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Go Back   Gordon Lightfoot Forums > KHester

Conversation Between KHester and charlene
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. charlene
    03-27-2009 09:44 PM
    hi - yep there's a lot of spam by all kinds of posters. just ignore them. when i see them i delete them. sometimes i get them before anyone sees them and other days if i'm too busy they dont' get done till i sit down and see them.
    just ignore them..You can usually tell it's spam by the posters's usually just a bunch of letters and maybe a number or two.
    it seems to go in cylces..the last few weeks have been crazy and i'd guess i've deleted 12-15 dozen before anyone saw them.
    I know they're there and as long as they aren't offensive they're not harmful just ignore them. .

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