

    It's just you and me at this time of the morning! Thinking of posting a note, how can anybody think the best album is anything but "Sundown"? Incredible songs!

    Enjoy that one hour's extra being in bed, and not feeling guilty!
  7. SherylKat
    08-23-2008 02:08 PM
    Hi, thanks for the message! Sorry, things have been popping around here. Will try to get back to you by next week - by the way, the "arborite" thing I asked Char about and she said it was countertop material. I think that's what it said on the mystery continues...


About Me

  • About geodeticman.5
    widower;Father,published maps&GISpapers&MapsInUS Libr. of Congress;NACO Award;Cert. Cadastral Mapper
    Eastern Slope urban corridor, Colo. USA
    collect:maps&pocketwatchs&pocketknives;WAS a:climber,snowshoer,backpacker, NOW a canoeist
    Gov. G.I.S. Analyst/Mapping Sciences Specialist recovering from medical disability
  • Signature
    ~geo Steve . :"I will leave my footprints there to lie beneath the snow" ~gl
    Quote to ponder: "A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed." ~ Henrik Ibsen


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 08-15-2016 06:31 PM
  • Join Date: 07-10-2008

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